9.31.140   Appeal of decision following administrative review of emergency response fee.
   Where the chief of police renders a decision affirming a determination to assess an emergency response fee, in whole or in part, after administratively reviewing the determination in the manner provided by this chapter, the person against whom the fee was assessed and who requested administrative review of such determination, may appeal the decision to the city manager within 15 days from the date that notice of the decision of the chief of police was mailed to the person requesting administrative review.
   Upon receiving an appeal, the city manager shall review the decision of the chief of police and may request additional information from either the appellant or the chief of police in considering the appeal. The city manager may affirm, reverse, or modify the decision of the chief of police. Notice of the city manager’s decision shall be made in writing by depositing notice of the decision in the United States mail, first class postage prepaid, to the appellant. The city manager’s decision on the appeal shall be final and may not be appealed to the city council.
(Ord. 2447)