Chapter 9.52
9.52.010   In public ways.
9.52.010   In public ways.
   It shall be unlawful for any person in or on any street, sidewalk or other public way to importune or solicit any other person by word of mouth, gesture or otherwise to enter a place where goods, wares or merchandise is sold or where, for a price or a donation, services are offered or any exhibition, motion picture, play or performance is shown.
   It shall be unlawful for anyone who is visible or audible to any person on any street, sidewalk or other public way, in a loud, boisterous, raucous, offensive or insulting manner, to importune or solicit any other person to enter a place where goods, wares or merchandise is sold or where, for a price or a donation, services are offered or any exhibition, motion picture, play or performance is shown.
(Prior code §23.9 (Ord. 522))