The purpose of this chapter is to encourage security alarm users and security alarm monitoring companies to maintain the operational reliability and the proper use of alarm systems in order to reduce unnecessary police responses to false alarms and to require in-person or other independent verification before responding to emergency calls at premises where an automatic property and/or automatic burglary alarm system has a record of unreliability.
The express purpose of this chapter is to provide for and promote the health, safety and welfare of the general public, and not to protect individuals or create or otherwise establish or designate any particular class or group of persons who will or should be especially affected by the terms of this chapter. This chapter imposes or creates no duties on the part of the city or any of its departments, and the obligation of complying with the requirements of this chapter, and any liability for failing to do so, is placed upon the parties responsible for using, owning, operating, monitoring or maintaining automatic alarm systems.
(Ord. 2452, Ord. 2460 §1 (part))