The director of emergency services shall have the following powers and duties.
A. To prescribe the organization and functions of the city’s emergency services organization.
B. To direct and control the operations of the city’s emergency services organization during an emergency.
C. To coordinate the services, activities and staff of the emergency services organization and resolve questions of authority and responsibility between its component parts.
D. To represent the city in all its relationships with public and private agencies pertaining to emergencies.
E. To prepare and recommend to the city council for enactment such ordinances, resolutions, agreements, emergency plans, or modifications thereof, as may be appropriate and required for the functioning of the emergency services organization.
F. To promulgate such rules and regulations as may be appropriate and required for the functioning of the emergency services organization during emergencies, provided that such rules and regulations shall be consistent with the provisions of the charter, the code and the laws of the state.
G. To procure such vital supplies, equipment, services, facilities and the like as may be required for the functioning of the emergency services organization during emergencies and, if required, to commandeer the same, including such as may be in the possession of any office or department of the city.
H. To require the performance of emergency services by any city officer or employee during the existence of a proclaimed emergency and to command the aid of as many citizens of the city as may be deemed necessary to perform emergency duties. Any such persons commandeered shall be entitled to all of the privileges, benefits and immunities as are provided by the laws of the state for registered emergency services workers.
I. Except as otherwise provided in this code, to have complete authority over the city and the right to exercise all police powers vested in the city by the constitution and general laws of the state, the charter of the city and by this code during an emergency, as well as to exercise all of the city manager’s ordinary powers, all of the special emergency powers conferred by this chapter or by resolution of the city council and all such other powers conferred by any agreement or any other lawful authority.
(Ord. 2100)