12R.04.115   Dogs - Leash requirements - Exception - Dog Off-leash Areas.
   A.   A dog may be off-leash in Bidwell Park if the dog is under the effective control of its owner or specifically in these areas:
      1.   In Lower Park each day between 5:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m., Pacific Time, as delineated on Exhibits “H” and “J”.
      2.   Northerly of the Upper Park Road in Middle and Upper Park, as delineated on Exhibits “I” and “L”, each day between 5:00 a.m. and thirty (30) minutes after sunset.
   B.   The dog exercise areas delineated in this section do not include any portion of the Upper Bidwell Park Road, the shoulders thereof, or the unpaved extension of such road and shoulders thereof.
   C.   Off-leash privileges provided herein shall not apply in areas posted with signs prohibiting dogs or in areas that dogs are otherwise prohibited.
(Res. No. 39 02-03) (Res. No. 31-13 §10)