2.31.030   Organization.
   The department shall be headed by a community development director who shall be responsible for the direction and control of all functions and duties assigned to the department.
   The director shall:
   A.   Act as the planning director of the city, unless that position is separately appointed.
   B   Manage the functions and duties assigned to the department by Section 2.31.020 and any other provisions of this code;
   C.   Serve as liaison to state and federal agencies with permitting or regulatory authority over natural resources that affects city and private projects within the city’s planning area, or delegate this duty to department personnel with the appropriate level of training and experience to substitute for the director;
   D.   Attend meetings of the planning commission, the airport commission when acting as the planning commission, and the architectural review board, or delegate those duties to department personnel with the appropriate level of training and experience to substitute for the director;
   E.   As needed, attend meetings of the council;
   F.   Recommend revisions of or amendments to the rules, regulations or operations of the city concerning the department’s functions and duties; and
   G.   Perform related duties, not inconsistent with the city charter or this code, as the city manager may direct.
(Ord. 2439, §2)