19.44.030   Commercial and office zone general development standards.
   The requirements in Table 4-7 shall apply to new land uses and structures, and alterations to existing land uses and structures, in addition to any applicable development standards (such as landscaping, parking and loading) in Division V.
(Ord. 2185; Ord. 2223, Ord. 2427 §19, Ord. 2519 §17)
Development Feature
Requirement by Zoning District
Development Feature
Requirement by Zoning District
Minimum Lot Size
   Minimum area
6,000 sq.ft., interior lots
7,000 sq.ft., corner lots
10,000 sq.ft.
   Minimum width at front setback line
Residential Density (affordable housing projects, refer to (3))
6-20 units per gross acre. Exclusively residential projects shall comply with the residential setback requirements in Table 4-3C and the landscape standards in Chapter 19.68 based upon the project density and corresponding residential zoning district.
Setbacks Required (1)
15 ft.
None required, except where the side of the parcel abuts an R zoning district, the same front setback shall be required as in the R district.
5 ft.; plus 5 ft. for each story over the first where setback abuts an RS or R1 district.
10 ft. where the side of the parcel abuts an R district; none elsewhere
   Street side
10 ft.
10 ft. abutting an alley;
15 ft. elsewhere, plus 5 ft. for each story over the first where setback abuts an RS or R1 district.
   Accessory structures
See Section 19.76.020 (Accessory uses and structures).
See Section 19.68.040 (Landscape installation requirements).
Site Coverage, Maximum
85% (2)
Height Limits
35 ft. for main buildings;
25 ft. for accessory structures.
45 ft.;
25 ft., within 25 ft. of an abutting R zoning district boundary.
Development Feature
Requirement by Zoning District
Development Feature
Requirement by Zoning District
Minimum Lot Size
   Minimum area
6,000 sq.ft., interior lots
7,000 sq.ft., corner lots
   Minimum width at front setback line
Residential Density (affordable housing projects, refer to (3))
6-22 units per gross acre. Exclusively residential projects shall comply with the residential setback requirements in Table 4-3C and the landscape standards in Chapter 19.68 based upon the project density and corresponding residential zoning district.
See Section 19.68.040 (Landscape installation requirements).
Setbacks Required (1)
None required, except where the block is partly within an R zoning district, the same front setback shall be required as in the R district.
20 ft. where the side of the parcel abuts an R district; none elsewhere.
10 ft. where the side of the parcel abuts an R district; lesser setbacks may be approved through the Design Review process when abutting an alley. No setback required elsewhere.
   Street side
10 ft. where the side of the parcel abuts an R district; none elsewhere.
20 ft. where the rear of the parcel abuts an R district; none elsewhere.
10 ft. where the rear of the parcel abuts an R district; none elsewhere.
   Accessory structures
See Section 19.76.020 (Accessory uses and structures).
Site Coverage, Maximum
95% (2)
Height Limits
35 ft. for main buildings;
15 ft. for accessory structures;
25 ft. for accessory structures, with use permit approval.
57 ft. Lesser height may be required through the Design Review process where the parcel abuts an R district.
Development Feature
Requirement by Zoning District
Development Feature
Requirement by Zoning District
Minimum Lot Area
10,000 sq.ft.
Residential Density (affordable housing projects, refer to (3))
6-22 units per gross acre. Exclusively residential projects shall comply with the residential setback requirements in Table 4-3C and the landscape standards in Chapter 19.68 based upon the project density and corresponding residential zoning district.
See Section 19.68.040 (Landscape installation requirements).
Setbacks Required
None required, except where the block is partly within an R zoning district, the same front setback shall be required as in the R district.
   Sides (each) (1)
Street side
10 ft. where the side of the parcel abuts an R district; none elsewhere.   
   Rear (1)
10 ft. where the rear of the parcel abuts an R district; none elsewhere.
   Accessory structures
See Section 19.76.020 (Accessory uses and structures).
Site Coverage, Maximum
100% (2)
See Section 19.68.040 (Landscape installation requirements).
Height Limits
85 ft.
Minimum height of two stories for new construction
85 ft.
Development Feature
Requirement by Zoning District
Development Feature
Requirement by Zoning District
Minimum Lot Area
10,000 sq.ft.
Residential Density (affordable housing projects, refer to (3))
None allowed.
6 to 50 units per gross acre
Exclusively residential projects shall comply with the residential setback requirements in Table 4-3C and the landscape standards in Chapter 19.68 based upon the project density and corresponding residential zoning district.
See Section 19.68.040 (Landscape installation requirements).
Setbacks Required
None required, except where the block is partly within an R zoning district, the same front setback shall be required as in the R district.
10 ft. where the side of the parcel abuts an R district; none elsewhere.
10 ft. where the side of the parcel abuts an R district; none elsewhere.
   Street side
10 ft. where the side of the parcel abuts an R district; none elsewhere.
10 ft. where the side of the parcel abuts an R district; none elsewhere.
10 ft. where the rear of the parcel abuts an R district; none elsewhere.
10 ft. where the side of the parcel abuts an R district; none elsewhere.
   Accessory structures
See Section 19.76.020 (Accessory uses and structures).
Site Coverage, Maximum
See Section 19.68.040 (Landscape installation requirements).
See Section 19.68.040 (Landscape installation requirements).
Height Limits
57 ft. Lesser height may be required through the Design Review process where the parcel abuts an R district.
57 ft. Lesser height may be required through the Design Review process where the parcel abuts an R district.
(1)   A minimum 6-foot landscape buffer shall be included along the rear or side property line abutting the residential use.
(2)   The Architectural Review and Historic Preservation Board may require less coverage and more landscaped open area to provide visual relief or contrast, or to screen incompatible or obtrusive features.
(3)   Multi-family residential uses are permitted to develop up to 30 dwelling units per acre if at least 15% of the units are deed restricted housing affordable to low-incomes at or below 80% of AMI.
(Ord. 2427 §19, Ord. 2435 §23, Ord. 2440 §27, Ord. 2494 §24, Ord. 2519 §17, Ord. 2580 §12; Ord. 2600)