14B-15-1500 Defined terms.
14B-15-1501 General.
14B-15-1502 Roof drainage.
14B-15-1503 Weather protection.
14B-15-1504 Performance requirements.
14B-15-1505 Fire classification.
14B-15-1506 Materials.
14B-15-1507 Requirements for roof coverings.
14B-15-1508 Roof insulation.
14B-15-1509 Radiant barriers installed above deck.
14B-15-1510 Unoccupied rooftop structures.
14B-15-1511 Reroofing.
14B-15-1512 IBC Section 1512.
14B-15-1513 Occupiable rooftops.
14B-15-1514 Vegetative roofs, roof gardens and landscaped roofs.
14B-15-1515 Solar reflectance.
14B-15-1516 Interior roof edge for shafts and fully enclosed courts.
Where provisions of Chapter 15 of IBC are adopted by reference, the following terms shall be reset in italic type: "built-up roof covering"; "interlayment"; "grade plane"; "metal roof panel"; "metal roof shingle"; "roof assembly"; "roof covering"; "roof covering system"; "roof deck"; "rooftop structures"; "single-ply membrane"; "skylights and sloped glazing" and "underlayment."
The provisions of Section 1501 of IBC are adopted by reference with the following modification:
1. Add a new Section 1501.1.1 to read:
"1501.1.1 Dormers.
Dormers shall either be of the same type of construction as required for the roof assembly in which such dormers are located or the same type of construction as required for the exterior walls of the building."
The provisions of Section 1502 of IBC are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1. Revise Section 1502.1 to read:
"1502.1 General.
Design and installation of roof drainage systems shall comply with Section 1502 of this code and Section 1106 of the Chicago Plumbing Code."
2. Delete Section 1502.2.
3. Delete Section 1502.3.
4. Revise Section 1502.4 to read:
"1502.4 Gutters.
Gutters and leaders placed on the exterior of buildings shall be of noncombustible material.
1. One-story buildings.
2. Buildings of Group R occupancy with no more than 4 stories above grade plane.
3. Buildings of Type V construction."
(Amend Coun. J. 7-24-19, p. 3646, § 32; Amend Coun. J. 2-19-20, p. 14473, Art. II, § 65)
The provisions of Section 1504 of IBC are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1. Revise Section 1504.1.1 to read:
"1504.1.1 Wind resistance of asphalt shingles.
Asphalt shingles shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D7158 and have a classification of D, G or H. Asphalt shingle packaging shall bear a label to indicate compliance with ASTM D7158 and the required classification.
Exception: Asphalt shingles not included in the scope of ASTM D7158 shall be tested and labeled in accordance with ASTM D3161 and have a classification of A, D or F. Asphalt shingle packaging shall bear a label to indicate compliance with ASTM D3161 and the required classification."
1.1. Delete Table 1504.1.1.
1.2. Revise Section 1504.4 to read:
"1504.4 Ballasted low-sloped roof systems.
Ballasted low-sloped roof single-ply roof system coverings installed in accordance with Sections 1507.12 and 1507.13 shall be designed in accordance with Section 1504.8 and ANSI/SPRI RP-4."
2. Revise Section 1504.5 to read:
"1504.5 Edge securement for low-sloped roofs.
Low-sloped roof built-up, modified bitumen and single-ply roof system metal edge securement, except gutters, shall be designed and installed for wind loads in accordance with Chapter 16 and tested for resistance in accordance with Test Methods RE-1, RE-2 and RE-3 of ANSI/SPRI ES-1, except basic design wind speed, V, shall be determined from Section 1609.3."
3. Revise Section 1504.6 to read:
"1504.6 Physical properties.
Roof coverings installed on low-sloped roofs in accordance with Section 1507 shall demonstrate physical integrity over the working life of the roof based on 2,000 hours of exposure to accelerated weathering tests conducted in accordance with ASTM G152, ASTM G154 or ASTM G155. Those roof coverings that are subject to cyclical flexural response due to wind loads shall not demonstrate any significant loss of tensile strength for unreinforced membranes or breaking strength for reinforced membranes when tested as herein required."
4. Revise Section 1504.7 to read:
"1504.7 Impact resistance.
Roof coverings installed on low-sloped roofs in accordance with Section 1507 shall resist impact damage based on the results of tests conducted in accordance with ASTM D3746, ASTM D4272 or the "Resistance to Foot Traffic Test" in Section 5.5 of FM 4470."
5. Revise Section 1504.8 to read:
"1504.8 Surfacing and ballast materials.
For a building with a mean roof height exceeding that permitted by Table 1504.8 based on the exposure category, the following materials shall not be used on the roof:
1. Aggregate used as surfacing for roof coverings.
2. Aggregate, gravel or stone used as ballast."
6. Replace Table 1504.8 as shown:
TABLE 1504.8
Exposure category c | |||
| |
I or II | 55 | 55 | 30 |
III | 55 | 40 | 20 |
IV | 55 | 25 | NP |
For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm
NP = gravel and stone not permitted for any roof height.
a. Mean roof height as defined in ASCE 7.
b. Risk category shall be determined in accordance with Section 1604.5.
c. Exposure category shall be determined in accordance with Section 1609.4.3.
(Amend Coun. J. 2-19-20, p. 14473, Art. II, § 66)