(a) The commissioner is authorized to select an application or applications for the dispatching of taxicab vehicles. Applications shall be accessible by internet-enabled devices, a digital platform or telephone, or any other method approved by the commissioner. The commissioner is authorized to issue a solicitation, and to select an entity or entities, pursuant to such solicitation, to provide its dispatching service applications to taxicab vehicles. The regulations may also require the designated application providers to maintain and provide to the City verifiable records regarding the reliability of the dispatching service applications in responding to any request for service.
(b) The commissioner is also authorized to require every licensee's taxicabs to use one of the applications designated by the commissioner.
(c) The commissioner may allow the entity providing the application to assess fees, consistent with rules to be promulgated by the commissioner, covering the costs incurred by the entity providing the application in making the application available for use by the taxicabs, drivers and public.
(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit a licensee from being affiliated with or dispatched by another two-way dispatch system in addition to the applications designated in subsection (a) above.
(e) The commissioner is authorized to adopt rules and regulations for the proper administration of this section.
(Added Coun. J. 12-10-14, p. 101074, § 4)
(a) (1) The Commissioner is authorized by rule to further regulate wheelchair-accessible vehicle taxicabs, wheelchair-accessible transportation network vehicles, and a centralized dispatch system for wheelchair-accessible vehicle taxicabs or wheelchair-accessible transportation network vehicles, or both.
(2) The Commissioner is authorized to negotiate and enter into agreements with outside providers to manage and operate a centralized dispatch system for wheelchair-accessible vehicle taxicabs or wheelchair-accessible transportation network vehicles, or both; and, in connection with such agreements, to enter into and execute all such other instruments and to perform any and all acts, including the allocation and expenditure of duly appropriated funds, as shall be necessary or advisable in connection with the implementation of such agreements and any renewals thereto. A centralized dispatch system agreement authorized under this subsection (a)(2) may provide for the dispatching of a wheelchair-accessible vehicle taxicab or a wheelchair-accessible transportation network vehicle for the transportation of an unoccupied wheelchair that is left behind by a person in a wheelchair because of a technical failure affecting the wheelchair or when such person is transported without the wheelchair due to a medical emergency.
(3) The Commissioner is authorized to assess the costs of such centralized dispatch system upon those licensees, or transportation network licensees, as the term is defined in Section 9-115-010, with wheelchair-accessible vehicle taxicabs and wheelchair-accessible transportation network vehicles.
(b) (1) Any single licensee that owns or controls 20 or more licenses must place into service wheelchair-accessible vehicles as taxicabs on five percent of its taxicab vehicle fleet.
(2) In addition to compliance with subparagraph (b)(1) of this section, any licensee that owns or controls 10 or more taxicab licenses shall have at least 10 percent of its taxicab fleet be wheelchair-accessible vehicles by January 1, 2018, subject to the Commissioner’s determination that the demand for wheelchair-accessible vehicles is being met. Effective January 1, 2017, if a licensee subject to this subsection (b)(2) replaces any taxicab vehicle, the replacement vehicle, until the licensee complies with the requirement of this subsection (b)(2), shall be a wheelchair-accessible vehicle.
(3) Any licensee that owns or controls 5 or more taxicab licenses shall have a total of at least 25 percent of its taxicab fleet be wheelchair-accessible vehicles by January 1, 2027. Effective January 1, 2025, if a licensee subject to this subsection (b)(3) replaces any taxicab vehicle, the replacement vehicle, until the licensee complies with the requirement of this subsection (b)(3), shall be a wheelchair-accessible vehicle.
(4) If accessibility fund monies are available, in addition to other uses provided in this Code, they shall be used to reimburse the additional costs associated with purchasing vehicles to be used as taxicabs that are fully wheelchair-accessible as provided in the definition of the term “accessibility fund”.
(5) If a licensee replaces a wheelchair-accessible vehicle taxicab, the replacement vehicle shall also be a wheelchair-accessible vehicle taxicab.
(c) In determining the wheelchair-accessible vehicle taxicabs requirements above, the City will add up the total number of licenses held by a single licensee. The total number of licenses that each licensee holds will be based on the total licenses in each corporation, or legal entity, in which he holds a 25 percent or greater share of ownership interest including, but not limited to, stocks and shares.
(d) Each taxicab affiliation must have verifiable records, in a form designated by the Commissioner by rule, regarding the response of the taxicab affiliation to each request for a wheelchair-accessible vehicle. Each taxicab affiliation shall provide such records to the Commissioner upon request for same.
(e) The Department shall audit the centralized dispatch for wheelchair-accessible vehicles and wheelchair-accessible transportation network vehicles on an annual basis. If the Department finds that the centralized dispatch is not serving the goals of the disabled community, the Department shall take such actions as are necessary to ensure that the disabled community is served in a timely manner.
(f) The Commissioner may periodically engage in conversations with wheelchair-access transportation services passengers and stakeholders to assess wheelchair-accessible vehicle taxicabs and wheelchair-accessible transportation network vehicles quality of service.
(Added Coun. J. 1-18-12, p. 19118, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 5-28-14, p. 82771, § 4; Amend Coun. J. 10-28-15, p. 12062, Art. XI, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 11-21-17, p. 61755, Art. IX, § 22; Amend Coun. J. 5-20-20, p. 17024, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 6-25-21, p. 31925, Art. VI, § 6; Amend Coun. J. 12-16-24, p. 23004, Part 1, Art. I, § 1)
(a) In each calendar year, up to ten taxicab medallion licenses may be awarded to those individuals who have demonstrated, through their actions as licensed public chauffeurs, the greatest dedication to providing service to persons needing wheelchair-accessible vehicles. Awardees must place awarded medallion licenses onto wheelchair-accessible vehicles.
(b) The Commissioner is authorized to develop and administer a taxicab driver incentive program to promote outstanding taxicab service. Program awards may include the granting of up to two taxicab medallion licenses per calendar year.
(Added Coun. J. 1-18-12, p. 19118, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 2-10-16, p. 18543, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-21-17, p. 61755, Art. IX, § 23; Amend Coun. J. 6-25-21, p. 31925, Art. VI, § 6; Amend Coun. J. 12-16-24, p. 23004, Part 1, Art. I, § 1)
The Taxi Access Program (T.A.P.) gives certified paratransit customers an opportunity to travel in taxis at reduced rates for trips that originate within the City of Chicago.
As a condition of being licensed, every licensee and taxicab affiliation must participate in and comply with T.A.P. or similar program providing for increased access to taxicab service to persons with disabilities.
Compliance with T.A.P. includes accepting and processing T.A.P. forms of payment, such as the T.A.P. swipe card.
(Added Coun. J. 1-18-12, p. 19118, § 1)
Group or multiple riding is permitted in taxicabs only when:
(a) The passenger first hiring the taxicab has directed or agreed voluntarily that he be carried as part of a group or multiple ride; provided that the total fare charged to all of the passengers shall not in the aggregate exceed the rate of fare permitted for such trip under Section 9-112-600; or
(b) The commissioner has, by regulation or rule, designated specified places, times or routes where groups of passengers may be carried in a single taxicab at rates of fare which the commissioner may specify for such group trips.
(Added Coun. J. 1-18-12, p. 19118, § 1)
(a) The rates of fare for taxicabs shall be as set forth in this section:
For the first 1/9 mile or fraction thereof: | $3.25 |
Forty-five cents of this initial mileage rate for the first ten taxicab fares which a driver transports per day is hereby designated for payment of workers' compensation insurance. In addition, forty cents of this initial mileage rate for the first five taxicab fares per every 12-hour lease period is hereby designated as intended for payment of the City's ground transportation tax by the licensee; and ten cents of this initial mileage rate for the first five taxicab fares per every 12-hour lease period is hereby designated as intended for payment of City's accessibility fund fee by the licensee.
| |
For each additional 1/9 mile or fraction thereof: |
For each 36 seconds of time elapsed: | $0.20 |
For the first additional passenger over the age of 12 years and under the age of 65 years: | $1.00 |
For each additional passenger, after the first additional passenger, over the age of 12 and under the age of 65 years: | $0.50 |
Vomit clean-up fee: | $50.00 |
(b) Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, it is unlawful for any person to demand or collect any fare for taxicab service which is more than the rates established in this section, or for any passenger to refuse payment of the fare so registered.
(b-1) Nothing provided in this section shall prohibit a chauffeur from charging a customer a convenience fee on non-cash payments for taxi service not to exceed 50 cents per transaction, subject to applicable laws and applicable contractual provisions addressing such transactions. The convenience fee shall be used only to cover any portion of the processing fee and related costs that a licensee incurs to accept non-cash payments for taxi service through credit card processing equipment approved by the Department.
(c) If a taxicab is dispatched to transport a customer at the customer's request, the taximeter may be activated two minutes after the arrival of the taxicab at the location to which it has been called, or at the time at which the taxicab was scheduled to arrive, whichever is later. At all other times, the taximeter may be activated only upon the passenger's entering the vehicle.
(d) Immediately on arrival at the passenger's destination it shall be the duty of the chauffeur to put the meter in the non-recording position and to call the passenger's attention to the fare registered.
(e) For destinations beyond the City limits, the charge shall be straight meter fare to the City limits and straight meter fare and a half from the City limits to the final destination, except for airport service as specified in 9-112-560 of this Code.
(f) Baggage of passengers shall be transported without charge.
(g) The City Council may from time to time revise the rates of fare by general ordinance in conformity with the provision hereinafter set forth, which rates shall be just and reasonable. The council, through its committee on transportation and public way, may hold a hearing to determine whether a revision of the rates of fare is necessary. At such public hearings the committee shall:
(i) consider the sworn statements of gross income and expenses submitted by the licensees or chauffeurs;
(ii) consider the testimony and other evidence from any licensee or chauffeur who may wish to testify in support of the requested increase;
(iii) consider the effect of an increase in fares upon the public and take testimony from any interested individual or organization;
(iv) consider the fares and practices with respect to similar services in other cities of the United States;
(v) consider all other evidence or testimony which the committee deems to be relevant and material to a proper determination.
Upon completion of such hearings, said committee shall report to the council its findings and recommendations concerning a just and reasonable rate of fare. If after receiving said findings and recommendations from the committee the council determines that a rate increase is proper, it shall increase the rates in an amount to insure adequate and efficient service to the public.
Any revision of rates of fares may be made by a change in the charge for the length of the first designated portion to the trip, or by a change in the charge for the balance of the trip, for waiting time or for each additional passenger or by any combination of such changes. In making any such revision, the council may presume the average length of a trip to be as established by the licensee's most current available records.
The City Council, through its committee on transportation and public way, shall hold hearings to determine whether a general ordinance authorizing such a surcharge may be necessary due to economic conditions affecting all licenses in general. A surcharge authorized by general ordinance under this section shall be of such duration, not to exceed 60 days, as the council may impose by such general ordinance.
(i) A higher rate than the rate provided in this Section may be charged for a taxicab service dispatched through any Internet-enabled application or digital platform for the provision of prearranged ride services by taxicabs, if:
(1) the dispatcher complies with Section 9-114-265; and
(2) the higher rate is a product of the base rate multiplied by a numeric value.
For purposes of this subsection, "base rate" means a taxi fare calculated pursuant to this section using a taximeter that complies with this chapter, or any other mechanism that meets nationally recognized technical and technological standards applicable to fare amount calculation for providing a prearranged transportation service, as such standards are approved by the City Council by ordinance.
(j) (1) Licensees may charge compensation for service based on a flat prearranged fare (for purposes of this subsection, "flat rate") for transportation of passengers between two locations.
(2) Any licensee shall display the licensee's flat rate on such licensee's website and Internet-enabled application or digital platform used by the licensee to connect drivers and passengers.
(3) Except as otherwise provided in Section 9-114-265, it is unlawful for a licensee to charge passengers a fare greater than the fare rate shown on the taximeter or the licensee's Internet-enabled application or digital platform.
(k) A fuel surcharge may be added by the chauffeur of a taxicab to every taxicab fare, as follows:
(1) Except as otherwise provided in item (4) of this subsection, if the price of gasoline equals or exceeds $5.00 per gallon and the Commissioner issues a public vehicle industry notice authorizing fuel surcharge on the rates of fare, the chauffeur of a taxicab may add to the total taxicab fare that would otherwise apply a fuel surcharge as provided in Table 9-112-600. The total fare used to calculate the fuel surcharge shall be based upon the rates of fare listed in Section 9-112-600(a), except for any additional passenger or vomit clean-up fees.
Total fare before applicable taxes or fees | Fuel surcharge |
$20.00 or less | $1.00 |
$20.01 to $40.00 | $2.00 |
$40.01 or more | $3.00 |
(2) If the price of gasoline falls below $5.00 per gallon at any time after such public vehicle industry notice is issued under subsection (k)(1), the Commissioner is authorized to issue a public vehicle industry notice terminating the fuel surcharge. No taxicab chauffeur shall impose a fuel surcharge after the Commissioner has issued a public vehicle industry notice terminating the fuel surcharge.
(3) If a fuel surcharge is authorized by the Commissioner under subsection (k)(1) of this section, no taxicab chauffeur shall add such fuel surcharge to any rate of fare unless the relevant public vehicle industry notice authorizing the fuel surcharge, is posted in a prominent place within the taxicab. The Commissioner may, by rule, specify the location, size, and other features of the public vehicle industry notice required by this subsection (k)(3). After the Commissioner issues a public vehicle industry notice terminating the fuel surcharge, taxicab chauffeurs shall remove the public vehicle industry notice authorizing the fuel surcharge from the taxicab.
(4) It shall be unlawful for any person to add any fuel surcharge to any rate of fare in violation of this subsection (k). In addition to any other penalty provided by law, any person who violates this subsection (k) shall be fined not less than $100.00 nor more than $500.00 for each offense. Each improperly imposed fuel surcharge shall constitute a separate and distinct offense to which a separate fine shall apply.
(5) All public vehicle industry notice issued by the Commissioner under this subsection (k) shall be posted on the Department's website and may be made available by the Commissioner to taxicab chauffeurs and their affiliates using other appropriate means as determined by the Commissioner.
(6) As used in this subsection (k), "Price of gasoline" means the "month ago avg." regular gasoline price for the City of Chicago Statistical Area as published in AAA's Online Gas Prices Report.
(Added Coun. J. 1-18-12, p. 19118, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 12-10-14, p. 101074, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 10-28-15, p. 12062, Art. XI, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 3-16-16, p. 20103, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-21-17, p. 61755, Art. IX, § 24; Amend Coun. J. 6-25-21, p. 31925, Art. VI, § 6; Amend Coun. J. 9-21-22, p. 52002, § 1)
Every person licensed under this chapter shall keep and provide accurate books and records of account of his operations at his place of business in the city for a minimum of three years.
Upon request of the commissioner, licensees must submit requested financial reports or documents within seven business days, and the commissioner reserves the right to audit the finances and reported data of any licensee.
The commissioner, or the authorized committee of the city council, shall have access to the property, books, contracts, accounts and records during normal business hours at said place of business, for such information as may be required for the effective administration and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter, or for the adoption of any ordinances, rules or regulations affecting taxicab operations.
(Added Coun. J. 1-18-12, p. 19118, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 12-10-14, p. 101074, § 3)