Grounds for revocation of a license shall include, but not be limited to, the following grounds:
(1) Abandonment of the licensee's place of business in the City of Chicago;
(2) If any official notice or legal process cannot be served upon a licensee at the Chicago address that the licensee registered with the Department;
(3) Failure to respond to a legal notice or appear in answer to legal process at the time fixed therein;
(4) Failure to pay any judgment or award as provided in Section 9-112-130;
(6) If, while operating a taxicab, a licensee shall have in the licensee's possession or under the licensee's control any illegal controlled substances, alcohol, or drugs;
(7) If licensee solicits any person for transportation to any prostitute;
(8) If licensee operates or permits to be operated more than one vehicle bearing the same taxicab vehicle license number;
(9) In the case of a company licensee, if any officer, shareholder, member or director of the licensee is convicted of a felony, unless the licensee shall sever its relationship with any such officer, shareholder, member or director immediately upon such conviction.
Upon revocation of any license, the licensee shall take all actions to remove all indicia of City licensure from any person or vehicle affected by the license revocation.
(Added Coun. J. 1-18-12, p. 19118, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 9-11-13, p. 59869, § 4; Amend Coun. J. 11-14-18, p. 90308, Art. V, § 9; Amend Coun. J. 6-25-21, p. 31925, Art. VI, § 6)
In the event that the commissioner, after investigation and hearing, shall determine that any licensee (1) has obtained any taxicab license by fraud, misrepresentation, willful misstatement or omission of any material fact, or in case, any licensee shall fail to carry out any representation made to the commissioner before the issuance of such license, or (2) has willfully made any material misstatement of fact on any statement filed with the commissioner, the city comptroller, or the department, or (3) has operated, or caused to be operated, any taxicab vehicle in violation of the provisions of this chapter or of the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to this chapter, or (4) has obtained his license pursuant to a foreclosure of a security interest without having provided the commissioner with the information required under Section 9-112-430, the commissioner may institute proceedings with the department of administrative hearings to revoke any or all taxicab licenses, and any other City licenses held by licensee.
(Added Coun. J. 1-18-12, p. 19118, § 1)
It is unlawful for any person to interfere with or hinder or prevent the Commissioner from discharging any duty in the enforcement of any provision of this Code under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner.
Failure to deliver or submit taxicab vehicles for inspection or for the performance of any other duty by the Commissioner upon demand is considered an interference with Commissioner's duties. Failure to comply with or respond to the Commissioner's request or notices for a formal meeting or production of records and documents is an interference with Commissioner's duties.
(Added Coun. J. 1-18-12, p. 19118, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 6-25-21, p. 31925, Art. VI, § 6)
(a) It is unlawful for any licensee to install and/or display any advertising sign or device on or in a licensed taxicab vehicle before the advertising sign or device is approved by the Commissioner and permitted pursuant to the elements specified in this section and rules promulgated thereunder.
(b) Taxicab licensees or licensed advertising vendors may apply for permits to install and/or display an advertising sign or device on the exterior and interior of the vehicle. A separate permit is required for each exterior and interior advertising display or installation. The Commissioner shall promulgate rules: (1) specifying the locations on the taxicab where advertising signs or devices may be installed or displayed; (2) describing the permissible design, construction and method of affixing the installation or display to the vehicle; and (3) specifying insurance requirements for approving a permit to display an advertising sign or device on or in the taxicab. The rules may also include additional guidelines for such installations or displays and the permit process. In establishing such criteria, considerations shall include:
(1) visual clutter and aesthetics on the public way;
(2) the safety and comfort of passengers, drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists;
(3) the visibility of all information required by this chapter, Department rules, or other laws to be displayed in the interior or on the exterior of taxicabs, including, but not limited to, vehicle numbers, ownership indicia, dome light, and availability signal; and
(4) the visibility of all information required by this chapter, Department rules, or other laws to be displayed on the interior of taxicabs, including, but not limited to, the taximeter, license card display, chauffeur’s license display, rate sheets, and other required information.
(c) The Department shall inform applicants for an advertising display permit under this section whether the application is approved or disapproved within thirty business days after its receipt of the completed application, unless it gives the applicant written notice that it needs an additional thirty business days and the reasons therefor. If the application is approved and the requirements of subsections (d) and (e) complied with, the Department shall issue the advertising display permit. If the Department denies the permit application, it shall provide written notice of its decision within such time period, stating the specific grounds and rules that form the basis for such denial. If the Department fails to so act within thirty business days after receipt of the application, or sixty business days if it has given notice of the need for an additional review period, the application shall be deemed granted and the permit shall be issued, provided that the permit fee has been paid.
(d) The fee for the issuance of any interior or exterior advertising display permit shall be $100.00 for each display, due at the time of application. This fee shall be in addition to the personal property lease transaction tax that applies to lease or rental payments pursuant to Chapter 3-32. An advertising display permit applicant shall have satisfied all debt, as defined in Section 4-4-150, to the City before the Department may issue the permit.
(e) Where the Commissioner has by rule approved any type of advertising display device that involves the installation of a physical apparatus on or in the taxicab vehicle, an inspection is required as part of the advertising permitting process. The fee for such inspection shall be an additional $100.00, due prior to the time of inspection.
(f) An advertising permit issued under this section shall expire one year after the date of issue, unless sooner surrendered, revoked, or terminated.
(g) No permit for advertising issued pursuant to this section shall be transferred or assigned.
(h) The denial, rescission, suspension, or revocation of a license issued pursuant to this chapter shall act as the suspension or revocation of any advertising permit issued hereunder to the affected taxicab vehicles.
(i) In the event that the licensee receives any income from any advertising maintained on or in the vehicle, a portion of such income shall be distributed to any public chauffeur leasing that same vehicle. The Commissioner shall promulgate rules governing the amount of distribution and the method of distribution.
(Added Coun. J. 1-18-12, p. 19118, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 12-10-14, p. 101074, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 11-14-18, p. 90376, Art. IV, § 5; Amend Coun. J. 6-25-21, p. 31925, Art. VI, § 6)
It is the duty of every licensee to notify the commissioner whenever any change in his Chicago address, telephone number, e-mail, or other contact information is made. The licensee must notify the commissioner of such change within three business days of the change. It is proper notice for the commissioner to send notices to the licensee's last Chicago address recorded in the office of the commissioner.
(Added Coun. J. 1-18-12, p. 19118, § 1)