4-17-010 Definitions.
4-17-020 Restricted residential zone – Petition authorized.
4-17-030 Posting and review process.
4-17-040 Ordinance establishing a restricted residential zone.
4-17-045 Ordinances amending a restricted residential zone.
4-17-050 Restricted residential zone – Repeal.
4-17-060 Restricted residential zone – Locations.
4-17-070 Lawfully established uses – Permitted.
4-17-080 Construction of chapter.
4-17-090 Rules.
As used in this Chapter:
"Dwelling unit" has the meaning ascribed to that term in Section 17-17-0248.
"Legal voter" means a person: (1) who is duly registered to vote in the City of Chicago; and (2) whose name appears on a poll list compiled by the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners since the last preceding election, regardless of whether the election was a primary, general or special election; and (3) who, at the relevant time, is a resident of the address in Chicago at which he or she is registered to vote; and (4) whose address, at the relevant time, is located in the precinct where such person seeks to circulate or to sign a petition, within the meaning of Section 4-17-020, for an ordinance establishing that precinct as a restricted residential zone. As used in this definition, the term "relevant time" means at any time that: (i) a notice of intent is filed, pursuant to Section 4-17-030, to initiate the petition process under this Chapter 4-17; or (ii) the petition is circulated for signature in the applicable precinct; or (iii) the petition is signed by registered voters in the applicable precinct.
"Petition" means the Petition described in Section 4-17-020.
"Platform" has the meaning ascribed to that term in Section 4-13-100.
"Precinct" means the smallest constituent territory within the City of Chicago in which electors vote as a unit at the same polling place in any election governed by the Illinois Election Code.
"Primary residence" has the meaning ascribed to that term in Section 4-14-010.
"Provider" has the meaning ascribed to that term in Section 4-13-100.
"Residentially zoned property" means property that bears an RS-1, RS-2, RS-3, RT-3.5, RT-4, RM-5 or RM-4.5 designation pursuant to the Chicago Zoning Ordinance.
"Restricted residential zone" means a precinct within which, in any combination: (1) all new or additional shared housing units or vacation rentals, or both, have been ordained as ineligible for licensing or registration under Chapter 4-14 or Section 4-6-300 of this Code; or (2) all new or additional shared housing units or vacation rentals, or both, that are not their owner's primary residence have been ordained as ineligible for licensing or registration under Chapter 4-14 or Section 4-6-300 of this Code.
"Shared housing unit(s)" has the meaning ascribed to that term in Section 4-14-010.
"Short term residential rental intermediary" has the meaning ascribed to that term in Section 4-13-100.
"Vacation rental(s)" has the meaning ascribed to that term in Section 4-6-300.
(Added Coun. J. 6-22-16, p. 27712, § 11; Amend Coun. J. 11-16-16, p. 37901, Art. VIII, § 6; Amend Coun. J. 9-9-20, p. 20269, § 38; Amend Coun. J. 11-7-22, p. 54948, Art. V, § 4)
The legal voters of any precinct within the City that contains residentially zoned property may petition their local alderman, using a Petition form made available online by the City Clerk, to introduce an ordinance establishing that precinct as a restricted residential zone. Such Petition shall specify whether it seeks an ordinance to prohibit within the precinct, and in what combination: (1) all new or additional shared housing units or vacation rentals, or both; or (2) all new or additional shared housing units or vacation rentals, or both, that are not their owner's primary residence. Upon receiving a Petition containing the signatures of at least 25% of the registered voters of the precinct, and concluding that the Petition is legally sufficient following the posting and review process in Section 4-17-030, the City Clerk shall notify the local alderman of the ward in which the precinct is located. Upon being notified, that alderman, following an assessment of relevant factors within the precinct, including its geography, density and character, the prevalence of residentially zoned property, current shared housing units and vacation rentals in the precinct, and the prevailing viewpoint with regard to the issue raised in the Petition, may introduce an ordinance creating a restricted residential zone in that precinct, in accordance with Section 4-17-040.
(Added Coun. J. 6-22-16, p. 27712, § 11)
(a) A person seeking to initiate the Petition process described in this Chapter shall first submit to the City Clerk notice of intent to do so, on a form made available online by the City Clerk. That notice shall include a description of the potentially affected area and the scope of the restriction sought. The City Clerk shall publicly post the submitted notice online.
(b) To be legally sufficient, a Petition must contain the requisite number of valid signatures and all such signatures must be obtained within 90 days of the date that the City Clerk publicly posts the notice of intent.
(c) Upon receipt, the City Clerk shall post the Petition on the City of Chicago website for a 30-day comment period.
(d) The City Clerk is authorized to take all necessary and appropriate steps to verify the legal sufficiency of a submitted Petition. Following the Petition review and comment period, the City Clerk shall publicly post online the status of the Petition as accepted or rejected, and if rejected, the reason(s) therefor.
(e) If the City Clerk rejects a Petition as legally insufficient, a minimum of twelve months must elapse from the time the City Clerk posts the rejection notice before a new notice of intent for that same precinct may be submitted.
(Added Coun. J. 6-22-16, p. 27712, § 11)
An ordinance introduced pursuant to Section 4-17-020 to establish a restricted residential zone shall:
(a) identify the applicable precinct boundaries as of the date of the Petition; and
(b) state whether the ordinance prohibits, and in what combination, the issuance of (1) all new or additional shared housing units or vacation rentals, or both; or (2) all new or additional shared housing units or vacation rentals, or both, that are not their owner's primary residence.
(c) apply to all such residentially zoned property within that precinct; and
(d) be in effect for four years following the effective date of such ordinance, unless repealed earlier pursuant to Section 4-17-050; and
(e) once in effect, be subject to renewal by ordinance at the expiration of the four year period without the need for another supporting Petition.
(Added Coun. J. 6-22-16, p. 27712, § 11)