4-14-100 Shared housing units – Commissioner's adjustments – When authorized.
   (a)   The commissioner is authorized to grant an adjustment to allow:
      (1)   the operation of a shared housing unit located in:
         (i)   a single family home that is not the shared housing host's primary residence; or
         (ii)   a building containing two to four dwelling units, inclusive, where the dwelling unit is not the shared housing host's primary residence; or
      (2)   in a building containing two to four dwelling units, inclusive, an increase in the number of dwelling units that may be used as shared housing units. Such an adjustment may be approved only if, based on a review of relevant factors, the commissioner concludes that such an adjustment would eliminate an extraordinary burden on the applicant in light of unique or unusual circumstances and would not detrimentally impact the health, safety, or general welfare of surrounding property owners or the general public. Factors which the commissioner may consider with regard to an application for a commissioner's adjustment include, by way of example and not limitation: (i) the relevant geography, (ii) the relevant population density, (iii) the degree to which the sought adjustment varies from the prevailing limitations, (iv) the size of the relevant building and the number of units contemplated for the proposed use, (v) the legal nature and history of the applicant, (vi) the measures the applicant proposes to implement to maintain quiet and security in conjunction with the use, (vii) any extraordinary economic hardship to the applicant, due to special circumstances, that would result from a denial, (viii) any police reports or other records of illegal activity or municipal code violations at the location, and (ix) whether the affected neighbors support or object to the proposed use. The grant of an adjustment shall not exempt the applicant from any application requirement associated with registration of a shared housing unit.
   (b)   An adjustment under subsection (a)(1) may be requested by the shared housing host. An adjustment under subsection (a)(2) may be requested by the owner, homeowners association or board of directors of the building.
   (c)   A person seeking an adjustment shall make a written submission to the commissioner, presenting all factors which the applicant believes to be relevant to whether an adjustment is appropriate. The applicant shall provide a copy of the written submission to the adjoining neighbors. The commissioner shall review the materials and make a written determination within 60 days, which shall set forth the factors used in arriving at the determination. During the 60-day review period, the commissioner shall notify the affected alderman and solicit a recommendation based on the alderman's analysis of relevant factors, and may seek additional information or supplementary proof from the applicant, and may also solicit information from the community. If the commissioner denies the application for an adjustment, the applicant, within fourteen days of receiving the denial, may request a hearing from the commissioner. Upon receiving such a request, the commissioner shall schedule and conduct a hearing expeditiously. At the hearing the commissioner may receive written submissions, witness testimony, argument and documents regarding the application. The commissioner shall, within thirty days of the conclusion of the hearing, tender a decision, which shall constitute a final determination for purposes of judicial review.
   (d)   If the commissioner grants the application for an adjustment, those factors that were deemed by the commissioner to be relevant to the determination shall be included in a plan of conduct. If the registration is issued, the plan of conduct shall be deemed a part of the shared housing unit registration, and compliance with the plan of conduct shall be a necessary condition to the continued validity of the registration. Failure to comply with one or more elements of the plan of conduct shall subject the registrant to suspension or revocation of the shared housing unit registration.
   (e)   Throughout the commissioner's adjustment consideration process, the applicant shall bear the burden of persuasion to justify the sought adjustment.
(Added Coun. J. 6-22-16, p. 27712, § 9)