Advancement to the higher groups of salary rates shall be made on the basis of efficiency and seniority within the department, as shown by the records thereof kept in the office of the civil service commission.
Any officer or employee shall become eligible for advancement and may be advanced from a lower salary group to the next higher salary group within a grade in the classified service when a vacancy in such higher group exists, after such officer or employee shall have served in such lower group by actual employment for at least a period specified in the rules of the civil service commission. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to mean that it shall be mandatory upon the comptroller or treasurer to pay or advance an officer or employee to the next higher salary group within a grade of service because such officer or employee has served in the lower group the minimum period of time specified in the schedules as established by the civil service commission.
(Prior code § 25-33)
Whenever the city council shall have advanced any office or place of employment in the classified service to a higher grade than theretofore existed and increased the salary thereof, no payment of such advanced salaries shall be made to the officers or employees filling such positions until such time as they are certified to the higher grade in accordance with the civil service act and rules.
(Prior code § 25-34)
All skilled laborers employed by the city and scheduled under Branch II, operation and construction service, under the civil service rules, or such other classification corresponding to said Branch II as may be prescribed from time to time by such rules, shall be allowed a furlough of 11 working days each year with full pay. Provided, however, that no furlough shall be allowed to any person who has not been in the employ of the city for at least one year. The head of the department in which such employees are working shall designate when the furlough shall be taken.
(Prior code § 25-36)
(a) Effective December 31, 2023, the age of 65 shall be the maximum age for employment of sworn members of the police department, including a sworn member who is transferred or appointed to a supervisory or administrative position.
(b) Effective December 31, 2000, the age of 63 shall be the maximum age for employment of any member of the uniformed service of the fire department, the duties of whose position are primarily to perform work directly connected with the control and extinguishment of fires or the maintenance and use of firefighting apparatus and equipment, including an employee engaged in this activity who is transferred or appointed to a supervisory or administrative position. Provided, however, this paragraph shall not apply to any such employee whose death has resulted from the performance of an act or acts of duty.
(c) The age stated in each person's application for employment shall be conclusive as to that person's age.
(d) All persons to whom this ordinance applies shall be retired upon attainment of age 65.
(e) No person above the age of 38 may receive initial appointment as a probationary career service firefighter or firefighter/EMT with the fire department and no person above the age of 40 may receive initial appointment as a probationary career service police officer with the police department. Provided, however, that these age restrictions shall not apply to initial appointment as a probationary career service police officer or firefighter or firefighter/EMT from employment lists in existence on the date of passage of this ordinance. Nothing herein shall prohibit the rehiring of any person formerly employed by the police department as a police officer or fire department as a firefighter or firefighter/EMT, subject to the requirements of rules promulgated by the commissioner of human resources.
(Added Coun. J. 5-17-00, p. 32899, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 1-10-01, p. 48898, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 12-7-05, p. 64870, § 1.6; Amend Coun. J. 3-1-06, p. 71712, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 4-17-24, p. 11087, § 1)
ARTICLE V. RESERVED* (2-152-420 et seq.)
* Editor’s note – Coun. J. 1-23-19, p. 93851, § 4, repealed Article V, which pertained to the Bureau of Workman’s Compensation.