Article I. General Provisions
2-152-010   Term of office for appointees.
2-152-020   Vacancy filling.
2-152-030   Delivery of property to successor.
2-152-040   Authority to appoint subordinates.
2-152-050   Residence restrictions.
2-152-051   Salaries – Annual appropriation – Clerk, Treasurer, and Mayor.
2-152-060   Chief procurement officer's salary.
2-152-070   Salaries – Date of payment.
2-152-071   Eligibility for benefits.
2-152-072   Eligibility for benefits – Qualified domestic partners.
2-152-074   Family medical leave.
2-152-080   Overtime pay.
2-152-090   Office hours.
2-152-100   Manual labor – Hours of labor.
2-152-110   Leave of absence for veterans.
2-152-112   Continued health insurance for city employees on active military duty.
2-152-113   Reservists on active duty.
2-152-115   Registration with Federal Selective Service System – Required.
2-152-120   Badges and identification cards for employees.
2-152-130   Fees for services to public.
2-152-140   Standard of care in appropriation and expenditure of public funds.
2-152-150   Applicants for employment – Disclosure of indebtedness to City.
2-152-155   Compliance with child support obligations – Condition of city employment.
2-152-160   Misconduct – Removal from office.
2-152-170   Legal representation for city employees and agencies.
2-152-171   Reserved.
Article II. Bonding Regulations
2-152-180   Bonds for city officers.
2-152-190   Bonds for subordinate officers and employees.
2-152-200   Term of bonds – Continuing liability.
2-152-210   Costs of obtaining bonds.
2-152-220   Bond approval and certification conditions.
2-152-230   Acknowledgment.
2-152-240   Endorsement and filing.
2-152-250   Surety requirements.
2-152-260   Justification by sureties.
Article III. Reports, Rules and Records
2-152-270   Annual reports by department heads.
2-152-280   Copies of reports.
2-152-290   Reserved.
2-152-300   Operation expenses – Annual estimates.
2-152-310   Rules and regulations for departments and agencies.
2-152-320   Daily financial reports – Receipts.
2-152-330   Financial report and recordkeeping requirements.
2-152-335   Travel reimbursed by the pension funds; report; etc.
Article IV. Career Service Regulations
2-152-340   Reserved.
2-152-350   Uniform salaries within classes and grades.
2-152-360   Appointments in the service.
2-152-370   Eligibility for advancement.
2-152-380   Certification of advancement.
2-152-390   Soliciting for salary increase prohibited.
2-152-400   Furloughs.
2-152-410   Mandatory appointment and retirement ages for police officers and firefighters.
Article V. Reserved
2-152-420   Reserved.
2-152-430   Reserved.
2-152-440   Reserved.
2-152-450   Reserved.
2-152-010 Term of office for appointees.
   All officers appointed by the mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the city council, whose terms of office are not otherwise expressly provided for, shall hold their respective offices during the term of the fiscal year in which such appointments are made and until their successors are appointed and qualified. Provided that the terms of such officers shall not extend beyond the term of office of the mayor.
(Prior code § 25-1)
2-152-020 Vacancy filling.
   In case any vacancy shall occur in an appointive office of a fixed term, the vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. All appointments to fill vacancies shall be for the unexpired term.
(Prior code § 25-2)