2-152-330 Financial report and recordkeeping requirements.
   All departments, bureaus, boards or persons connected with the city government are hereby required to make such financial reports as may be ordered by the city council, and to permit examination of all their official records by any member of the city council, or any accredited representative of the press, except such records which by law are required to be kept confidential or which by ordinance are limited to inspection by certain designated persons.
(Prior code § 25-29)
2-152-335 Municipal pension funds – travel reimbursement report.
   Each of the municipal pension funds shall, at the city council meeting of July or the regular meeting held thereafter, file a report with the city clerk regarding travel reimbursed by the pension funds or persons doing business with the pension funds within the preceding year which indicates names of the board member or trustee or employee of the fund who has traveled outside of Illinois, the dates of the trip, the destination of the trip, and the nature of the business conducted on the trip. Upon receipt of this report, the city clerk shall transmit a copy to the committees on finance, and the budget and government operations.
(Added Coun. J. 5-20-98, p. 68164)
2-152-340 Reserved.
Editor's note – Coun. J. 4-13-11, p. 113393, § 1, renumbered § 2-152-340 as § 2-152-050, which pertains to residence restrictions.
2-152-350 Uniform salaries within classes and grades.
   Whenever the civil service commission shall, by rule, have classified offices and places of employment in the city into classes and grades, and said offices and places shall have been classed according to the general line and character of work involved in the respective duties thereof, and such commission shall have established grades or ranks within each class, each grade or rank comprising offices and places having substantially similar duties, authority and responsibility, appropriations for salaries for all such offices and places of employment within each grade shall be uniform. No salaries shall be paid by the comptroller or city treasurer for services of any officer or employee unless such person is occupying an office or place of employment according to the provisions of this chapter and is entitled to payment therefor.
(Prior code § 25-31)
2-152-360 Appointments in the service.
   Whenever any grade or rank in the classified service of the city shall have been divided into salary groups, for the purpose of varying compensation according to efficiency and seniority, and the city council shall have appropriated according to such salary groups for the positions in the said grades of service, appointment by the head of the department or by the appointing officer shall be to the group having the lowest fixed salary rate.
(Prior code § 25-32)
2-152-370 Eligibility for advancement.
   Advancement to the higher groups of salary rates shall be made on the basis of efficiency and seniority within the department, as shown by the records thereof kept in the office of the civil service commission.
   Any officer or employee shall become eligible for advancement and may be advanced from a lower salary group to the next higher salary group within a grade in the classified service when a vacancy in such higher group exists, after such officer or employee shall have served in such lower group by actual employment for at least a period specified in the rules of the civil service commission. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to mean that it shall be mandatory upon the comptroller or treasurer to pay or advance an officer or employee to the next higher salary group within a grade of service because such officer or employee has served in the lower group the minimum period of time specified in the schedules as established by the civil service commission.
(Prior code § 25-33)
2-152-380 Certification of advancement.
   Whenever the city council shall have advanced any office or place of employment in the classified service to a higher grade than theretofore existed and increased the salary thereof, no payment of such advanced salaries shall be made to the officers or employees filling such positions until such time as they are certified to the higher grade in accordance with the civil service act and rules.
(Prior code § 25-34)
2-152-390 Soliciting for salary increase prohibited.
   Lobbying or soliciting on the part of any city officer or employee for any salary increase in violation of the terms of this chapter is hereby prohibited.
(Prior code § 25-35)