All sureties executing bonds of city officers or employees shall justify separately on the back of the bond, under oath, that they are respectively worth the sums stated in such justifications over and above all debts and liabilities by them owing or incurred or for which their property is liable or encumbered at the time of justification, over and above all exemptions by law of their property from execution. The sums stated in such justifications shall in the aggregate equal the amount of such bond. Where any such bond is executed by a surety company, such justification shall be in the form of an affidavit of one of its officers or duly accredited agent showing that the surety company is worth a sum in excess of the penalty of the bond over and above all debts, liabilities and exemptions.
(Prior code § 25-22)
Every head of a department, board or other agency of the city shall, from time to time as required by the mayor, but in any case not less than once in each year, report in writing to the office of the mayor the transactions of his office during the preceding year, together with such information and recommendations as he may deem necessary or proper. The mayor shall cause such information to be compiled into a comprehensive annual city report, which incorporates the activities of the city departments, boards and agencies.
Nothing herein contained shall be construed as relieving any such head of a department, board or agency of the city government of full compliance with all statutory provisions relating to the submission of reports, but the report herein required shall be submitted in addition to any report required to be made by virtue of statutory provisions.
(Prior code § 25-23)
Any edition of an annual or special report issued by the head of a department, board or other agency of the city government shall be approved by the city council as to the number of copies. The number of copies of any such report to be set aside for the use of the department, board or other agency issuing the same, and the number of such copies which shall be made available for distribution or sale, shall be determined and fixed by a board consisting of a representative of the Chicago Public Library, chosen by the president of the board of directors, a representative of the finance committee of the city council and the head of the department, board or agency issuing such report. Provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed to apply to orders, regulations, instructions, directions, notices, leaflets or circulars of information printed for officials' use and issued by a department, board or agency of the city government.
(Prior code § 25-24; Amend Coun. J. 12-13-00, p. 48076, § 4)
The head of every department, board or other agency of the City government shall prepare and submit to the Comptroller, on or before the first day of November in each year, an estimate of the whole cost and expense of providing for and maintaining his office during the ensuing fiscal year, which estimate shall be in detail and shall be laid before the City Council by the Comptroller with the Comptroller's annual estimates. The Department of Public Health and the Department of Buildings shall also submit to the Comptroller at said time a statement of all expenditures from appropriations for the maintenance of said department.
(Prior code § 25-26; Amend Coun. J. 2-24-21, p. 27657, Art. V, § 2)
The head of each department, board or other agency of the city government shall prescribe such rules and regulations for the governance of his department, board or other agency as he shall deem necessary and proper.
He shall furnish a copy of said rules and regulations to all subordinate officers and employees in his department, board or other agency and all said officers and employees shall be subject to such rules and regulations so prescribed and to the provisions of this Code.
(Prior code § 25-27)
In accordance with the provisions of Illinois Public Funds Accounting Act, it is hereby made the duty of all officers or agents of the city who receive any funds, monies or other things of value, by virtue of their offices or positions, except the city treasurer, to keep an account of all such receipts, by entries on written or printed forms provided for such purpose by the city. Said forms shall provide for an original and at least two copies of each entry, to be made by the same operation, and shall show the date and amount of each receipt, and the account for which the payment or delivery was made.
Each day's receipts shall be separately paid over or delivered to the city treasurer not later than the close of business of the next succeeding day, and therewith one copy of the record of receipts shall be delivered to the city treasurer. A copy of said record shall be delivered to the comptroller, as the officer designated by the city council to receive such record, not later than five days after the time required for the payment to the treasurer, and one copy shall be retained by the officer or agent making the payment or report, as a permanent record.
(Prior code § 25-28; Amend Coun. J. 3-31-04, p. 20916, § 4.10)