2-152-160 Misconduct – Removal from office.
   Any officer violating any provision of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of misconduct in office and shall be liable to removal from office thereof.
(Prior code § 25-13)
2-152-170 Legal representation for city employees and agencies.
   If any claim or action, either civil or criminal in nature, is instituted against a current or former elected official, current or former appointed official or current or former employee of the City of Chicago or any agency of the City of Chicago where such claim arises out of any act or omission, made in good faith, occurring within the scope of such person's office or employment, the chairman of the committee on finance of the city council, with the approval and concurrence of the mayor, may at the request of such person appoint counsel to defend such person against any such claim or action. Provided, however, that no city funds shall be expended directly or indirectly for payment of legal services rendered on behalf of any person upon the charge of such person by criminal complaint, information or indictment in criminal proceedings, and any appointment of counsel shall terminate. Provided further, that upon the conclusion of the criminal proceedings such person may request reimbursement of legal expenses and costs pursuant to the procedures set out herein, if such person has been acquitted or found not guilty or if all charges against such person in the action have been dismissed.
(Prior code § 25-13.1; Amend Coun. J. 4-12-91, p. 32835)
2-152-171 Reserved.
Editor's note – Coun. J. 7-25-12, p. 31123, § 5, repealed § 2-152-171, which pertained to whistle blower protection.
2-152-180 Bonds for city officers.
   Each of the following officers, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall execute a bond payable to the city in the penal sum of the amount hereinafter set opposite the title of the office, with good and sufficient sureties to be approved by the city council conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of the office and the payment of all monies received by such officer:
      City clerk.....$5,000.00
      City treasurer.....$2,000,000.00
      Chief procurement officer.....$50,000.00
   Officers who, by virtue of their office, are required or authorized to act in any other official capacity shall not be required to execute an additional bond before entering upon the duties of their respective offices ex officio.
(Prior code § 25-14; Amend Coun. J. 7-19-00, p. 38206, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-16-11, p. 13793, § 4; Amend Coun. J. 11-16-11, p. 13798, Art. I, § 2)
2-152-190 Bonds for subordinate officers and employees.
   The city comptroller, the city clerk, and the city treasurer may severally require any of their subordinate officers or employees to give bond payable to such officer and the City of Chicago, or either of them, in the penal sum of such amount as may be required by him, with good and sufficient sureties to be approved by him, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of the office or position and the payment of all monies received by such subordinate officer or employee.
   Any subordinate officer or employee may be required by the head of any other department or agency of the city government to which such officer or employee has been appointed or by the city comptroller to give bond payable to the city in such a penal sum as may be approved by the city council, with good and sufficient sureties, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of the office or position and the payment if all monies received by such officer or employee. All such subordinate officers and employees who shall receive or have the care, custody or handling of any monies, property or other valuable thing belonging to the city shall be required to give such bond.
(Prior code § 25-15; Amend Coun. J. 11-16-11, p. 13798, Art. I, § 2)
2-152-200 Term of bonds – Continuing liability.
   All bonds of officers and employees shall be continuing in effect so long as the officers and employees named therein shall continue in office and until payment is made by such officers and employees of all monies received by them; provided that liability under any such bond may be terminated in respect of any official act which shall be taken or occur after 30 days' written notice to the assured of the termination or cancellation of such bond by the surety or sureties. In case of termination or cancellation of any bond by any surety during the continuance in office or employment of any officer or employee, such officer or employee shall execute a new bond in the same manner, of the same character, and with the same conditions and penalties as are required by the foregoing sections of this chapter relating to bonding regulations.
(Prior code § 25-16)
2-152-210 Costs of obtaining bonds.
   The cost of obtaining all bonds of officers or employees payable to the city shall be paid out of the funds of the city. In the case of officers and employees whose salaries are paid from the general corporate fund, the cost of obtaining bonds for such officers and employees shall be paid out of said general corporate fund. In the case of officers and employees whose salaries are paid out of any special or separate fund, the cost of obtaining bonds for such officers or employees shall be paid out of the special or separate fund from which their salaries are paid. In the case of officers or employees serving without compensation, the cost of obtaining bonds for such officers or employees shall be paid out of the fund being administered by such officers or employees.
(Prior code § 25-17)
2-152-220 Bond approval and certification conditions.
   No bond of an officer or employee payable to the city shall be approved until the corporation counsel shall have certified thereon that such bond is properly executed as to form, and the comptroller shall have certified thereon that the sureties on such bond are of sufficient financial responsibility for the amount of the penalty of such bond.
   The comptroller shall examine the sureties on such bond touching their sufficiency, and require such examinations to be reduced to writing and signed and sworn to by such sureties.
(Prior code § 25-18)