The offices of the respective departments, bureaus or other agencies of the city government, except as hereinafter mentioned, shall be open during regular business hours as directed by the head of each department, bureau or other agency, and shall be closed on New Year's Day, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday, Lincoln's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Casimir Pulaski's Birthday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
However, for the duration of any national emergency declared by authority of the Congress of the United States or during any war in which the United States is engaged all city offices in the central business district of the City of Chicago shall be open at such hours as the mayor shall prescribe.
(Prior code § 25-8; Amend Coun. J. 1-14-97, p. 38152; Amend Coun. J. 12-11-96, p. 36343)
Eight hours of labor shall be and constitute a day's work for all employees performing manual labor for the city. The provisions of this section shall not be construed to apply to or govern the police or fire departments, or any department or workshop where constant operation is necessary. Provided, however, that in all cases of necessity or emergency, superintendents, foremen or others in authority are hereby authorized to work their employees such number of hours as such necessity or emergency may require, but for all labor performed in excess of eight hours in any one day such laborer or employee shall be entitled to and shall receive pay at the rate of time and one-half for all such labor performed, except in those employments where there is an established scale of wages and hours which is usually and customarily paid for such excess time by employers generally within the city for like services, in which event such labor in excess of eight hours in one day shall be paid for according to the wage scale, hours and conditions so established.
Provided, however, that all mechanics and skilled and unskilled laborers employed by the several departments or other agencies of the city government, excepting those employed in the pumping stations shall be required to work only until 12:00 noon every Saturday.
(Prior code § 25-9)
With the approval of the mayor and the chairman of the finance committee of the city council, the head of each department or other agency of the city government is empowered to grant to his assistants and employees leave of absence with pay for the purpose of attending a convention, encampment or parade of any organization composed of veterans of the wars in which the United States has participated when request for such leave of absence has been made by such organization.
Each and every person employed by the city who has served in the armed forces of the United States during the period of any wars in which the United States has participated shall have and shall be entitled to a vacation, with full pay, on the thirtieth day of May of each year, known as Memorial Day.
(Prior code § 25-10)
With the approval of the chief financial officer and the chairman of the committee on finance, city employees who are members of the military reserve force of the United States or State of Illinois who have been ordered to active duty by appropriate authorities in excess of 30 days shall be entitled to continued health insurance coverage for their dependents at no cost to the employee. The city employee shall notify the city comptroller's office upon his release from active duty.
(Added Coun. J. 7-8-98, p. 72048)
(a) In addition to the paid fourteen calendar day leave of absence provided in Section G(10) of the regulations governing the administration of the compensation plan and employee benefits for classified positions set forth in the annual appropriation ordinance and applicable collective bargaining agreements, city employees, who are members of the reserve force of the United States or state of Illinois, for purposes of this section, "reservists", who have been or are ordered to active duty by appropriate authorities, shall be eligible for additional paid leave for active duty.
(b) The chairman of the committee on finance, commissioner of the department of human resources and the chief financial officer, or their designees, shall constitute the Armed Forces Benefits Committee ("committee"). The committee shall promulgate eligibility standards for additional paid leave and length thereof based on criteria including, but not limited to, length of service and job performance, and shall develop procedures for application of such benefits by employees. Paid leave shall be conditioned upon payment of military pay to the comptroller. The committee will approve or disapprove such applications based on the application for additional paid leave and the applicant's employment information contained in city records. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, any reservist called for active duty on or after September 11, 2001, shall be entitled to full salary and medical benefits, provided that paid leave shall be conditioned upon payment of military pay to the comptroller.
(c) Additional paid leave hereunder shall automatically terminate upon termination of active duty.
(Added Coun. J. 5-17-00, p. 30638; Amend Coun. J. 9-20-01, p. 66994, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 12-7-05, p. 64870, § 1.6)
Every male who is at least 18 years old but not yet attained the age of 26 years old, seeking employment with the City of Chicago, shall submit documentation evidencing his registration with the Federal Selective Service System. Those in this age range offered employment with the City of Chicago shall be prohibited from employment with the City of Chicago until such time as he does submit the required documentation.
(Added Coun. J. 10-3-90, p. 21783)