County Health Department
34.001 Established
34.002 Definitions
34.003 Records transferred
34.004 Fees for services
34.005 Fees for non-county residents
34.006 Collection and disposition of fees
34.007 Effective date
Sheriff’s Department
34.020 Established
34.021 Sheriff’s Sale Program; foreclosure costs fees
Police Reserves
34.035 Established
34.036 Maximum number
34.037 Appointment procedures
34.038 Powers
34.039 No pension programs
34.040 Training and probationary program
County Solid Waste District
34.055 Board of Directors
34.056 Territory within district
34.057 Terms of members
34.058 Appointments to Board
34.059 Effective date
Sheriff’s Merit Board
34.070 Established
34.071 Pension plan, disability plan, widow’s pension plan, and group life insurance
34.072 Role of Sheriff
County Hospital Association
34.085 Creation
County Jail and Courthouse Corporation
34.100 Approved
34.101 By-laws
34.102 Cooperation
34.103 Title of the jail and courthouse
34.104 Directors
34.105 Powers
34.106 Inmate intake fee
County School Safety Commission
34.120 Created
34.121 Duties
34.122 Composition
34.123 Officers
34.124 Approval for actions
Board of Fire Trustees
34.135 Appointment; terms of office; vacancies
34.136 Meetings
34.137 Officers; quorum; approval of actions; compensation; offices; records
34.138 Powers and duties
County Public Defender Board
34.150 Establishment
34.151 Definitions
34.152 Membership and appointment
34.153 Powers and duties
34.154 Authority and scope
Court and Pre-Trial Services Department
34.165 Director position established
34.166 Case Manager position established
34.167 Department established
34.168 Salary and compensation