Authority, Objective, and Scope; Definitions
36.001 Authority and objective
36.002 Scope
36.003 Definitions
Delegation of Authority
36.015 Department of Human Resources
36.016 Management
Filling Positions
36.030 Objective
36.031 Vacancies
36.032 Applications
36.033 Selection process
36.034 Promotions
36.035 Transfer
36.036 County residency
Position Classification System
36.050 Purpose
36.051 Administration
36.052 Classification of positions
Wage and Salary Administration
36.065 Administration and amendment of pay plan
36.066 [Reserved]
36.067 Entrance pay rate
36.068 Other salary adjustments
36.069 [Reserved]
36.070 Overtime pay
36.071 Death benefits
36.072 Callback/on-call pay
36.073 Shift differential pay
36.074 Holiday pay
Attendance and Leave
36.085 Approval required; increments
36.086 [Reserved]
36.087 Annual leave
36.088 Sick & safe leave
36.089 Personal leave
36.090 Compensatory leave
36.091 Administrative leave
36.092 Leave of absence without pay
36.105 Initial probation
Annual Performance Evaluations
36.120 Purpose
Outside Employment
36.135 Conflicts with county employment prohibited
36.136 Notification of outside employment; determination of conflict
Separation of Employment
36.150 Methods
36.151 Effect of separation
36.152 Exit interviews
36.165 Purpose; types of discipline
36.166 Progressive discipline
36.167 Grievances of disciplinary actions
36.180 Purpose
Equal Opportunity Compliance
36.195 Discrimination and sexual harassment prohibited
As authorized by the Local Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, the County Commissioners have adopted this chapter in order to assure fair and equal treatment of county employees with regard to certain aspects of their employment. The County Commissioners may authorize or adopt additional policies and procedures, so long as they are consistent with this chapter or any amendments. However, if any resolution, policy, procedure, or practice relating to employment conditions conflicts with this chapter or any amendments, this chapter governs. The County Commissioners specifically reserve unto themselves as the legislative body the power to amend, alter, and repeal any or all parts of this chapter at any time, and there shall be no rights of property or contract created hereby that are not subject to that power, or which may be extended beyond the specific provisions of this chapter.
(2004 Code, § 48-1) (Ord. 2017-01, passed 2-16-2017; Ord. 2022-08, passed 7-28-2022; Ord. 2024-12, passed 12-5-2024)