(A) Applicability. This chapter applies to employees of the County Commissioners including civilian employees of Carroll County Fire/EMS department. However, unless otherwise provided in division (B) below, it does not apply to elected officials; the County Administrator; County Attorney; Comptroller; Department Directors/Administrators appointed by the County Commissioners; uniformed personnel of Carroll County Fire/EMS department; contractual employees; contingent employees; and members of any board or commission created by law, where the members are appointed by the County Commissioners for a specific term of office. This chapter also does not apply to any officer or employee of the Carroll County Board of Education, Circuit Court for Carroll County, Orphans' Court, Carroll County Health Department, Carroll County Soil Conservation District, Carroll County Public Library, Sheriff’s Department, and State's Attorney's Office.
(B) Special provisions. With the exception of the following provisions, this chapter applies to the County Administrator; County Attorney; Comptroller; and Department Directors/Administrators appointed by the County Commissioners: §§ 36.105 and 36.106, Probation; §§ 36.165 through 36.167, Discipline; and §§ 36.180 through 36.184, Grievances.
(2004 Code, § 48-2) (Ord. 2017-01, passed 2-16-2017; Ord. 2022-08, passed 7-28-2022)