General Provisions
36.001 Adoption of Uniform Plumbing Ordinance
36.002 Summary
36.003 CEQA exempt
36.004 Definitions
36.005 Rules and regulations
36.006 Purpose
36.007 Short title
36.008 Violation unlawful
36.009 Relief on application and waivers
36.010 Permits and fees
36.011 Plumbing and sewers on private property
36.012 Qualifications and duties of plumbers
36.013 Insurance
36.014 Liability
36.015 Responsibility for defects and guarantee of the work performed
36.016 Safety requirements
Use of Public Sewer Required
36.030 Disposal of wastes
36.031 Treatment of wastes required
36.032 Unlawful disposal
36.033 Compliance prior to occupancy
36.034 Sewer required
36.035 Separation of sanitary sewers and water mains
Private Sewage Disposal and Pretreatment Facilities
36.050 Abandonment of facilities
36.051 Cost of maintenance by owner
36.052 Grease, oil and sand interceptors
36.053 Additional requirements
Building Lateral and Connections
36.065 Permit required
36.066 Design and construction requirements
36.067 Separate sewers
36.068 Use of existing lateral sewers
36.069 Cleanouts, sewer relief valves and backwater preventers
36.070 Sewer too low
36.071 Connection to public sewer - wye installations
36.072 Maintenance of building laterals
36.073 All costs paid by owner
36.074 Inspection
Public Sewer Construction
36.085 Permit required
36.086 Design and construction standards
36.087 Persons authorized to perform work
36.088 Compliance with local regulations
36.089 Completion of sewer works required
36.090 Special reimbursement agreement
36.091 Public sewer easements
36.105 Minimum standards
36.106 Side sewer materials
36.107 Cleanouts
36.108 Backwater preventer valves
Permits, Fees and Inspection Charges
36.120 Permit required
36.121 Work not requiring a permit
36.122 Application for a permit
36.123 Cost of permit
36.124 Compliance with permit
36.125 Agreement
36.126 Charges for annexation
36.127 Inspection charges
36.128 Street excavation permit
Outside Sewers
36.140 Special outside agreements
Miscellaneous Provisions
36.155 Protection from damage
36.156 Inspection authority
36.170 Public nuisance
36.171 Disconnection
36.172 Public nuisance abatement
36.173 Means of enforcement only
36.174 Misdemeanor
36.175 Liability for violation
36.999 Penalty
The “Uniform Plumbing Ordinance of the Carmel Area Wastewater District” establishing new and revised standards governing sewer piping, construction design, disposal of sewage and various other related matters is hereby adopted by the District to read in its entirety as set forth in this chapter.
(Ord. 2024-02, passed 9-26-2024)
An ordinance regulating the use of public and private sewers, the installation and connection of building laterals, the installation of sewer laterals and public sewer main extensions, providing permits and fees for the installation and connection of sanitary sewers, establishing charges, providing penalties for the violation of the provisions hereof. A true and certified copy of the full text of the ordinance codified herein and the incorporated Exhibit A are on file and available for inspection at the District offices.
(Ord. 2024-02, passed 9-26-2024)