Sewer Service Charges
31.001 Sewer service charges
31.002 Collection on tax roll
31.003 Duration
31.004 Sewer user fees
Reimbursement Fees; Excess Sewer Capacity
31.015 Approval
31.016 CEQA approval
31.017 Policy statement, findings, declaration of purpose and definitions
31.018 Eligibility to establish reimbursement accounts
31.019 Installer submittals
31.020 Reimbursement fees and agreements
31.021 Adoption of reimbursement fees by ordinance
31.022 Notice to affected property owners
31.023 Effective date of reimbursement fees
31.024 Collection of reimbursement fee deposits
31.025 Administration charges
31.026 Apportionment of reimbursement funds when more than one installer
31.027 Funds and accounts
31.028 Adjustment of reimbursement fees
31.029 Timing for payment of reimbursement fees and deposits
31.030 Expiration of reimbursement fees
31.031 District not liable
31.032 Effect of this subchapter
31.033 Schedule of reimbursement fees
31.034 Customer reimbursement of district installation costs
Connection Fees
31.045 Sewer connection fees
31.046 Computation of flow and units
31.047 Special asset fee
31.048 Credit for annexation fees
31.049 Connection credits
Annexation Fees
31.060 Legislative findings and determination
31.061 Annexation fees
31.062 Payment of annexation fee
31.063 Findings
Fixing Contribution in Cases Where Sewage Disposal Burden Is Increased
31.075 Definitions
31.076 Charges
31.077 Unit charge for sewage disposal contribution
31.078 Contribution payment
31.079 Special circumstances
Sewer service charges for services rendered are hereby adopted and levied upon all fiscal years hereafter until the charges established herein are modified or this subchapter is repealed, at the same rates set forth on Exhibit “A” which is attached hereto and incorporated herein § 31.004.
(Ord. 2022-03, passed 6-30-2022; Ord. 2023-01, passed 6-29-2023; Ord. 2024-01, passed 6-27-2024)
Pursuant to Cal. Health and Safety Code, § 5473, the District hereby elects to have the aforesaid sewer service charges for services rendered by the District collected on the tax roll in the same general manner, by the same persons and at the same time as the collection of general property taxes by the county.
(Ord. 2022-03, passed 6-30-2022; Ord. 2023-01, passed 6-29-2023; Ord. 2024-01, passed 6-27-2024)