(A) There is hereby established and levied upon all persons, firms or corporations making connection to the District’s community sewerage system, or repairing or otherwise modifying an existing connection to the system, a permit and inspection fee of $75; provided, however, that whenever, in the opinion of the General Manager, a special situation occurs wherein the above-stated flat fee will not cover the actual costs incurred and time expended by the District in processing a permit and making the necessary inspections, he or she may then determine a particular permit and inspection fee based on a time and material basis to compensate the District for the actual service rendered.
(B) Based upon the revised information now presented to it, the District’s plumbing permit/inspection fee, as established in division (A) above, is hereby revised to a charge of:
(1) Tier one: $130;
(2) Tier two: $250; and
(3) Tier three: a $1,700 retainer, commencing August 1, 2022, and continuing until revised by further action of the Board.
(Ord. 1985-01, passed 3-21-1985; Res. 2021-44, passed 7-29-2021; Res. 2022-44, passed 7-28-2022)
The flat permit and inspection fee established hereinabove may be reviewed and modified (i.e., increased or decreased), from time to time, by resolution of the Board of Directors, without the necessity of specifically amending this subchapter.
(Ord. 1985-01, passed 3-21-1985)