General Provisions
   152.001   Title
   152.002   Definitions generally
   152.003   Definitions
   152.004   Authority of Planning Commission
   152.005   Purpose of regulations
   152.006   Application of regulations
   152.007   Jurisdiction
   152.008   Regulations are minimum; greater restriction to control
   152.009   Relationship to zoning
   152.010   Effective date
Subdivision Types
   152.025   Classification and determination of subdivision type
   152.026   Minor subdivisions
   152.027   Major subdivisions subject to regulations
   152.040   Improvement completion prior to final plat approval
   152.041   Recording plat
   152.042   Plat revision after approval
   152.043   Sale of land in subdivision
   152.044   Permits for building, wells and septic tanks
   152.045   Plat required for minor subdivisions
   152.046   Plat required for major subdivisions
   152.047   Preliminary discussion map
   152.048   Preliminary plan
   152.049   Construction plans
   152.050   Subdivision plat; final or phased
Specific Information Required
from Subdivider
   152.065   Purpose
   152.066   Preliminary plan
   152.067   Certification of Village Administrator
   152.068   Final approval of subdivision plat
   152.069   Conformity with plans; drainage
   152.070   Trees
   152.071   Subdivision name
   152.072   Street names
   152.073   Lot numbering
   152.074   Off-street parking and loading
   152.075   Easements
   152.076   Streets
   152.077   Blocks
   152.078   Lots
   152.079   Sidewalks
   152.080   Modifications
   152.081   Exceptional factors or conditions
   152.082   Large scale developments
   152.083   Re-subdivision of land
   152.084   Commercial or industrial developments
   152.085   Prerequisites to Planning Commission approval of variances
   152.086   Procedure for variance application
   152.087   Village’s Safety-Service and Utility Departments authority
   152.088   Submission of construction plans
   152.089   Inspection fees
   152.090   Drawings
   152.091   Title sheet
   152.092   Plan, profile and cross sections
   152.093   Miscellaneous engineering details
   152.094   Materials and construction procedure
   152.095   Utility engineering
   152.096   Survey monuments
   152.097   Health requirements
Administration and Enforcement
   152.110   Administration
   152.111   Enforcement
   152.112   Validity
   152.113   Violation notices; stopping service and court action
   152.114   Appeal
   152.115   Partitions
   152.116   Repeal
   152.117   Plan review and approval by the Village Administrator
   152.999   Penalty