(A)   General. When a subdivision is constructed in phases, final plat approval as per the Village Administrator and Planning Commission is required after the public improvements have been completed for each phase. The final plat, or the combination of plats when phased, for the subdivision shall conform to the preliminary plan, except where changes have been approved by the Planning Commission.
   (B)   Application. After receiving notice of approval of the preliminary plan and the construction of the improvements required herein, the subdivider shall apply in writing on a form provided for such purpose to the Planning Commission for approval of the final plat with the following information:
      (1)   Two copies of the application;
      (2)   One tracing and six copies of the final plat including computer-generated files of drawings in an acceptable format; and
      (3)   One tracing and six copies of the improvement drawings, including computer-generated files of drawings in an acceptable format.
(Ord. 09-2001, § 116.57, passed 3-5-2001)