§ 152.078 LOTS.
   (a)   General. Lots shall meet all lawful requirements as adopted by the various governmental subdivisions or public agencies having jurisdiction. The Commission may limit to a maximum ratio of three and one-half to one the depth to width of lots for the most efficient use of land, the width being measured at the building setback line of such lots. The village discourages any subdivision development without access to a sanitary sewer. However, a subdivision with no reasonable access to a sanitary sewer shall have a lot size of one acre unless the County Health Department requires a larger area. In non-sewered subdivisions the plats must be approved for size by the County Health Department. These requirements with reference to the size of lots not to be served by a public sanitary sewer system may be varied upward or downward in individual cases by the Commission when, in the opinion of the Commission, such action is justified by a written report of the City or County Health Commissioner having jurisdiction over the proposed subdivision.
   (B)   Corner lots. All corner lots shall be designed to permit the minimum 40-foot front yard setback on each street, or other setback as required by the Zoning Code. Available building space not to be less than the other lots in the subdivision.
   (C)   Ingress and egress. The subdivision of land shall be such as to provide each lot with frontage on a public street unless otherwise allowed by the Commission and to provide driveway and parking space on each lot.
   (D)   Double or reverse frontage. Double frontage and reverse frontage lots may be allowed where they are essential to provide separation of residential development from traffic arteries or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography and orientation. A planting screen easement of at least 20 feet, across which there would be no right of access, should be provided along the line of lots abutting such traffic artery.
   (E)   Side lot lines. Side lot lines shall be a minimum of ten feet on each side and substantially at right angles or radial to street lines.
   (F)   Building setback lines. Building setback lines shall be 35 feet, or as required by the Zoning Code.
   (G)   Public places. Playgrounds, parks or other public open spaces may be required by Council to the extent of 3% of the platted area of the subdivision.
(Ord. 09-2001, § 116.71, passed 3-5-2001)