(A) Public water and sewer disposal system. In the event a public water supply and a public sewage disposal system can reasonably be made available by the extension and construction of water mains and sanitary sewers, the developer shall be required to provide such utilities, as follows.
(1) Sanitary sewer system.
(a) The developer shall construct, at his or her expense, all necessary sanitary sewers, including manholes, house laterals and all other related appurtenances and incidentals, according to the Construction and Material Specifications and Standard Construction Drawings of the village. (See Chapter 54 of this code of ordinances.) All sewer mains shall be a minimum of eight inches in internal diameter. The pipe shall be bedded in, and backfilled to a depth of 12 inches above the barrel of the pipe with sand or pea gravel. The sanitary sewer lateral pipe shall be bedded in, and backfilled to a depth of 12 inches above the barrel of the pipe with sand or pea gravel. All trenches under paved areas shall be backfilled to the finished grade with sand or gravel. All sanitary sewer pipe shall be installed with a minimum of four feet of cover.
(b) Public sanitary sewer mains may need to be larger than the minimum to allow for future growth beyond the proposed development. Sizing of main sewers shall be determined by the Department. All costs for the sewer improvements, including necessary oversizing shall be borne by the developer. Sanitary sewer mains shall be extended to the far property line, at the expense of the developer, to accommodate future sewer main extensions.
(c) No plat showing the subdivision of a parcel of land into two or more smaller parcels and intended for residential, commercial or industrial structures which are so located as to require individual sewage disposal systems shall be approved by village authorities until investigated and approved by the County Health Commissioner or his or her authorized agent.
(d) No building permit shall be issued until a percolation test has been submitted to and approved by the County Health Commissioner or his or her authorized agent and all such sewage disposal systems shall be installed in accordance with state and county or local board of health requirements.
(e) Any such parcel of land proposed for residential building shall contain not less than one acre of land.
(f) The sanitary sewer system design shall be in accordance with the Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities, latest revision, by the Great Lakes-Upper Mississippi Board of State Public Health and Environmental Manager, and the requirements of Ohio EPA.
(g) A map must be provided delineating the contributing area in acres to the sanitary sewer system. All sanitary sewer manholes shall be numbered, consistent with the numbering on the improvement plans. A copy of the location map may be used for this purpose.
(h) Whenever practical, sanitary sewer mains shall be laid within or adjacent to the right-of-way.
(i) Sanitary sewer service shall be provided to each lot. Multi-family residences such as condominiums consisting of individually owned units shall have separate sewer service laterals.
(j) Gravity sanitary sewers are to be provided whenever possible. Sewage system lift stations must be specifically approved by the Village Administrator.
(k) Basement sewer service is to be provided whenever practical, if basement service is not to be provided, it shall be noted on the plat, preliminary and construction plans and must be specifically approved by the Village Administrator.
(l) Roof drains, foundation drains and other clean or surface water connections to the sanitary sewer are prohibited.
(m) Manhole tops shall be built or subsequently adjusted to meet surface grades established for the development. Cost of this work is to be included in the price bid for the various sewer items.
(n) All sanitary sewer mains installed using PVC pipe shall be cleaned by a high velocity sewer cleaner at the expense of the developer. Such pipe shall be deflection tested by pulling an approved mandrel equal in diameter to 95% of the pipe diameter through the pipe after the pipe has been backfilled for at least 30 days. Rerounding of failed pipe may be performed only if less than 10% of the tested sewers fail the mandrel test. All failed pipe in excess of 10% shall be replaced and warranted an additional year.
(o) Existing sanitary sewer flows shall be maintained at all times at the expense of the developer.
(p) The developer shall furnish all material, equipment and labor to make connections to existing manholes. The sewer pipe to manhole connections for all sanitary sewers shall be flexible and water-tight. All holes shall be neatly cored. The sewer pipe barrel at the springline shall not extend more than one inch beyond the inside face of the manhole. To maintain flexibility in the connection, a one inch space shall be left between the end of the pipe inside the manhole and the concrete channel; this space shall be filled with a waterproof flexible joint filler. Any metal that is used shall be Type 300 Series stainless steel. The connection may be any of the following types:
1. Rubber sleeve with stainless steel banding:
a. Kor-N-Seal as manufactured by the National Pollution Control Systems, Inc.;
b. Lock joint flexible manhole sleeve as manufactured by Interpace Corporation; or
c. Equal as approved by the Village Administrator.
2. Rubber gasket compression:
a. Press wedge II as manufactured by Press-Seal Gasket Corporation;
b. Dura seal III as manufactured by Dura Tech, Inc.;
c. Link-Seal as manufactured by Thunderline Corporation; or
d. Equal as approved by the Village Administrator.
(2) Water system.
(a) The developer, at his or her expense, shall construct all necessary water lines, including valves, fittings, hydrants and house services and other appurtenances, according to the Construction and Material Specifications and Standard Construction Drawings of the village. The water mains shall be a minimum of eight inches in internal diameter in a residential area. Six inch mains may be used in prior developed areas if looped with an existing network and approved by the Village Administrator. All water mains shall have a minimum of four feet of cover and shall be bedded in, and backfilled to a minimum of 12 inches above the barrel of the pipe with sand or pea gravel. All trenches under paved areas shall be backfilled to the finished grade with sand or gravel.
(b) All water service shall be a minimum of one inch internal diameter and have a minimum of four feet of cover. Hydrants shall conform to the Construction and Material Specifications of the village and shall be installed at a maximum spacing of 500 feet in residential areas and 300 feet in all other areas, except that a hydrant shall be installed at the end of all lines.
(c) Sizing of water mains to accommodate future growth shall be determined by the Department. All costs for water improvements, including necessary oversizing shall be borne by the developer. Water mains shall be extended to the far property line, at the expense of the developer, to accommodate future water main extensions.
(d) Wet taps to the main line for house services shall be made by the Village Water Department and a charge for the same shall be made to the owner at the rate established by the Village Administrator.
(e) Dry taps may be made by the developer at the time the main is installed. All trenches under the paved areas shall be backfilled to the finish grade with sand, gravel or screenings or shall be backfilled in six-inch layers and properly compacted to 95% at maximum density, unless the pavement shall not be installed within three years, in which case the puddling process may be used.
(f) All public water mains shall be a minimum of Class 52 cement lined ductile cast iron pipe.
(g) Service connections shall be provided for each lot and to each unit of a multi-family residence and shall be installed a minimum of two feet past the properly line at the time the water main is installed.
(h) Wherever practical, public water mains shall be laid within the public right-of-way between the edge of the pavement and the sidewalk.
(i) Phasing of water mains may not be permitted as all new water mains shall be looped whenever practical.
(j) Water mains shall be laid at least ten feet horizontally from any existing or proposed sanitary sewers or force main. The distance shall be measured edge to edge. In cases where it is not practical to maintain a ten foot separation, the utilities may allow deviation on a case by case basis as approved by the Village Administrator, provided that the bottom of the water main is at least 18 inches above the top of the sewer.
(k) Water mains crossing sanitary sewers shall be laid to provide a minimum vertical distance of 18 inches between the outside of the water main and the outside of the sewer. This shall be the case where the water main is either above or below the sewer. At crossings, one full length of water pipe should be located so both joints will be as far from the sewer as possible. Special structural support for the water and sewer pipes may be required. At all crossings of sewers and other utilities, compacted granular material is required between the deeper and shallower pipe.
(l) Fire hydrants are required at the end of all water mains. Fire hydrants shall be AWWA Standard C-502 latest revision thereof and shall conform to village specification, and be installed with a watch valve. Fire hydrants shall be placed three feet on center from the back of the curb, whenever possible, or a minimum of eight feet behind the edge of pavement in uncurbed streets.
(m) Valves shall be placed outside of pavement whenever practical. In general, two valves shall be placed at every main line tee, and three valves shall be placed at every main line cross. The maximum distance between main line valves shall be 1,000 feet.
(n) All tees, bends, plugs and hydrants shall be provided with reaction blocking, tie rods or joints designed to prevent movement. Tie rods shall be a minimum three- fourths inches diameter and coated with epoxy or two coats bitumastic material equal to Inertol No. 49 Thick.
(o) If the top of the operating nut for any valve is more than 36 inches below finished grade, an extension stem shall be provided to place the operating nut between 24 inches and 36 inches of the finished grade.
(p) The utilities “standard” water meter shall be provided by the Village Water Utilities at the expense of the developer or customer.
(q) Water meters shall be installed inside proposed structures unless a meter pit is approved by the Village Administrator.
(r) The developer shall thoroughly clean, test, disinfect and flush the water mains prior to being put into service and before acceptance by the village.
(s) The subdivider shall provide the Village Administrator with all required Ohio EPA permits and approvals and pay all Ohio EPA review fees.
(B) Electric and telecommunication system. In the event an electrical and telecommunication system can reasonably be made available by the extension and construction of transmission lines, the developer shall be required to provide for these utilities as follows.
(1) Electrical system.
(a) All developers shall make known and consult with the utility as to their intent and requirements of power prior to any construction. All installations must follow the National Electric Code and the village’s service policy and regulations.
(b) Detailed construction plans shall be furnished to the utility in sufficient time to allow engineering, material acquisition and work schedules to be made.
(c) When the developer desires that the subdivision be served by means of an underground system of distribution, in lieu of the overhead construction that is normally installed by the utility, the utility shall furnish and install all primary electrical cable, transformers, conduits, poles and make all connections. Trenching and backfilling shall be done by the developer to utility specifications and applicable codes.
(d) The cost difference between overhead and underground installation will be paid by the developer.
(e) When a subdivision is phased, all phases must conform to the initial phase’s installation of overhead or underground construction. Any deviation from the above must be approved by the Village Administrator.
(f) Pad mount transformers must be located within 30 feet of the roadway for maintenance access by the utility.
(g) Installation of the electric system will not commence until the road grade bedding has been completed.
(h) Electrical and telecommunication conduit crossings shall be in place prior to construction of streets.
(i) Before any work is commenced, the village utility reserves the right to require an aid-to-construction payment equal to the difference between utility’s estimated cost to provide overhead distribution system and the cost of the underground system to service to each phase.
(j) Before any work is done by the utility, a contract and a blanket right-of-way easement for the electric and telecommunications system shall be executed between the owner of the subdivision tract and the utility. Said contract and blanket right-of-way easement shall constitute a covenant that shall be a part of and run concurrently with each and every subsequent deed transfer covering the sale of any land within the subdivision.
(2) Telecommunication system.
(a) Telecommunication system components will be installed with and at the same time as the electric system construction.
(b) All subdivisions must provide conduit crossings for streets to handle telecommunication system wiring.
(c) All new subdivisions must supply blanket easements from the nearest transformer to the meter location for telecommunications wiring and electrical service wiring.
(C) Cost of improvement. The entire cost of construction and preparing drawings and specifications, including engineering supervision and overhead together with the inspection of construction, shall be borne by the developer.
(D) Rules and regulations of the County Sanitary Engineer. All applicable rules and regulations of the village or the County Sanitary Engineer’s Department shall be complied with in respect to the design, installation and specifications for water lines.
(Ord. 09-2001, § 116.88, passed 3-5-2001)