(A) After receiving notice of the approval of the preliminary plan and prior to the filing of the final plat, the subdivider shall present to the Commission six sets of typical sections and complete plans and profiles of streets, utilities and other related improvements to be constructed in the proposed subdivision prepared by a registered engineer.
(B) If a phasing plan has been approved by the Planning Commission, such construction plans may constitute only that phase of the preliminary plan which the Planning Commission has approved and found to be in the best interests of the village, providing it conforms with all the requirements of these subdivision regulations however, complete construction plans for water, sewer and storm sewer shall be completed for the whole subdivision with the current phase highlighted.
(C) After obtaining approval of such construction plans, the developer shall construct the improvements as required in these subdivision regulations.
(Ord. 09-2001, § 116.56, passed 3-5-2001)