(A) Plan contents and requirements. The subdivider or developer shall submit, to the Village Administrator for his or her approval, six complete sets of construction plans for the improvement of the roads, streets, utilities or other improvements, prepared by a registered professional engineer. The Village Administrator shall within 45 days after receiving the plans, approve, disapprove or require changes to be made to the plans, otherwise such plans are deemed to be satisfactory. The construction plans shall include title of the plan, generalities, location map, topographic map with contours, plans and profile, miscellaneous engineering details, and an estimate of quantities. Completed cross sections as required by the Village Administrator shall also be submitted with these plans. When the subdivider or developer submits for approval a construction plan for a street improvement in part of a subdivision area, preliminary street grades and proposed drainage facilities for the entire subdivision shall also be presented. All street and storm sewer materials and construction procedures shall be in accordance with the current Construction and Material Specifications of the State of Ohio, Department of Transportation. The construction plans and specifications as herein required are to be submitted to the Village Administrator. The Construction and Materials Specifications and Standard Construction Drawing Manual (as adopted in by reference in § 150.02) as presently on file with the Village Administrator, such and adopted on March 5, 2001, are included in these subdivision regulations and are approved and adopted as a part of these regulations. All elevations shown must be sea level datum (U.S.G.S.). All water and sanitary sewer materials and construction procedures shall be accordance with the general rules and regulations of the Water Department and/or the water and sewer pipe standards of these village utilities. All electric and telecommunication materials and construction procedures shall be in accordance with the village electric utility regulations.
   (B)   Estimates of quantities. An estimate of the quantities of all work specified indicated on the construction plans shall be shown.
(Ord. 09-2001, § 116.81, passed 3-5-2001)