(A)   Whenever a division of land has been classified as a minor subdivision by meeting the requirements of §§ 152.025 and 152.026, the division may be submitted to the Planning Commission for action. If the Commission acting through a designated official, is satisfied that such proposed division is not contrary to applicable platting, subdividing or zoning regulations, it shall within 45 working days after submission approve such proposed division. On presentation of a plat of such parcel, the same shall have lot numbers assigned and be signed by the authorized official.
   (B)   Where the owner of a lot which has previously been platted and numbered wishes to make any changes to the boundaries of the lot, and such changes are not contrary to applicable platting, subdividing or zoning regulations, such changes shall be made by plat and the same shall have new lot numbers assigned and be signed by the authorized official.
(Ord. 09-2001, § 116.52, passed 3-5-2001)