General Provisions
152.001 Short title
152.002 Purpose
152.003 Authority
152.004 Applicability
152.005 Is approval required for all subdivisions?
152.006 How are basic terms used here defined?
152.007 Fees, charges, and forms
152.008 Restrictions for solar and other energy devices
152.009 Appealing a land use authority’s decision
Concept Subdivision Plans
152.025 Concept subdivision plan required
152.026 Concept subdivision plan requirements
152.027 Consideration and effect of concept subdivision plan
152.028 Concept subdivision plan; not an application for subdivision approval
152.029 Subdivision recommendation prohibited at the meeting when concept plan discussed
Preliminary Subdivision Application
152.040 Intent
152.041 Requirements for preliminary subdivision applications
152.042 Reserved
152.043 Zoning Administrator to determine a complete application
152.044 Lack of preliminary subdivision application information; determination of incomplete application
152.045 Preliminary subdivision application approval procedures; Planning Commission recommendation
152.046 Effect of preliminary subdivision approval and effective period
152.047 Site preparation work prohibited
Final Subdivision Application
152.060 Intent
152.061 Requirements for final subdivision applications
152.062 Common area parcels on a plat; no separate ownership; ownership interest equally divided among other parcels on plat and included in description of other parcels
152.063 Dedication of streets and other public places
152.064 Final plat engineering review fees
152.065 Zoning Administrator to determine a complete final subdivision application
152.066 Lack of final subdivision application information; a determination of an incomplete application
152.067 Final subdivision approval procedures
152.068 Nature and effective period of final subdivision approval
152.069 Reserved
152.080 Reserved
Subdivision Construction
152.095 Construction of required subdivision improvements
152.096 Reserved
152.097 As-built drawings
152.098 Guarantees and escrow bond
152.099 Subdivision construction and improvement inspections
Vacating or Amending a Recorded Subdivision Plat or Street or Alley
152.115 How can I work with an adjoining owner to adjust the boundaries of our parcels?
152.116 How can I work with an adjoining owner or owners to adjust the boundaries of our subdivision lots by amending the recorded subdivision plat?
152.130 Purpose
152.131 Notice required by the act for public hearings and public meetings to consider the adoption or any modifications of this chapter; notice of final action
152.132 Notice required by the act for public hearings and public meetings to consider a preliminary subdivision application and notice of final action
152.133 Notice required by the act for public meetings to consider a final subdivision application and notice of final action
Cluster Subdivisions; Optional Provision
152.145 Purpose
152.146 Authority
152.147 Cluster subdivisions allowed in certain zoning districts
152.148 Minimum open space
152.149 Cluster subdivision application and approval process
152.150 General requirements
152.151 Open space dedication, ownership and maintenance
152.152 Required improvements and guarantees
152.999 Penalty