A violation of this Division E shall be a misdemeanor under state law. Civil penalties shall be subject to assessment pursuant to § 12.15 of the City Charter and § 1.19 of this city code. However, nothing in this Division E shall be construed to limit the city’s other available legal remedies for any violation of the law, including without limitation, licensing sanctions, criminal, civil and injunctive actions. In addition, violations or failure to pay civil fines may result in future license ineligibility.
(1958 Code, § 138.08) (Ord. 70, passed 1-1-1956; Ord. 74-106, passed 11-18-1974; recodified by Ord. 95-13, passed 8-7-1995; Ord. 2003-61, passed 12-15-2003; Ord. 2007-25, passed 8-6-2007)
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Division E is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Division E. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted the ordinance in each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared invalid.
(1958 Code, § 138.09) (Ord. 70, passed 1-1-1956; Ord. 74-106, passed 11-18-1974; recodified by Ord. 95-13, passed 8-7-1995)
The purpose of this Division F of the city code is to license and regulate mechanical contractors operating within the city in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the general public.
(1958 Code, § 138.10) (Ord. 10, passed 2-6-1961; Ord. 74-106, passed 11-18-1974; recodified by Ord. 95-13, passed 8-7-1995; Ord. 2020-28, passed 9-14-2020)
The following words and terms, when used in this Division F, shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
ISSUING AUTHORITY. The City of Bloomington Licensing Division.
MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR. Any person who is in the business of providing or contracting for the service of construction, alteration, change or repair of any mechanical system.
MECHANICAL SYSTEM. Includes any heating, ventilation, air conditioning, natural gas, oil burning, refrigeration or hot water/steaming device.
shall operate or perform services within the city without first procuring a license and a bond pursuant to this Division F.
(1958 Code, § 138.12) (Ord. 10, passed 2-6-1961; Ord. 74-106, passed 11-18-1974; recodified by Ord. 95-13, passed 8-7-1995; Ord. 2020-28, passed 9-14-2020)
Application for a license under this Division F shall be made in writing to the
and shall be on a form provided by the
(1958 Code, § 148.01) (Ord. 10, passed 2-6-1961; Ord. 72-18, passed 3-27-1972; Ord. 74-115, passed 11-18-1974; recodified by Ord. 95-13, passed 8-7-1995)