General Provisions
   151.001   Purpose
   151.002   Jurisdiction
   151.003   Applicability
   151.004   Definitions
   151.005   Severability
   151.006   Waiver for small subdivisions
   151.007   Amendments
   151.020   Preapplication meetings
   151.021   Plat submission requirements
   151.022   Fees
   151.023   Scale and preliminary plat contents
   151.024   Notification of improvement schedule
   151.025   Notification of County Planning Commission
   151.026   Notification of School Board
   151.027   Approval or rejection
   151.028   Recording of action
   151.029   Approval is conditional
   151.030   Final plat submission requirements
   151.031   Scale and final plat contents
   151.032   Supplementary data required
   151.033   Planning Commission recommendations
Streets, Alleys, Sidewalks, Driveways
   151.045   Streets
   151.046   Street extension
   151.047   Dedication of right-of-way for new streets
   151.048   Dedication of right-of-way for existing streets
   151.049   Intersections
   151.050   Horizontal and vertical street curves
   151.051   Street grades and elevations
   151.052   Widths and grades
   151.053   Marginal access streets
   151.054   Street jogs
   151.055   Street names
   151.056   Private streets and reserve strips
   151.057   Grading specifications
   151.058   Minimum pavement widths
   151.059   Street surfacing
   151.060   Curb and gutter
   151.061   Street name signs
   151.062   Alleys
   151.063   Sidewalks
   151.064   Driveways
Blocks and Lots
   151.075   General requirements
   151.076   Utility lines
   151.077   Appropriate lots
   151.078   Minimum lot dimensions
   151.079   Monuments
Utility and Drainage Facilities
   151.090   General
   151.091   Water supply improvements
   151.092   Sanitary sewer improvements
   151.093   Drainage improvements
   151.094   Storm sewers and storm water drainage
   151.095   Culverts and bridges
   151.096   Erosion control
   151.097   Fire protection
   151.098   Electric, gas and telephone improvements
Shared Improvement Costs
   151.110   Over-size and off-site improvements
   151.111   Cost of over-size improvements
   151.112   Extensions to boundaries
   151.113   Off-site extensions
Subdivision Improvement Guarantees
   151.125   Completion of improvement
   151.126   Inspection and certification
   151.127   Surety performance bond
   151.128   Escrow account
   151.129   Sequential approval of subdivision segments without guarantee
   151.130   Special assessment
   151.131   Time limits
   151.132   Failure to complete improvements
   151.133   Reduction of guarantees
   151.134   Release of guarantee
   151.145   Granting of variances; conditions
   151.146   Recording of plat
   151.147   Planned development
§ 151.001  PURPOSE.
   The purpose of these regulations is to provide for the orderly development of the city and its environs; to proscribe standards for the laying out of subdivisions in harmony with the comprehensive plan; for the coordination of streets and utilities within subdivisions with other existing or planned streets and utilities; for coordination of subdivisions with other features of the comprehensive plan to provide for adequate open space for traffic, recreation, light and air; and for the distribution of population and traffic in a manner so as to create conditions favorable to health, safety, convenience or prosperity, all in accordance with applicable state statutes.
(Prior Code, § 1)
§ 151.002  JURISDICTION.
   The provisions of this chapter shall apply within the area of planning and zoning jurisdiction, as defined on the “Official Zoning Map of the City of Auburn, Nebraska”, as may be amended from time to time.
(Prior Code, § 2)