The following requirements shall govern sanitary sewer improvements.
(A) Where an adequate public sanitary sewer system is reasonably accessible in the determination of the City Council, public sanitary sewers shall be installed to adequately serve all lots, including lateral connections to the public system. Public sewer system extensions shall meet the requirements of the city standards and the State Department of Environmental Quality and the Department of Health. Combinations of sanitary sewers and storm sewers shall be prohibited.
(B) Where a public sanitary sewer system is not reasonably accessible, the subdivider may provide:
(1) A central treatment plant, provided that the central treatment plant is installed in accordance with the City and State Department of Environmental Quality and Department of Health requirements; or
(2) Lots may be served by individual disposal systems, if the provisions of the following section are met.
(C) (1) Where the installation of individual disposal systems is considered, the suitability of the soil for individual systems, the absorptive ability of the soil, surface drainage, ground water level and topography shall be the criteria for determining whether or not the installation of individual systems is permissible. Criteria shall be in accordance with the requirements of the City and the State Department of Environmental Quality and Department of Health.
(2) Each lot so served shall be of a size and shape to accommodate the necessary length of tile field at a safe distance from and at a lower elevation than the proposed buildings. The lot size and shape shall conform to the requirements of the zoning district in which they are located; provided that, in no case shall the minimum lot be less than one acre in area where there is a public water supply available at the lot and two and one-half acres where there is not public water supply available.
(3) At least one percolation test shall be made for each lot area being platted, and each test shall be located in close proximity to the proposed individual sewage disposal unit, be numbered and its location shown on the preliminary plat. All percolation tests shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the City Council.
(Prior Code, § 9.3)
The subdivider shall construct all necessary facilities, including underground pipe, inlets, catch basins or open drainage ditches, as determined by the City Engineer, to provide for the adequate disposal of subsurface and surface water and maintenance of natural drainage courses. The velocity of flow in an open ditch shall not exceed four feet per second in soil ditches or six feet per second in turf gutters. Paved gutters will be required if velocities of flow are greater than those specified or if it is otherwise likely that destructive erosion will result. Drainage ditches shall not be permitted to discharge into any sanitary sewer facility.
(Prior Code, § 9.4)
Where an adequate public storm sewer system is available at the plat boundary, the city shall construct a storm sewer system and connect with the storm sewer line. If a storm sewer system is not accessible, natural drainage channels with easement of adequate width shall be provided, as determined by the City Engineer and approved by the City Council. Storm drainage, including drain tile around basements, shall not be permitted to discharge into any sanitary sewer facility, but shall connect to an adequate drainage outlet.
(Prior Code, § 9.5)