(A) (1) A preapplication meeting between the applicant or his, her or its representative, the Planning Commission, Building Official and other city departments will be required prior to the submission of an application for approval of a preliminary plat. No application for preliminary plat will be accepted by the Building Official until after the preapplication meeting. Preapplication meetings should be scheduled through the City Clerk’s office.
(2) The purpose of the preapplication meeting is to review policies, procedures and forms required by the city and to discuss the applicant’s request.
(B) The application shall provide the following minimum information as part of a conceptual review sketch plan:
(1) The proposed layout of streets, lots and utilities in relation to existing streets, utilities, topography and other conditions; and
(2) A general location map showing the proposed subdivision and its relationship to existing abutting subdivisions and community facilities in the area, such as streets, alleys, schools, parks, commercial areas and other data supplementing the subdivision plan which outline or describe all of the proposed development as it relates to existing conditions.
(Prior Code, § 6.1)
The subdivider shall submit to the City Clerk nine copies of the preliminary plat and supplemental material specified, with written application for conditional approval, at least 15 days prior to the regular meeting of the Planning Commission at which the request will be heard.
(Prior Code, § 6.2)