In those cases where improvement guarantees have been made under this section of this regulation, the amount of the guarantee may be reduced upon acceptance in compliance with this section of the dedication of a portion of the required improvements.
(Prior Code, § 11.9)
If, after final approval and prior to the expiration of one year after the date of final approval, or the longer period of time as may be prescribed by law or by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the contract documents, any work is found to be defective, the subdivider will promptly, without cost to the city and in accordance with the city’s written instructions, either correct the defective work, or if any work has been rejected by the city, remove it from the site and replace it with nondefective work. It shall be the duty of the subdivider to notify the City Council in writing within 30 days prior to the expiration of the one-year period to make the final inspection of the work. Unless the subdivider shall furnish the notices, the obligation to maintain the work shall continue in force until the notices have been furnished, the work inspected and any required corrections made.
(Prior Code, § 11.10)