   Pavement widths shall be measured between curb backs. Minimum pavement or surface widths shall be provided according to the code of the city.
(Prior Code, § 7.14)
   The streets in the proposed subdivision shall be paved, including curbs and gutters, and street surfacing shall be of concrete or any other suitable surface as recommended by the designated City Engineer and approved by the City Council. Requirements for paving, including curb and gutter, may be waived at the request of the subdivider. Streets in the subdivision shall have a crushed rock or gravel surface which meets the specifications of the city.
(Prior Code, § 7.15)
§ 151.060  CURB AND GUTTER.
   Curb and gutter shall be provided as required by the City Engineer. In areas of notable flash flooding or heavy rain run-off, curbs shall be required on all streets designed for areas where the existing or anticipated residential density of the areas surrounding the proposed subdivision equals or exceeds three dwelling units per net acre. In commercial developments, or where other similar intensive urban uses exist or are anticipated, curbs shall be required. Where curbs exist on abutting properties, their extension shall be required throughout the proposed subdivision. All curb and gutter shall be constructed in conformance with the minimum standards of the city and as approved by the City Engineer.
(Prior Code, § 7.16)