Subtitle 1. Definitions; General Provisions
   6-1-101.   Definitions.
   6-1-102.   Nondiscrimination.
   6-1-103.   Hours of work.
   6-1-104.   Powers and duties of Personnel Officer.
   6-1-105.   Review of employee compensation by Personnel Officer.
   6-1-106.   Eligibility and certification lists.
   6-1-107.   Probationary period.
   6-1-108.   Reclassification of position.
   6-1-109.   Layoff rights.
   6-1-110.   Control of positions.
   6-1-111.   Distinguished service awards.
   6-1-112.   Disclosure protection.
Subtitle 2. Minimum Qualifications; Pay
   6-1-201.   Classification plan.
   6-1-202.   Pay plan.
   6-1-203.   Pay at hiring – Non-represented employees.
   6-1-204.   Pay advancement through range, performance pay awards – Non-represented employees.
   6-1-205.   Variable pay.
   6-1-206.   Pay on promotion, demotion, reclassification, or grade reallocation – Non- represented employees.
   6-1-207.   Pay at hiring; advancement through steps – Represented employees.
   6-1-208.   Pay on promotion, demotion, reclassification, or grade reallocation – Represented employees.
   6-1-209.   Pay upon movement between pay schedules – Represented and non-represented employees.
   6-1-210.   Pay on promotion, demotion, or reclassification on same pay schedule between represented and non-represented public safety positions.
   6-1-211.   Overtime pay.
   6-1-212.   Night shift differential pay.
   6-1-213.   Call-in pay.
   6-1-214.   On-call pay.
   6-1-215.   Out-of-class pay.
   6-1-216.   Flight pay.
   6-1-217.   Allowances.
   6-1-218.   Extra shift – Bonus payment.
   6-1-219.   Bonus pay.
   6-1-220.   Stand-by pay.
Subtitle 3. Benefits
   6-1-301.   Holidays.
   6-1-302.   Annual leave.
   6-1-303.   Disability leave.
   6-1-304.   Leave without pay.
   6-1-305.   Miscellaneous leave.
   6-1-306.   Administrative leave.
   6-1-307.   Education assistance.
   6-1-308.   County Employee and Retiree Health Benefits Program.
   6-1-309.   Pooling for group health plan.
   6-1-310.   Group life insurance.
   6-1-311.   Employees injured in line of duty – In general.
   6-1-312.   Employees injured in line of duty – Uniformed officers.
   6-1-313.   Family and medical leave.
Charter reference – §§ 801 et seq.