Complete streets shall be designed to the specifications in the DPM, which incorporates implementation of Part 6-5-6 of ROA 1994 (Complete Streets).
Development shall comply with the pedestrian circulation standards in Subsection 14-16-5-3(D) (Pedestrian Circulation) and the DPM.
5-3(C)(5)(a) New development involving more than 1 lot or sites over 5 acres in size adjacent to existing bikeways shall provide at least 1 access point to the bikeways to allow residents and users of the development to easily and safely access those bikeways. Access location and design shall be coordinated with City Parks and Recreation Department.
5-3(C)(5)(b) Development shall comply with the bicycle circulation standards in Section 14-16-5-3(E)(4) (Bicycle Facilities) and the DPM.