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6.12.8.   Building Numbers
Building numbers shall be assigned by the Town in accordance with the following standards:
   A.   Road address numbers must be clearly displayed so that the location can be identified easily from the road.
   B.   The official address number must be displayed on the front of a building or at the entrance to a building which is most clearly visible from the street or road during both day and night.
   C.   If a building is more than 75 feet from any road, the address number shall be displayed at the end of the driveway or easement nearest the road which provides access to the building.
   D.   Numerals indicating the address number of a single-family dwelling shall be at least four inches in height and shall be posted and maintained so as to be legible from the road.
   E.   Numerals for multiple dwelling units and nonresidential buildings shall be at least six inches in height and shall be placed on the front of the building facing the road or on the end of the building nearest the road.
   F.   Numerals must be of contrasting color to the background.
   G.   Mobile home lots shall have sequential address numbers throughout the park. Each lot will have a separate address number assigned. The address number of each lot must be clearly displayed on the lot so as to be legible from the road rather than mounted on the mobile home unit.
   H.   Owners or occupants of buildings already constructed which do not comply with this section will be notified and requested to meet these requirements within 60 days from the date of notification. If the owner or occupant fails to comply with this request within the specified period of time, the Planning Director may revoke any of the penalties or remedies available in this Ordinance.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
6.13.1.   Introduction
The Town of Zebulon requires that the traffic and circulation impacts of proposed development projects be analyzed. The traffic impacts of proposed developments are to be analyzed through the preparation of a traffic impact analysis (TIA) prepared in conformance with the Town of Zebulon requirements. The TIA must be prepared, signed and sealed by a traffic engineer or a civil engineer registered in the State of North Carolina, qualified to practice traffic engineering. This section identifies the required format and methodology that is generally required to be utilized in the study preparation, subject to the review and approval of the Town of Zebulon.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
6.13.2.   Purpose
The purpose of the TIA is to identify the impacts on capacity, level of service (LOS), and safety, which are likely to be created by a proposed development. A TIA report should identify the improvements needed to:
   A.   Ensure safe ingress to and egress from a site;
   B.   Maintain adequate street capacity on adjacent public streets;
   C.   Ensure safe and reasonable traffic operating conditions on streets and at intersections in the vicinity of a proposed development;
   D.   Avoid creation of or mitigate existing hazardous traffic conditions;
   E.   Minimize the impact of nonresidential traffic on residential neighborhoods in the community; and
   F.   Protect the substantial public investment in the existing street system.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
6.13.3.   Applicability
   A.   A TIA shall be required for any new development projects utilizing a development plan, site plan, and preliminary plat that can be anticipated to generate at least 50 vehicle trips in either the a.m. or p.m. peak hour, or exceeding 150 average daily trips (as determined by Institute of Transportation Engineers Standards).
   B.   Any redevelopment projects to an existing building that involve a rezoning of the property or a special use permit shall be required to provide a TIA if the projects are anticipated to generate at least 50 vehicle trips in either the a.m. or p.m. peak hour (as determined by Institute of Transportation Engineers Standards).
   C.   A TIA shall be required for any new school development or school redevelopment projects utilizing a development plan, site plan, and preliminary plat that can be anticipated to generate at least 100 vehicle trips in either the a.m. or p.m. peak hour. Trip generation calculations shall be determined using the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Municipal and School Transportation Assistance (MSTA) Traffic Calculator. Final approval of such developments may require comments, recommendations, and approval from the NCDOT Division Office based on an analysis and evaluation of the capacity and efficiency of the anticipated development's roadway network. Any roadway modifications or improvements necessitated by the proposed development should be designed and constructed in conformance with the current NCDOT design and construction guidelines.
   D.   Town staff reserves the right to require a TIA if operational or safety concerns exist. Some additional factors for determination may include any nonresidential use meeting one or more of the following:
      1.   covering more than two (2) acres;
      2.   including more than three (3) building lots;
      3.   providing an assembly area for more than four hundred (400) persons;
      4.   involving office or sales floor area over twenty thousand (20,000) square feet;
      5.   within one hundred fifty (150) lineal feet of any intersection of two (2) designated Thoroughfares;
      6.   within five hundred (500) lineal feet of any public road intersection currently operating as a Level of Service D, E or F;
      7.   and/or involving service or delivery vehicles in excess of one (1) ton.
   E.   Whenever a TIA is required and meets the standards set forth in this section pursuant to division A, B, C, or D above, the TIA report shall be incorporated and included as part of the Technical Review Committee (TRC) submittal packet.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019; Ord. 2023-38, passed 5-1-2023)
6.13.4.   Pre-Application Conference
The applicant shall schedule a pre-application meeting with the Planning Director to discuss procedures, standards, and regulations required for TIA submittal and approval.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
6.13.5.   Memorandum of Understanding
The traffic engineer shall submit a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to the Planning Director to document the agreements made during the pre-application conference which discusses the criteria used in the analysis of the TIA. The MOU may be received by the town via email, fax, or mail. The traffic engineer shall not begin work on the TIA until the Town has approved the MOU.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)