6.12.2.   Reasonable Relationship
All required improvements, easements, and rights-of-way (other than required reservations) shall substantially benefit the development or bear a reasonable relationship to the need for public facilities attributable to the new development.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
6.12.3.   Lot Configuration
   A.   Dimensional Requirements.
      1.   The size, width, depth, shape, orientation, and minimum setback lines of lots shall be as required for the zoning district where located in accordance with the standards in Article 3: Districts.
      2.   All lots created after January 1, 2020, shall have sufficient area, dimensions, and access to allow a principal building to be erected on it in compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance.
      3.   Lots intended for non-residential development shall be of an adequate size and shape to accommodate required off-street parking, loading, and on-site circulation features.
   B.   Side Lot Lines. Side lines of lots should be at or near right angles or radial to street lines.
   C.   Flag Lots. New flag lots may be established, subject to the following requirements:
      1.   No more than two flag lots may be created from a parent parcel after January 1, 2020.
      2.   New flag lots may only be established along existing streets.
      3.   The "pole," arm," or "pan handle" portion of a flag lot shall maintain a minimum width of at least 30 feet.
      4.   Use of a single driveway to serve an adjoining lot is encouraged. Wherever possible, the shared driveway shall be on the flag lot.
      5.   In no case shall flag lots be configured to have two "poles," "arms," or "pan handles" adjacent to one another.
   D.   Double-Frontage Lots.
      1.   Double frontage (or "through" lots) shall be prohibited except where essential to provide separation of residential development from traffic arteries or to overcome specific challenges of topography and orientation.
      2.   In cases where a double frontage lot abuts an arterial or collector street, access to the lot shall be provided from the street with the lowest average daily trips. This requirement may be waived by the Planning Director in cases where compliance with this standard will likely result in dramatic increases in traffic within residential areas.
      3.   A double frontage lot shall include an easement of at least ten feet in width across the rear of the lot which shall prohibit access to the abutting street.
   E.   Corner Lots. Corner lots shall be of sufficient size to ensure development may be configured in accordance with the standards in Section 5.1.7, Sight Distance Triangles.
   F.   Lots Served by Private Water or Wastewater Systems.
      1.   Wake County Environmental Health shall evaluate proposed or existing sewer facilities on lots ten acres or less that are not served by governmental water and/or sewerage systems in accordance with the following:
         a.   New subdivision lots without existing sewer systems shall be evaluated by current state and county health department regulations.
         b.   New subdivision lots with existing sewer systems shall be evaluated for visual malfunctioning by the appropriate county health department. Malfunctioning systems shall be repaired prior to subdivision plat approval. New property lines shall meet current minimum setback requirements or an easement for the sewer facilities must be shown on the plat.
      2.   Lots that are located within 1,000 linear feet of an existing public potable water or public sanitary sewer line shall connect to these existing systems.
         a.   If the potable water system will not generate water pressure that is equal to the average of connected customers within a quarter-mile radius of the owner’s point of connection (as determined by a licensed professional engineer), then connection to the water system is not required.
         b.   If the cost to connect to the sewer system is greater than the cost to install an on-site wastewater system (as determined by a licensed soil scientist, on-site wastewater contractor, or licensed plumbing contractor), then connection to sewer system is not required.
   G.   Lots Served by Private Water or Wastewater Systems in Watershed Areas. Lots in watershed areas that must have an individual (on site) water supply and sewage disposal system shall be evaluated by current State and county health department regulations and/or other requirements governing the protection of public water supplies.
   H.   Drainage and Flood Prevention. New subdivisions shall comply with the applicable requirements for drainage in Section 6.9, Soil Erosion & Sedimentation, stormwater management in Section 6.11, Stormwater, and flood prevention in Section 3.8.2, Flood Hazard Overlay (FHO) District.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019; Ord. 2025-11, passed 10-7-2024)
6.12.4.   Access to Lots
   A.   All lots subdivided after January 1, 2020, shall be provided with access to an existing street that has been accepted for maintenance by the State of North Carolina or the Town of Zebulon.
   B.   Streets providing access to lots shall be constructed in conformance with the standards and specifications of the Town's construction standards and details and/or the North Carolina Department of Transportation and dedicated in accordance with this Ordinance.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
6.12.5.   Monuments
Monuments shall be included as part of any subdivision, and shall be configured in accordance The Standards of Practice for Land Surveying in North Carolina, as adopted by the North Carolina State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, and the following:
   A.   Markers shall be set at all lot corners, points of curvature, points of tangency, and at all points with a change in bearings.
   B.   The location and type of all markers used shall be indicated on the final plat.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
6.12.6.   Easements
Easements for drainage or utilities may be required where necessary, and shall be provided in accordance with the following:
   A.   Locations.
      1.   Such easements shall be placed along side or rear property lines where practicable.
      2.   Easements shall center along or be adjacent to a common property line where practicable.
      3.   Redesign of the lot arrangements may be required to meet extreme conditions.
   B.   Utilities.
      1.   Power or Communications. Where alleys are not provided, easements (of not less than ten feet in width) shall be provided adjacent to public rights-of-way or in such other locations as may be directed by the Planning Department for poles, wires, or conduits for electrical utilities, natural gas service, or telephone services.
      2.   Potable Water. Easements of at least 20 feet in width, as centered on the pipe, shall be provided for public potable water supply systems in locations as may be directed by the Planning Department for water distribution lines, water meters, and access points.
      3.   Sanitary Sewer. Easements of at least 30 feet in width, as centered on the pipe, shall be provided for public sanitary sewer systems in locations as may be directed by the Planning Department for sewer collection lines and access points.
      4.   Easement Upsizing. The Planning Director may increase the easement widths for public water and sewer services based on the size of the line, the required depth of the line, or the need to remain clear of other utilities.
   C.   Drainage.
      1.   Provision of drainage facilities to maintain the established flow of off-site water through any property to be subdivided shall be the responsibility of the subdivider.
      2.   No subdivision shall block or obstruct the natural drainage of an adjoining area.
      3.   Easements, when required for drainage of the area to be subdivided, shall be of such width as is necessary to permit proper construction and maintenance of the drainage facilities required to drain the area properly.
      4.   Open channel drainage easements shall be of a minimum width of 10 feet.
      5.   Drainage easements containing piped stormwater facilities shall be at least 20 feet in width.
      6.   The Planning Director may require drainage easements up to 50 feet in width as necessary in the public interest.
      7.   Easements of greater width may be required along the lines of or across lots where necessary for storm drainage, channels, surface overflow or for the extension of main sewers or similar utilities and when necessary for adequate separation of specific utilities.
      8.   Existing natural drainage shall be retained or adequately relocated.
   D.   Maintenance.
      1.   All easements for drainage or utilities shall be cleared of undergrowth, trees, and other obstructions prior to approval of the final plat unless Planning Director certifies in writing that such clearance is unnecessary.
      2.   Clearance is not required for easements that are provided for possible future use.
      3.   Easements for stormwater management facilities and stormwater drainage systems located outside the street right-of-way shall be maintained by an owners' association, and maintenance responsibility for these features shall be indicated on the final plat.
   E.   Identification. All easements shall be granted in favor of the Town of Zebulon, the State of North Carolina, the appropriate utility provider, an owners' association, as appropriate, and shall be shown and clearly labeled on the final plat.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
6.12.7.   Cluster Mailboxes
When cluster mailbox units are required by the US Postal Service, they shall be configured in accordance with the following:
   A.   Cluster mailbox units shall be configured in accordance with all applicable USPS standards.
   B.   Cluster mailbox units shall be served by a sidewalk connected to the larger pedestrian network in the development, or shall provide at least two designated parking spaces that provide safe an unobstructed access to the mailbox unit.
   C.   Cluster mailboxes shall be covered to protect pedestrians from inclement weather while accessing their individual mailbox.
   D.   Cluster mailboxes shall be served by exterior illumination of at least 2 footcandles to ensure safety during night time hours.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
6.12.8.   Building Numbers
Building numbers shall be assigned by the Town in accordance with the following standards:
   A.   Road address numbers must be clearly displayed so that the location can be identified easily from the road.
   B.   The official address number must be displayed on the front of a building or at the entrance to a building which is most clearly visible from the street or road during both day and night.
   C.   If a building is more than 75 feet from any road, the address number shall be displayed at the end of the driveway or easement nearest the road which provides access to the building.
   D.   Numerals indicating the address number of a single-family dwelling shall be at least four inches in height and shall be posted and maintained so as to be legible from the road.
   E.   Numerals for multiple dwelling units and nonresidential buildings shall be at least six inches in height and shall be placed on the front of the building facing the road or on the end of the building nearest the road.
   F.   Numerals must be of contrasting color to the background.
   G.   Mobile home lots shall have sequential address numbers throughout the park. Each lot will have a separate address number assigned. The address number of each lot must be clearly displayed on the lot so as to be legible from the road rather than mounted on the mobile home unit.
   H.   Owners or occupants of buildings already constructed which do not comply with this section will be notified and requested to meet these requirements within 60 days from the date of notification. If the owner or occupant fails to comply with this request within the specified period of time, the Planning Director may revoke any of the penalties or remedies available in this Ordinance.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
6.13.1.   Introduction
The Town of Zebulon requires that the traffic and circulation impacts of proposed development projects be analyzed. The traffic impacts of proposed developments are to be analyzed through the preparation of a traffic impact analysis (TIA) prepared in conformance with the Town of Zebulon requirements. The TIA must be prepared, signed and sealed by a traffic engineer or a civil engineer registered in the State of North Carolina, qualified to practice traffic engineering. This section identifies the required format and methodology that is generally required to be utilized in the study preparation, subject to the review and approval of the Town of Zebulon.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)