The standards in this section shall apply to subdivisions with open space set-aside(s), lands held under common ownership, or shared responsibility for common infrastructure where the subdivider or developer will not remain responsible for maintenance of any of the following lands or infrastructure:
A. Stormwater control mechanisms;
B. Private potable water systems;
C. Private sewage system features (such as pump stations serving only the development where located);
D. Cluster mailbox units;
E. Commonly-held off-street parking facilities; and
F. Open space set-asides.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
A. In cases where a landowner or subdivider will not retain maintenance responsibility of all lands and site features in a development, a homeowners' or property owners' association shall be established in areas that have private open space set-asides or shared private infrastructure.
B. Associations established in accordance with these provisions are required to accept ownership and maintenance responsibility of all open space set-aside(s), shared infrastructure, or common areas within a development.
C. The association shall be in legal existence prior to the transfer of maintenance responsibility.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
Upon transfer of maintenance responsibility, the association shall be responsible for:
A. Liability insurance and payment of premiums for liability insurance and local taxes;
B. Maintenance of all common elements including, but not limited to, private utilities, private drives, private sidewalks and trails, private streetlights, and private common recreation facilities shown on the preliminary and final plats;
C. Maintenance of public streets until such time as the Town or NCDOT agrees to accept the responsibility for street maintenance; and
D. Maintenance of a fund intended for the maintenance and repair of community facilities.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
B. The association shall be established by the subdivider prior to transfer of maintenance responsibility.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)