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6.14.3.   Sewage Disposal Facilities Required
   A.   Every principal use and every lot within a subdivision shall be served by a sewage disposal system that is adequate to accommodate the reasonable needs of the use or subdivision lot and that complies with all applicable health regulations.
   B.   Primary responsibility for determining whether a proposed development will comply with these standards typically lies with a county or state agency rather than the Town, and the developer must comply with the detailed standards and specifications of another agency.
   C.   Whenever applicable the developer must present the Planning Director with certification from the appropriate agency which regulate the type of sewage disposal facility being proposed that the facility complies with all standards and requirements. If a permit is required, the developer must present the Planning Director with a copy of the permit as well as any detailed drawings which were required prior to its issuance.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
6.14.4.   Water Supply System Required
   A.   Every principal use and every lot within a subdivision shall be served by a water supply system that is adequate to accommodate the reasonable needs of the use or subdivision lot and that complies with all applicable health regulations.
   B.   Primary responsibility for determining whether a proposed development will comply with these standards typically lies with a county or state agency rather than the Town, and the developer must comply with the detailed standards and specifications of such other agency.
   C.   Whenever applicable the developer must present the Planning Director with certification from the appropriate agency which regulate the type of sewage disposal facility being proposed that the facility complies with all standards and requirements. If a permit is required, the developer must present the Planning Director with a copy of the permit as well as any detailed drawings which were required prior to its issuance.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
6.14.5.   Electric Power
   A.   Every principal use and every lot within a subdivision shall have available to it a source of electric power adequate to accommodate the reasonable needs of the use and every lot within the subdivision. Compliance with this requirement shall be determined as follows:
   B.   If the use is not a subdivision and is located on a lot that is served by an existing power line and the use can be served by a simple connection to the power line, then no further certification is needed; and
   C.   If the use is a subdivision or is not located on a lot served by an existing power line or a substantial internal distribution system will be necessary, then the electric utility service provider must review the proposed plans and certify to the Town that it can provide service that is adequate to meet the needs of the proposed use and every lot within the proposed subdivision.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
6.14.6.   Telephone Service
   A.   Every principal use and every lot within a subdivision shall have available to it a telephone service cable adequate to accommodate the reasonable needs of the use and every lot within the subdivision. Compliance with this requirement shall be determined as follows:
   B.   If the use is not a subdivision and is located on a lot that is served by an existing telephone line and the use can be served by a simple connection to the power line, then no further certification is needed; and
   C.   If the use is a subdivision or is not located on a lot served by an existing telephone line or a substantial internal distribution system will be necessary, then the telephone utility company provider must review the proposed plans and certify to the town that it can provide service that is adequate to meet the needs of the proposed use and every lot within the proposed subdivision.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
6.14.7.   Underground Utilities
   A.   All electric power lines, not to include transformers or enclosures containing electrical equipment including, but not limited to, switches, meter or capacitors which may be pad mounted, telephone, gas distribution and cable television lines in subdivisions constructed after the effective date of this chapter shall be placed underground in accordance with the specifications and policies of the respective utility service and subject to approval by the town.
   B.   Whenever an unsubdivided development is hereafter constructed on a lot that is undeveloped on the effective date of this Ordinance, then all electric power, telephone, gas distribution and cable television lines installed to serve the development that are located on the development site outside of a previously existing public street right-of-way shall be placed underground in accordance with the specifications and policies of the respective utility companies and subject to approval by the town.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
6.14.8.   Utilities to be Consistent with Internal and External Development
   A.   Whenever it can reasonably be anticipated that utility facilities constructed in one development will be extended to serve other adjacent or nearby developments, the utility facilities shall be located and constructed so that extensions can be made conveniently and without undue burden or expense or unnecessary duplication of service.
   B.   All utility facilities shall be constructed in such a manner as to minimize interference with pedestrian or vehicular traffic and to facilitate maintenance without undue damage to improvements or facilities located within the development.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
6.14.9.   As-Built Drawings Required
   A.   Whenever a developer installs or causes to be installed any utility line in any public right-of-way, the developer shall, as soon as practicable after installation is complete, and before acceptance of any water or sewer line, furnish the city with a copy of a drawing that shows the exact location of the utility lines.
   B.   The drawings must be verified as accurate by the utility service provider. Compliance with this requirement shall be a condition of the continued validity of the permit authorizing the development.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
6.14.10.   Fire Hydrants
   A.   Water System.
      1.   Every development that is served by a public water system shall include a system of fire hydrants sufficient to provide adequate fire protection for the buildings located or intended to be located within the development.
      2.   Refer to the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department current handbook for all water design standards.
   B.   Sprinklers.
      1.   Where automatic sprinkler systems are used, a fire department connection, five-inch storz with 30-degree elbow, shall be provided on the building or at a location approved by the local fire code official.
      2.   Where a single riser serves more than one occupancy, or building tenant, an approved indicating shut off valve must be provided for each occupancy and supervised in accordance with the current North Carolina Fire Prevention Code.
      3.   Where automatic sprinkler systems are used, a Fire Department connection shall be provided on the building. The Fire Department connection shall be located within 100 feet of a hydrant.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)