(a) The fee to accompany a written request for advance notification of public meetings, as set forth in Section 206.06, is ten dollars ($10.00).
(b) An additional fee of five dollars ($5.00), as set forth in Section 290.03, shall be paid as court costs for each defendant convicted in the Mayor's Court.
(c) A fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be paid upon the filing of a sundry claim pursuant to Chapter 278 of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Walton Hills, Ohio. In the event that applicant’s claim is granted, the fee shall be refunded to the applicant.
(Ord. 2004-4. Passed 1-20-04; Ord. 2009-6. Passed 3-17-09.)
The fee for a permit authorizing an oversize or overweight vehicle or combination of vehicles to use local streets and highways, as set forth in Section 440.01(c), is twenty-five dollars ($25.00), and the fee to be paid to the Village for each hour of time spent by the Police Department in supervising the movement of such vehicles is fifty dollars ($50.00).
(a) The fee for a license to use dangerous ordnance, as set forth in Section 678.05, is fifty dollars ($50.00). The fee for a temporary permit to use dangerous ordnance, as set forth in such section, is five dollars ($5.00).
(b) The fee for a permit to conduct a public exhibition of fireworks, as set forth in Section 678.10(e), is twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
(a) The fee for an alarm permit, as set forth in Section 804.02, is twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
(b) The fee for a cable television franchise or renewal thereof, as set forth in Section 814.13, is two thousand dollars ($2,000).
(c) The additional franchise fee, in cases of nonpayment within thirty days of the franchise fee referred to in Section 814.19, as set forth in Section 814.19(e), is one hundred dollars ($100.00) per day, and, in the case of nonpayment within seventy-five days, the additional fee shall be five hundred dollars ($500.00) per day.
(d) The fee for an oil or gas well permit, as set forth in Section 864.02, is three thousand dollars ($3,000).
(e) The fee for renewing an oil or gas well permit, as set forth in Section 864.09, is twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
(f) The fee for a permit to plug and/or abandon an oil or gas well, as set forth in Section 864.12, is one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00).
(g) The fee for a Certificate of Registration to conduct or operate a place for entrance to which an admission charge is made, as set forth in Section 892.05, is five dollars ($5.00).
(h) The fees for sexually oriented business licenses, as set forth in Section 860.10, are as follows:
(1) Application and investigation fee for new business license $400.00
(2) Renewal application and investigation fee $250.00
(3) License fee $400.00
(4) Application, investigation and license fee for new business employee license $100.00
(5) Application, investigation and license fee for renewal business employee license $ 50.00
(Ord. 2002-15. Passed 5-21-02; Ord. 2004-33. Passed 11-2-04.)
(a) The fee for a permit to make an excavation in a public way, as set forth in Section 1024.02, is one hundred dollars ($100.00).
(b) Charges for permits for service connections to water mains owned by the Village, as set forth in Section 1040.04, are as follows:
Pipe Size (inches) | Pipe Area (square inches) | Charge |
Pipe Size (inches) | Pipe Area (square inches) | Charge |
1 | .79 | $ 50.00 |
1 ½ | 1.77 | 75.00 |
2 | 3.14 | 100.00 |
3 | 7.07 | 141.00 |
4 | 12.57 | 251.00 |
6 | 28.27 | 565.00 |
8 | 50.26 | 1,005.00 |
12 | 113.10 | 2,262.00 |
The fee for a fire service connection to water mains owned by the Village, as set forth in Section 1040.04 is one hundred dollars ($100.00).
(c) The fee for a permit to make a sewer connection, as set forth in Section 1042.02(b), is one hundred dollars ($100.00), plus ten dollars ($10.00) for each 100 linear feet or fraction thereof.
(d) In the event an application for a sewer connection to a residence outside the Village and the Walton Hills Sanitary Sewer System is approved by the Village Engineer and Building Inspector pursuant to C.O. Section 1042.02(b), the fee for a permit to make a residential sewer connection outside the Village boundaries as set forth in Section 1042.02(b), is five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), plus one dollar ($1.00) for each linear foot.
(e) The fee for a permit to make a commercial sewer connection within the Village as set forth in Section 1042.02(b) is five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) for sewage flow less than 400 gallons per day and one thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($1,250.00) for each additional 100 gallons of sewage flow per day in excess of 400 gallons per day.
(f) The fees for the use of baseball diamonds located on the Thomas G. Young Recreation Center, as set forth in Section 1064.01, are as follows:
Class | Fee |
Class | Fee |
A- Resident children in organized league play and practice | None |
B - Resident children only, other than Class A | None |
C - Resident adults only | None |
D - 1 - Residents and their nonresident guests, not involving organized league play | None |
D - 2 - In the event Class D - 1 permit activity requires, in the judgment of the authority issuing the permit, unusual maintenance activity and police protection, then the fee shall be | $25.00 |
E - League play not sponsored by Walton Hills Recreation Department | 50.00 |
F - Other | 50.00 |
(Ord. 2002-15. Passed 5-21-02; Ord. 2005-22. Passed 9-6-05.)
(a) Country Home Districts.
(1) The fee for filing a preliminary plat, as set forth in Section 1242.02, shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00), plus ten dollars ($10.00) for each lot shown on the plat.
(2) The fee for filing an appeal under the Zoning Code, as set forth in Section 1262.02(c), is seventy-five dollars ($75.00).
(3) The fee for a permit to erect a dish-type satellite antenna, as set forth in Section 1276.03, is fifty dollars ($50.00).
(4) The fee for a special permit for a wireless telecommunications facility, as set forth in Section 1278.05, is one thousand dollars ($1,000).
(6) Fees for review, establishing and inspecting grades in the Country Home District, as set forth in Section 1280.06, are as follows:
A. Engineer, site plan review and final grade inspection thereto:
1. Minimum engineering fee $600.00
2. Cost for each resubmittal or reinspection due to noncompliance 75.00
B. Addition to existing residence thereto:
1. Up to 400 square feet 25.00
2. For each additional 100 square feet in floor area 15.00
C. Accessory building or addition thereto:
1. Up to 400 square feet 25.00
2. For each additional 100 square feet in floor area 15.00
D. Residential construction drawing review at the discretion of the Building Inspector
1. New residential construction 100.00
2. Additions or alterations 75.00
(7) Open land-grading 75.00
(8) The fee for abbreviated storm water pollution plan, as set forth in Section 1290.11 300.00
(b) Zoning Permit Fees in Country Home Districts are as follows:
(1) Accessory structure, including decks under 200 square feet $ 50.00
(2) Fences under 6 feet in height from grade 50.00
(3) Retaining wall under four feet in height from footing 50.00
(4) Each service walkway or patio 50.00
(5) Each culvert pipe 25.00
a. Deposit, refundable upon final approval at the discretion of the Building Inspector 500.00
(6) Residential Driveway
A. Driveway, new 100.00
B. Driveway, replacement over 200 square feet 100.00
C. Driveway, partial replacement 200 square feet or less 50.00
D. Driveway asphalt resurface 1" or more 50.00
E. Driveway apron only 50.00
(7) Miscellaneous item(s) at the discretion of the Building Inspector, permit fee not to exceed $ 150.00
(c) Zoning Permits for Other Than Country Home Districts
(1) New or replacement of parking lot, driveways or aprons
Base fee plus the following:
A. Base Fee $ 150.00
1. Concrete or asphalt per 100 square feet 2.00
2. Asphalt resurfacing per 100 square feet 1.00
(2) Accessory structure under 200 square feet 50.00
(3) Retaining wall under four feet in height from footing 50.00
(4) Each service walkway or patio 50.00
(5) Pad for waste container, no base fee charged 25.00
(6) Fences under six feet in height from established grade
A. Base Fee (plus the following) 50.00
B. Per 100 lineal feet add 5.00
(7) The fee for a permit to erect a new sign 100.00
A. Face change only, each 50.00
(8) Miscellaneous items at the discretion of the Building Inspector, permit fee not to exceed $250.00
(d) Fees and deposits in districts other than Country Home Districts.
(1) Fees and deposits for engineering review, establishing and inspecting grades in the districts other than Country Home District, as set forth in Section 1280.06, also fees and deposits for construction plan review as required by the Ohio Building Code are as follows:
A. Minimum deposit, at the discretion of the Building Inspector
1. Engineering deposit $3,000.00
2. Plan review deposit 2,000.00
(2) Engineering, planning and construction plan review fees will be added on an individual basis at a one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per hour rate plus ten percent (10%) for administrative fees. At the time of filing the application for the approval of any plat, or at the time plans and specifications for any improvement or improvements are submitted to the Building Department for approval, there shall be deposited with the Finance Director an amount of money sufficient in the opinion of the Building Inspector to cover the cost plus ten percent (10%) for administrative fees and any other expense of such investigations and inspections or reinspection fees as may be necessary to determine whether such proposed conforms to the Village of Walton Hills regulations or that its improvements have been made or are being installed in accordance with the requirements of these regulations and the plans and specifications meet all approvals.
A. The fee for filing an appeal under the Zoning Code as set forth in Section 1262.02(c), is one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00).
B. The fee for filing an application to the Planning Commission as set forth in Chapter 1220, is one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00).
(3) The total cost and expenses of such investigations or any inspections made by the Building Department, Village Architect or Engineer or his or her assistants shall be paid from such deposit upon itemized bills rendered by the Building Department and Village Architect or Engineer. In case such expenditures exceed the deposit, the excess shall, upon demand by the Building Department, be paid by the owner or the agent forthwith to the Village Finance Director. In case the deposit exceeds such expenditures, the balance will be refunded to the applicant within a reasonable time after the completion of such investigations. Certificate of occupancy shall not be issued until all sums required to be paid by the owner or agent have been paid in full.
(Ord. 2001-12. Passed 9-4-01; Ord. 2002-15. Passed 5-21-02; Ord. 2005-10. Passed 4-5-05; Ord. 2005-23. Passed 9-6-05; Ord. 2008-22. Passed 12-16-08; Ord. 2009-12. Passed 6-16-09; Ord. 2018-4. Passed 3-20-18.)
(a) Extensions of Time. The fee for an extension of the effective period of a building permit, as set forth in Section 1442.01(e), is five hundred dollars ($500.00).
(b) Ohio Building Code fees shall be added to all building permits
(1) One, two and three family structure, per the Residential Code of Ohio 1%
(2) Structures other than one, two or three family, per the Ohio Building Code 3%
(c) Certificate of occupancy
(1) Residential $ 75.00
(2) Commercial or industrial 100.00
(d) A nonrefundable fee of five dollars ($5.00) for each tree over nine inches in caliper to be removed. No permit or fee is necessary unless more than three such trees are to be cut during a calendar year. A deposit of one hundred dollars ($100.00) or such larger or lesser amount as may be determined by the Inspector of Buildings based on his or her estimate of cost to be incurred by the Village in reviewing the application for a permit and to insure the payment by the applicant of expenses incurred by the Village in processing the application and pertinent papers connected therewith. The cost and expense of any investigation carried out by the Inspector of Buildings and such other professionals and Village officials as may be necessary to determine whether or not the proposed application is in accordance with law, the cost of any and all notices required and all other necessary expenses shall be paid by the owner. The actual expenses shall be paid by the owner upon demand of the Treasurer. The unexpended balance of the deposit shall be refunded to the applicant upon completion of all administrative proceedings involved in connection therewith. No filing fee shall be refunded or returned. No permits shall be issued until all sums required to be paid by the owner or agent have been paid in full.
(e) Miscellaneous permits. The following miscellaneous permit fees shall be required:
(1) Alteration or enclosure of a watercourse
A. Base fee 50.00
B. Plan review fee and engineering fee may be charged if needed at the discretion of the Building Inspector cost plus 10%
(2) Radio and T.V. towers 100.00
(3) Each electrical transmission tower 300.00
(4) Satellite dish tower, shall not exceed 12 feet in diameter 50.00
(5) Miscellaneous items at the discretion of the Building Inspector, fee not to exceed $500.00
(f) Additional fee for inspections during non-regular hours.
(1) Whenever an inspection described in this chapter is requested or required for day or at a time other than the regularly scheduled hours of operation of Village Hall, then, in addition to any and all other fees as set forth in this chapter, there shall be a fee of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) plus travel time for each site inspection, or per hour, whichever is greater.
(g) Contractor Registration. The fee for contractor registration, as set forth in Section 1446.05, is fifty dollars ($50.00).
(1) Effective July 1, 2009 the first contractor registration fee shall be $100.00
(2) Each additional registration shall be $ 25.00
(h) One, two and three family dwelling construction plan review fee, at the discretion of the Building Inspector
(1) New construction 100.00
(2) Additions and major alterations to existing structures 75.00
(3) Minor alterations to existing structures 35.00
(4) Cost for each resubmittal due to non-compliance 35.00
(i) Additional penalty fees, the following penalty fees shall be imposed at the discretion of the Building Inspector:
(1) Where work is begun without first obtaining a permit and paying the fee as indicated herein, the contractor(s) shall be charged a fee of up to four times the amount of the total permit fee indicated in this section.
(2) Reinspection of same
A. First reinspection 50.00
B. Second reinspection 75.00
C. Third and each over 150.00
(3) Inspection called and appearance of inspector on property and work not ready, not completed or inspection not performed 50.00
(4) Approved plans not on site or not available 100.00
(5) Work covered without inspection or approval 100.00
(6) Where a contractor is not registered with the Village 100.00
(7) Where owner failed to call for any annual inspection(s), additional permit fees may apply in addition to fine of 100.00
(8) Accidental activation of fire alarm without permit 300.00
(9) Contractor failure to call for any inspection 100.00
(Ord. 2009-12. Passed 6-16-09.)