   As used in this chapter:
   (a)   "Alarm permit" means a permit issued by the Chief of Police, upon approval first being obtained from the Mayor, to any owner or other person in control of a building or property, or part thereof, located in the Village, to install and maintain an interconnected alarm system.
   (b)   "Alarm system" means any assembly of equipment and devices which signals, so as to be seen or heard outside the protected building or space, the presence of fire, smoke, robbery, burglary, vandalism or unauthorized intrusion.
   (c)   "Interconnected alarm system" means an alarm system which, directly or indirectly, automatically or manually, uses a telephone line to transmit an alarm upon activation of the alarm system.
   (d)   "Local alarm system" means an alarm system that, when activated, only sounds a horn, bell, buzzer or other type of audible or visible alarm that is designed to be audible or visible beyond the premises being served, but which does not result in the transmission of a signal to any other location.
   (e)   "Alarm permit holder" means a person who has a permit issued to him or her by the Chief of Police, upon approval first being obtained from the Mayor.
   (f)   "Automatic dialing device" means a device which is interconnected to a telephone line and programmed to select a predetermined telephone number and to transmit by code signal an emergency message indicating a need for emergency response.
(Ord. 1983-37. Passed 9-20-83.)
   (g)   "False alarm" means an emergency alarm, activated by inadvertence, negligence or unintentional acts, including, but not limited to, malfunction of the alarm system, to which the Police Department or Fire Department responds. The definition excludes false alarms caused by malfunctions of the indicator at the police or fire station; malfunction, testing or repairing of telephone equipment or lines; malfunction, testing or repairing of the normal power supply source for alarms; acts of God, such as earthquake, flood, windstorm, thunder or lightning; an attempted illegal entry of which there is visible evidence; or the user acting under a sincere belief that a need exists to call the Police Department or the Fire Department. If a doubt exists as to the cause of a favor of the alarm user. Multiple alarms received before the system can be deactivated within a reasonable period of time shall be considered a single alarm.
   a.   Any residence or building, or part thereof, located within the Village may be equipped with an alarm system for the purpose of detecting and signaling the presence of fire or unauthorized intrusion.
   b.   Before an interconnected alarm system is installed in a residence or building, the owner shall apply for a permit to the Chief of Police. The Chief shall then submit the permit application to the Mayor, and if the Chief and the Mayor approve such application, in writing, then a permit may be issued. The Chief and the Mayor shall prescribe the form of the application and request such information as is necessary to evaluate and act upon the permit application. The information contained in an alarm permit application shall be securely maintained and restricted to inspection only by the Chief and the Mayor.
   c.   An alarm permit fee as set forth in Chapter 208 of the Administration Code (the General Fee Schedule) shall be charged annually for a permit issued under this section. An alarm permit shall be deemed to be renewed when the annual alarm permit is remitted to the Village and the system has been approved by the Chief and the Mayor.
   d.   Any person who currently has an interconnected alarm system installed in his or her residence or place of business shall apply for an alarm permit within thirty days of the effective date of this chapter (Ordinance 1983-37, passed September 20, 1983) and shall be required to tie his or her alarm into the panel in the Police Department. All new and existing alarm systems that transmit a signal that requires police, fire or emergency response shall be tied into the central panel at the Department.
   e.   When any material change in the information previously submitted with respect to an alarm system has occurred, the owner or occupant of a building served by such alarm system, or the permit holder, shall immediately file an application supplement containing accurate current information with respect to the date required by the Chief and the Mayor.
(Ord. 1983-37. Passed 9-20-83.)
   f.   A permit issued under this section may be suspended or revoked by the Mayor for a violation by the permittee of any of the provisions of this chapter, for failure to properly maintain an installation, or when the number of false alarms for any installation equals six in any twelve-month period. A permit shall not be suspended or revoked unless and until a hearing has been held by the Fire Chief and/or the Chief of Police. Written notice of the time, place and nature of such hearing shall be served upon the permittee not less than seven days prior to the date set for such hearing. After such hearing, the Fire Chief and/or the Chief of Police shall either dismiss the case or forward a recommendation of revocation or suspension to the Mayor. Within ten days after receiving the recommendation, the Mayor shall approve or disapprove the same and notify the permittee accordingly. (Adopting Ordinance)
   g.   No person shall operate an alarm system without first obtaining a permit therefor as required by this section. No person, after having a permit revoked or suspended and after having exhausted the right of appeal, shall fail to disconnect the alarm system from the automatic dialing device which interconnects with the Municipal Services Communications Center.
(Ord. 1983-37. Passed 9-20-83.)
   (a)   The Village may subscribe to one or more telephone lines for burglar alarms, fire alarms or similar purposes. When any line is so designated, a person may, upon proper application and compliance with applicable laws, be granted a permit to install a device which automatically selects the designated telephone line for the purpose of transmitting a coded message or otherwise reporting an intrusion or other emergency. A permit fee shall be established by the Mayor in such amount as to reimburse the Village for the cost of any telephone line dedicated to automatic dialing devices. Such fee shall be revised at the beginning of every fiscal year to reflect the most recent cost experience.
   (b)   No person shall use or cause to be used any telephone device or telephone attachment that automatically selects a telephone line allocated by the telephone company to the Village or any of its departments or divisions, except a telephone line which is specifically designated by the Mayor for such purpose. Such designated telephone line shall terminate at the Municipal Services Communications Center.
(Ord. 1983-37. Passed 9-20-83.)