General Provisions
158.001 Title
158.002 Purpose
158.003 Definitions
General Regulations
158.015 Permission to install
158.016 Obstruction of fire exits, light or ventilation
158.017 Not to constitute traffic hazard
158.018 Obscene matter prohibited
158.019 Public property and garage sale signs
158.020 Lighting of signs
158.021 Setback
158.022 Minimum clearance
158.023 Maintenance
158.024 Wall signs
158.025 Number of faces
158.026 Emissions prohibited
158.027 Ground signs on parcels with multiple street frontages
158.028 Real estate signs
158.029 Political signs
Permitted Signs
158.045 Type and number
158.046 Bulk regulations
158.047 Exceptions and modifications
Prohibited Signs
158.060 Prohibited signs
158.075 Permit required
158.076 Application for permit
158.077 Issuance or denial of permit
158.078 Effect of issuance
158.079 Permit fees
158.080 Notice of change
158.081 Inspection
158.095 Sign contractors to be licensed
158.096 Sign manufacturers
158.097 Indemnification
158.098 Insurance
158.099 Other licenses
Nonconforming Signs
158.110 Legally nonconforming signs
158.111 Termination of legally nonconforming signs
158.112 Maintenance and repair
158.125 Appeal from denial of permit or failure to act
158.999 Penalty
Appendix A: Regulations for On-Premises Signs