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Tucson Overview
Tucson, AZ Code of Ordinances
Tucson, AZ Unified Development Code
Tucson Administrative Directives
   A.   Purpose
   According to A.R.S. §9-463.01(T), the may regulate a as defined in Section 11.4.13 within its jurisdictional limits. The law gives the authority to determine the division lines, area, and shapes of the . Neither a tentative nor a final is required but the resulting or shall conform to applicable zoning requirements and other government codes and ordinances. The purpose of this section is to establish a review process for . This review:
      1.   Assures that newly created or are of sufficient size to be developed and meet the requirements of applicable zoning classification;
      2.   Assures that the newly created or have locations for pads that are protected from flood and hazards as defined in the Floodplain Ordinance (Tucson Code Chapter 26) and Standards Manual for Drainage Design and Floodplain Management in Tucson, Arizona; and,
      3.   Assures that all or resulting from a shall have adequate access as specified by Section 7.8, Access, of the , Sections 7-01.0.0, Pedestrian Access, and 10-01.0.0, Technical Standard, of the Technical Standards Manual and City of Tucson Drainage Manuals.
   B.   Applicability
   A proposed shall be submitted to PDSD for review and approval as provided in this section.
   C.   Pre-application Conference Recommended
   A pre-application conference is encouraged, but not required.
   D.   Application Required
   Submittal of an application to the PDSD is required in order to process the request. The application must be in accordance with Section 2-08.0.0, Applications, of the Administrative Manual. Applications are reviewed for completeness in accordance with Section 3.2.3, Application Requirements.
   E.   Review
    are reviewed by the PDSD for compliance with the following requirements:
      1.   Does not constitute a as defined in Section 11.4.20 which would require compliance with platting requirements of Section 8.4;
      2.   Results in or which conform to the minimum requirements of the property’s ;
      3.   Provides access to the proposed or in accordance with Section 7.8, Access, of the , Sections 7-01.0.0, Pedestrian Access, and 10-01.0.0, Technical Standard, of the Technical Standards Manual, and the City of Tucson Floodplain Ordinance and Drainage Manuals;
      4.   Results in all existing complying with the requirements of the property’s ; and,
      5.   Results in or of at least the minimum size required to build in accordance with the applicable zoning including any natural, environmental and floodplain requirements in accordance with the City of Tucson Floodplain Ordinance and Drainage Manuals.
   F.   Decision
      1.   The PDSD decides whether to approve or deny an application.
      2.   The PDSD will notify the applicant if the has been approved.
   G.   Recordation Required
   After approval, the deeds for the shall be recorded at the Pima County Recorder’s Office by the applicant/owner or his designated agent.
   A.   Purpose
   The process allows a to divide a of land into ten or fewer without the necessity of a tentative , subject to the requirements of this section as allowed for by A.R.S. §9-463.01(U). A may be used to abandon a previously recorded . Although a tentative is not required, additional information shall be submitted as needed, to review the for compliance with all regulations and good engineering practices. Additional information that may need to be provided include a geotechnical report, plan, drainage report, phasing plan, title report, or other documents that the deems necessary to review for compliance with all applicable standards.
   B.   Applicability
   Any proposed , as defined in Section 11.4.3, shall be submitted to PDSD for review and decision as provided below.
   C.   Pre-application Conference Required
   A pre-application conference in accordance with Section 3.2.1 is required.
   D.   Application, Review, Decision, and Recordation
      1.    shall be prepared, reviewed for compliance with Section 8.4.1.E, Criteria, and considered for approval in accordance with Section 8.4.5, Final , with the exception that a pre-application is required.
      2.   After approval of the by the Mayor and Council, the must be recorded with the Office of the Pima County Recorder.
   E.   Criteria
      1.   Result in ten or fewer lots;
      2.   Result in / that conform to the minimum requirements of the property’s ;
      3.   Provide access to the proposed in compliance with Section 7.8, Access, of the and Sections 7-01.0.0, Pedestrian Access, and 10-01.0.0, Technical Standard, of the Technical Standards Manual;
      4.   Results in all existing complying with the requirements of the property’s ;
      5.   Conform to all , , and drainage requirements;
      6.   Result in of at least the minimum size required to build in with the applicable zoning including any natural, environmental and floodplain requirements;
      7.   Not be for a Flexible Lot Development; and,
      8.   When used to abandon a , the disposition of the public and utility easements created by the abandoned is provided.
(Am. Ord. 11070, 5/14/2013)
   A.   Purpose
   The purpose of this section is to establish procedures and requirements for proposed   and the conversion of existing (s) into as allowed by A.R.S. Title 33, Chapter 9.
   B.   Applicability
   A proposed   or that meets the definition of a , as defined in Section 11.4.20, shall be submitted to the PDSD for review and decision as provided below.
   C.   Application, Review, Decision, and Recordation
      1.   Under Arizona Revised Statutes, A.R.S. § 9-463.02(A), a   is required when a or similar contains four or more .
      2.   A tentative and final is required; however, the approved for the existing / may serve as the tentative if approved by the .
      3.   Tentative of a proposed are prepared, reviewed, and considered for approval in accordance with Section 8.4.4, Tentative .
      4.   Final of the proposed or n are prepared, reviewed, and considered for approval in accordance with Section 8.4.5, Final .
      5.   A final may be submitted concurrent with the tentative in accordance with Section 3.2.3.B, Sequential or Concurrent Review Procedure.
      6.   After approval by the Mayor and Council, the final or   must be recorded with the Office of the Pima County Recorder.
(Am. Ord. 11200, 9/23/2014)
   A.   Purpose
   A may be accomplished with less documentation and it provides a more streamlined process than required for . Although a tentative is not required, additional information shall be submitted, as needed, to review the for compliance with all regulations and good engineering practices. Additional information that may need to be provided include a geotechnical report, plan, drainage report, phasing plan, title report, or other documents that the deems necessary to review for compliance with all applicable standards. The purpose of this section is to establish procedures and requirements for   .
   B.   Applicability
   A meeting the following criteria is considered a :
      1.   The number of proposed is ten or less;
      2.   All utility services are available at the   boundary;
      3.   All proposed have   or perpetual of a minimum width and maximum length complying with requirements established by Section 7.8, Access, of the and Section 10-01.0.0, Technical Standards, of the Technical Standards Manual;
      4.   All forming the boundary of the are fully improved, except for that may be improved as part of the ;
      5.   The has no special topographic conditions, such as greater than 10%;
      6.   The property is not located within a 100-year regulatory floodplain area or hazard ;
      7.   The property has all weather access in accordance with the City of Tucson Floodplain Ordinance and Design Manuals, or Section 10-02.4.4, Drainage, of the Technical Standards Manual;
      8.   The proposed   does not have special requirements, or special requirements have been reviewed and special requirements have been determined. These special requirements may include, but are not limited to, the Hillside (HDZ); the Environmental Resource (ERZ); the Scenic Corridor (SCZ); and the Watercourse Amenities, Safety, and Habitat (WASH) ordinance; and,
      9.   The cannot be used for the creation of Flexible Lot Development (FLD).
   C.   General Provisions
      1.    shall conform to the design standards provided in Section 8.6 , General Requirements for , and Sections 8.7.1 and .2 of the Design Standards.
      2.   Up to two single- model homes may be authorized for construction prior to recordation of the final , provided:
         a.   Sale of a or occupancy of an individual as a residence does not occur until after recordation of the final and the ’s release of for , and
         b.   The location of each is based on the   configuration approval for final recording.
   D.   Pre-application Conference Required
   A pre-application conference in accordance with Section 3.2.1 is required.
   E.   Application, Review, Decision, and Recordation
      1.    are prepared, reviewed for compliance with all applicable requirements, and considered for approval in accordance with Section 8.4.5, Final , with the exception that a pre-application is required;
      2.   Any reviews that are normally conducted during the tentative process, such as those involving drainage statements or reports, shall instead be conducted as part of the final process; and,
      3.   After approval by the Mayor and Council, the must be recorded with the Office of the Pima County Recorder.
8.4.4.   TENTATIVE
   A.   Purpose
   The tentative sets forth the technical mapping of the including its , intensity, , pedestrian and ways, trails, parks, , and future , , and drainage patterns established for the . The purpose of this section is to establish procedures and requirements for tentative . If the proposed is a Flexible Lot Development, the shall additionally comply with Section 8.7.3.
   B.   Applicability
   Any proposed , as defined in Section 11.4.20, shall be submitted to PDSD for review and decision as provided in this section.
   C.   Pre-application Conference Recommended
   A pre-application conference in accordance with Section 3.2.1 is recommended, but not required.
   D.   Neighborhood Meeting Required for Flexible Lot Developments Only
   For Flexible Lot tentative only, the applicant is required to conduct a neighborhood meeting and provide notice of the meeting in accordance with Section 3.2.2, Neighborhood Meeting.
   E.   Application Required
      1.   Submittal of an application to the PDSD is required in order to process the request. The application must be in accordance with Section 2-06.0.0, Package, of the Administrative Manual. Applications are reviewed for completeness in accordance with Section 3.2.3, Application Requirements.
      2.   A final may be submitted concurrent with the tentative in accordance with Section 3.2.3.B, Sequential or Concurrent Review Procedure.
      3.   For Flexible Lot t tentative only, a mailed notice of application is required in accordance with Section 3.2.4.B, Mailed Notice.
   F.   Review
      1.   PDSD shall coordinate the formal technical review of all tentative to ensure the are prepared in accordance with the applicable codes, ordinances, and standards.
      2.   On receipt of the application, PDSD shall distribute copies of the tentative to members for review and comment.
      3.    shall review the tentative for compliance with all pertinent codes and legal requirements, including, but not limited to, codes regulating , and public transportation access, zoning, floodplain and drainage, , fire, water, environmental services, Pima County wastewater, and utility company regulations.
      4.   If finds that the tentative requires revisions then:
         a.   The will be returned to the with a letter listing specific deficiencies and required revisions;
         b.   The shall resubmit a revised tentative and a letter which responds to each deficiency in detail and explains any revisions made by the to the ;
         c.   The continues to resubmit the tentative until such time as the recommends approval of the tentative and it is forwarded to the PDSD ; and,
         d.   Any necessary resubmittals will not change or extend the expiration times commencing at acceptance of a tentative , as provided in this article.
      5.   The zoning of the property shall permit the proposed use, and any changes to zoning shall have been adopted prior to the approval of the tentative .
   G.   Decision
      1.   If the requirements for tentative have been met, then the , by its designated representative, shall send a letter to the applicant notifying the applicant that the has been forwarded to the PDSD with a recommendation for approval.
      2.   The PDSD , or designee, shall approve the tentative once all the final documents, as detailed in the decision letter, are submitted for his or her signature.
   H.   Significance of Tentative Approval
   Approval of the tentative shall constitute authorization for the to proceed with the preparation of the final .
      1.   Once a tentative is approved, the layout and design under which approval of the tentative is granted shall not be changed without concurrence of both the reviewing departments and agencies and prior to the expiration date of the tentative .
      2.   Approval of a tentative does not guarantee final acceptance of for dedication.
   I.   Tentative Approved Prior to the Effective Date of the
   A final application for which a tentative was approved prior to the effective date of this may be processed in accordance with the tentative approval and applicable terms of the ordinance in place at the time of tentative approval, even if the application does not comply with one or more standards set forth in this . Tentative approvals granted prior to the effective date of this may be extended no more than once, and for no longer than one year.