The DIR shall describe and provide information regarding the existing conditions, characteristics, infrastructure, and natural resources of the property within the proposed PCD that will be used as supporting data for recommended actions and proposals to be included in the Master Site Plan (MSP). To the extent that the information and plans of the DIR and MSP listed below are redundant to any submittal requirements for the Zoning Examinerโs Legislative Procedure, Section 3.5.3, the DIR and MSP shall be deemed to satisfy the submittal requirements. This information shall include the following:
A. Contact listing of key project team representatives including the contact, owner, and developer;
B. A vicinity map drawn to a suitable scale showing the existing land use, zoning, major streets and routes plan map, other applicable city plans, and general condition of the land within the proposed PCD boundary and adjacent lands located within a one-half mile radius of the PCD boundary;
C. Legal description, of the PCD boundary stamped by a registered land surveyor; and,
D. Existing conditions in the form of scaled maps, text, diagrams, graphics, tables, pictures, analysis reports, letters from appropriate agencies, composite maps, as requested by the Planning and Development Services Department. The background information shall include the total gross property acreage, current principal land uses, a delineation of major physical constraints or opportunities, major environmental features, topography, existing roads, trails, utilities, and 100-year floodways and mapped storm water drainage conditions.
The MSP shall include a Land Use Plan, a Resource and Infrastructure Plan, Phasing Plan, Implementation Plan, and, if applicable, a Development Agreement. The MSP shall be in compliance with the purpose statements of the PCD in accordance with Section 3.5.7.A.
A. Land Use Plan
The Land Use Plan shall include general information, a land use map, development
, and design guidelines as provided below:
1. General information comprised of:
a. A statement by the applicant describing the overall rationale for the proposal in the subject area;
b. An explanation in the application describing how the PCD complies with the policies of the applicable General Plan, specific plan, area plan or neighborhood plan;
c. A parcel matrix or other summary table format of the proposed contents of the District Areas (DA) and DA zoning districts(s), showing the approximate size in acres of land uses including residential, nonresidential, mixed use, job/employment centers, functional open space, natural undisturbed open space, and natural open space. The matrix will show: the minimum and maximum acreage of functional open space, natural undisturbed open space, natural open space and total open space; the minimum and maximum number of potential dwelling units, and the proposed minimum and maximum square footage for nonresidential and mixed uses. In addition, the matrix will show the approximate number of miles of roads and trails. The anticipated rate of development will also be provided in narrative or graphic form; and,
d. Citywide policy compliance. To the extent there are policies in effect in the city, this report must address compliance with the following: energy efficiency, water conservation, an affordable housing strategy, mass transit, alternate transportation modes, transportation levels of service, water harvesting, and related policies as applicable to development within the city.
2. Land Use Map. The PCD land use map shall be divided into DAs and any zoning districts within DAs as applicable. The map shall be drawn to a scale suitable to the Planning and Development Services Department and include at least the following:
a. The boundary for the proposed PCD;
b. The general location of all proposed major and minor arterial streets, including any proposed connections to major streets identified on the Tucson Major Streets and Routes Map;
c. Major drainage elements;
d. The proposed locations of educational facilities, public parks (ten acres or greater in size or as requested) and regional natural open space areas; and,
e. The proposed locations of public trails and/or bikeways, including any proposed connections to conceptual trail locations identified in the Eastern Pima County Trails Master Plan and related city plans.
3. The Development
establish the
applicable to the PCD. These requirements shall comply with Sections 3.5.7.C, Identification of the PCD, 3.5.7.D, Development , of the UDC and shall at a minimum contain:
a. Development
. The PCD shall provide development for the following, but not limited to: landscaping, streetscapes, block patterns, lot clustering, screening, pedestrian connections, street design and connectivity, parking, environmental, natural resource and cultural conservation areas, scenic corridors, private recreation areas, housing types, and any other areas that are appropriate. To the extent applicable, the development shall be comparable to those in Article 6 of the UDC;
b. Dimensional Regulations. The shall address, as applicable, permitted heights; setbacks; lot coverage; perimeter yards; minimum and maximum density ranges; commercial, civic, and industrial square footage ; population ratios; acceptable pedestrian distances; facility service radius distances; and, related topics; and,
c. Cross-Sections. Provide cross-sections illustrating the proposed for roads, sidewalks, and trails.
4. The Design Guidelines shall contain the following:
a. Urban design strategies and specific techniques to enhance the land use compatibility and physical design of all components of a master planned community and interface with adjacent existing development; and,
b. Design guidelines that address building orientation, residential product diversity, and architectural, character, variety and materials.
B. Resource and Infrastructure Plan
The Resource and Infrastructure Plan shall include individual plans with maps, programs, and requirements for a systematic implementation of the PCD. The Plan shall elaborate the various conceptual plans based on the information and details in the DIR.
1. Master Drainage and Hydrology Plan, prepared by an Arizona registered engineer based on publicly available data, including the following:
a. Existing washes and/or drainageways that shall be preserved as natural open space;
b. Proposed manmade channels or wash realignment;
c. Proposed flood control facilities, such as stormwater detention dams and basins; and,
d. A basin-wide analysis of the cumulative affect of upstream and downstream impacts on basins in the watershed, detention and retention facilities and existing and proposed rates of on-site and off-site flows shall be provided. Pima County Flood Control District shall be included in all reviews.
2. Master Water and Sewer System Plan prepared by an Arizona registered engineer based on publicly available data with analysis of sewer capacity by the Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department.
3. Traffic Impact Analysis Engineering Plan prepared by an Arizona registered engineer recommending logical connections and extensions based on publicly available data as is practicable including mass transit, multi-modal levels of service, and any other pertinent data as required by the authorizing agency.
4. Public Facilities Plan showing the proposed locations of schools, police stations, fire stations, parks and recreational areas/amenities, as applicable.
5. Cultural Resource and Archaeology Plan consistent with state and federal regulations.
6. Natural Resource Plan identifying areas specified or appropriate for preservation as natural open space or natural undisturbed open space in the applicable General Plan, specific plans, areas that may be subject to applicable city natural resource regulations [e.g. Environmental Resource Zones (Section 5.7 of the UDC)], W.A.S.H. Ordinance (Tucson Code, Chapter 29, Article VIII), and areas proposed as natural open space, or natural undisturbed open space by the applicant.
7. Horizontal Infrastructure Site Plan including roads, water, wastewater, and dry utilities (such as gas, electric, telephone, cable; drainage structures) providing the following:
a. Summary of capacity of existing horizontal infrastructure as it relates to the project;
b. Summary of horizontal infrastructure demand and improvements needed to support the project; and,
c. Summary of how the horizontal infrastructure will be phased to support the project, and the concurrent partial or full release or substitution of assurances for such infrastructure.
8. An Infrastructure Financing Plan describing the proposed methods for financing the public infrastructure that is needed to support the project.
C. Phasing Plan
The PCD application shall contain a preliminary phasing plan including the following:
1. The anticipated approximate start date under which horizontal infrastructure construction or development is expected to begin, the number of phases, the approximate duration of time required for completion of each phase; and
2. Proposed development phasing if the project will not be developed as a single DA or phase.
D. Implementation Plan
An implementation plan and procedure document shall be prepared that establishes how the goals, criteria, requirements, development, and phasing schedules in the overall MSP will be implemented and monitored in the approval of individual site plans and subdivision plats.
E. Development Agreement
A development agreement between the city and the applicant pursuant to A.R.S. ยง 9-500.05 may be prepared and reviewed concurrently to afford resolution to issues and concerns identified through agency review including the financing and phasing of public facilities and infrastructure.
This standard has been prepared for the purpose of informing applicants of the submittal and review requirements for
to assure proper and adequate information is presented in a consistent manner, thereby providing the basis for an efficient and timely review. The
are prepared in support of applications for building permits and related reviews.
The information that is requested establishes the basis upon which the project will be approved and could affect what is required of the property in the future, should there be a proposal for expansion or for a different use of the property.
This standard does not waive any applicable city regulations or codes.
1.2 Applicability
This standard shall be used for all site plans and tentative plats submitted to PDSD for review.