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Tucson Overview
Tucson, AZ Code of Ordinances
Tucson, AZ Unified Development Code
Tucson Administrative Directives
   A.   Golf Course
      1.   Standards for Permitted and Special Exception
         a.   At least nine holes are required.
         b.   There must be at least 75 feet between a tee and its hole.
         c.   A tee and cup must be at least 100 feet from any .
         d.   A driving range shall be placed so that flying balls are directed toward the interior of the .
         e.   Subject to lighting requirements, Section 4.9.13.C, Lighting.
         f.   Activities may occur outdoors.
      2.   Standards for to Golf Courses
         a.    Service
            (1)   Permitted only as part of, and in conjunction with, a Food Service use. All requirements for dispensing listed for Food Service, Section 4.9.6.A.2.b, apply.
            (2)   The Service area may not have a separate outside entrance. Access shall be through the Food Service use area.
            (3)   Large bars are not permitted.
         b.   Food Service
            (1)   The Food Service establishment shall have facilities for keeping, cooking, and preparing foods for .
            (2)   Food Service establishments with at least 75 seats for dining at regularly available tables may operate a cocktail lounge or bar to sell all spirituous liquors for on-premises consumption.
            (3)   Soup kitchens are not permitted.
         c.   Personal Service and General Merchandise Sales
            (1)   Personal Service and General Merchandise Sales shall be integrated into the main associated with the , such as a clubhouse or registration office. Access shall be from within such main .
            (2)   No sign associated with the Personal Service or General Merchandise Sales shall be visible from the exterior of the .
            (3)   General Merchandise Sales shall be limited to the sale of items related to the only.
         d.   In addition to Section 4.9.6.A.2.a, .b, and .c, the following requirements apply.
            (1)   The minimum distance to any public shall be 100 feet.
            (2)   Outside entrances shall not face any public .
            (3)   The use is operated for the convenience of the users of the Golf Course.
   A.   Artist Studio/Residence in I-1
      1.   The use is limited to in existence on February 25, 1991, within the designated Artist Studio/Residence Area as defined in Section 11.4.2, Definitions-A.
      2.   The use shall not displace existing industrial uses.
      3.   The appearance and structural integrity of the shall be preserved or enhanced.
      4.   Residential use of the property shall be and accessory to the artist studio use, with no greater than 50% of the devoted to the accessory residential use.
      5.   The accessory residential use shall be occupied by an artist who is also the occupant of the principal artist studio use.
      6.   Adequate measures shall be provided to assure the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants in relation to any industrial process, use, or storage carried out in the artist studio/residence or on properties.
      7.   The use shall not impair or interfere with the continued industrial use of properties or with the purposes of the industrial .
   B.    Dwelling
      1.   Both dwellings shall be under the same ownership and on the same .
      2.   Both dwellings shall comply with the dimensional standards in accordance with Article 6.
      3.   One dwelling must be at least 25% smaller than the other dwelling.
      4.   The dwellings may be attached or detached.
      5.   A manufactured housing unit is not considered a dwelling for the purposes of this section, unless it is located in a recorded after January 1, 1982, and not located in a re- of any recorded prior to January 1, 1982.
      6.   A manufactured housing unit is not considered a dwelling for the purposes of this section, unless the following standards are met or a   that has been clearly identified for manufactured housing has been approved and permits for manufactured homes have been issued for 25% or more of the prior to December 27, 2000:
         a.   It is placed on an excavated and backfilled foundation (ground set). If the home is located in a floodplain, the bottom of the lowest floor joist shall be a minimum of one foot above the 100-year/base flood elevation, and the foundation of the home shall be placed on the ;
         b.   No more than eight inches of perimeter skirting wall shall be visible from the   of the property. The perimeter skirting wall shall match the exterior color of the home;
         c.   The exterior siding materials shall be either hardboard, vinyl, or stucco;
         d.   Concrete or masonry steps shall be provided for the entry on the side of the dwelling;
         e.   All entry doors on the side of the dwelling shall be inward-swinging doors; and,
         f.   The roofing style and materials shall be either flat roof (Pueblo), steel rib roof, or shingle or tile roof with a 3:12 roof pitch or greater. All pitched roofs, except those that are disguised by a parapet, shall have a minimum six inch eave on all sides of the dwelling.
      7.   For any new single- dwelling in the R-1 with five , three parking spaces are required. For every over five, one additional space is required for each . For all single- dwellings in the R-1 zone with five or more , and for all containing two or more single- dwellings, with the second dwelling having more than one , all parking spaces must be located on- , either in a side or rear . Parking spaces may not be located in a in any front   . A is not required to be developed to a commercial standard. A dustproof parking surface is required to at least a minimum of two inches of compacted pea gravel. An existing covered residential may be used.
      8.   If there is one or more dwelling(s) on a , all dwellings on a are considered to be one dwelling for the purpose of determining whether there is a group dwelling. If there are five or more unrelated residing on the , it is a group dwelling that is not permitted.
      9.   Subject to the requirements of this Section 4.9.7.B.9, any group dwelling use existing prior to February 15, 2012 shall be treated as a lawful and in accordance with Article 9, , , and , except as otherwise expressly provided in this Section and in Tucson Code Section 16-37. A plan approved by the Mayor and Council prior to the enactment of this ordinance shall be treated as a for a maximum number of unrelated equivalent to the number of on the approved plan.
         a.   The right to treatment as a or under this section is established by the following:
            (1)   Evidence that the property was registered as a rental property as required by A.R.S. §33-1902 on or before February 15, 2012, or is otherwise timely registered as required by that statute; and
            (2)   Evidence acceptable to the Zoning Administrator that establishes the maximum number of unrelated to whom the dwelling was leased pursuant to subsection (a) above. Such evidence may include executed leases, tax records, an approved plan as described in this section, or other documentation. An executed lease that was executed during the calendar year 2009, 2010, or 2011 shall be sufficient under this subsection to establish the number of to whom the dwelling was leased.
         b.   If a group dwelling is established for treatment as a lawful as provided in subsection (1) above, the maximum number of unrelated to whom the dwelling may be leased shall be that number established by the evidence provided under subsection (1)(b) above.
         c.   Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 9.2.1.B, an established under this Section 4.9.7.B.9 shall not be deemed abandoned or lost based upon the leasing of the dwelling after February 15, 2012 to less than five unrelated , to related , or to a single ; or upon the failure to lease the dwelling, provided that it is continually registered as a rental property as described under A.R.S. §33-1902.
         d.   The under this Section 4.9.7.B.9 may be suspended or lost as provided in Section 9.2.1.B if it is declared a public by court order pursuant to Tucson Code Section
         e.   To the extent any of the provisions of Tucson Code Section 16-37 or this Section 4.9.7.B.9 conflict with Article 9: , , and relating to the discontinuance or of a , the provisions of this Section and Tucson Code Section 16-37 shall control.
      10.   Occupancy of a dwelling by five or more unrelated is a group dwelling and is not permitted.
      11.   The following standards apply to dwellings in the Rio Nuevo District:
         a.   The maximum is 17 units per ;
         b.   A minimum of 2,500 square feet is required;
         c.   The maximum permitted is 90%;
         d.   A minimum equal to one and one-half times the height of the proposed exterior wall is required from a   to a residential ; and,
         e.   A is not required from a   to a nonresidential .
   C.    Dwelling or Mobile Home Dwelling as in Industrial
      1.   The dwelling is permitted as an to an Industrial, Wholesaling, or Storage Use in the P-I, I-1, and I-2 .
      2.   The use is restricted to one single- or mobile home dwelling for a caretaker of the .
      3.   The dwelling shall conform to the standards for the .
   D.    are permitted as Accessory to Mobile Home Dwelling or Dwelling as follows:
      1.    other than those specified below are required to comply with Section 4.9.7.E, : General Standards; or,
      2.   The following uses within the specified are required to comply as follows:
         a.    : Day Care is permitted in SR, SH, RX-1, RX-2, R-1, R-2, R-3, MH-1, MH-2, O-1, O-2, O-3, NC, and C-1 subject to: 4.9.7.E.1, .2, .3, .5, .6, .7, .9, .10, .11, & .13 and F.
         b.    : Group Dwelling is permitted in IR, RH, SR, SH, RX-1, RX-2, R-1, R-2, R-3, MH-1, and MH-2 subject to: 4.9.7.G.
         c.    : Travelers’ Accommodation, Lodging is permitted in SR, SH, RX-1, RX-2, R-1, MH-1, O-1, O-2, and NC subject to: 4.9.7.H.1 & .5 - .11.
         d.    : Travelers’ Accommodation, Lodging is permitted in R-2 and MH-2 subject to: 4.9.7.H.2 & .5 - .11.
         e.    : Travelers’ Accommodation, Lodging is permitted in R-3 and O-3 subject to: 4.9.7.H.4 - .11.
         f.   : Where Production, Crop Production, General Farming, and/or Stockyard Operation is permitted as a principal use, the same standards and procedure required to establish the applicable principal use is required when establishing the home occupation.
         g.    : Urban Farm is permitted in O-1, O-2, O-3, NC, C-1, C-2, C-3, MU, OCR-1, OCR-2 subject to: 4.9.2.E and 4.9.7.E.5.
   E.    : General Standards
      1.    require review and consideration for approval in accordance with Section 3.3.3, PDSD Approval Procedure.
      2.   The shall be clearly secondary to the residential use of the dwelling.
      3.   The shall be conducted in such a manner that it is with the residential character of the neighborhood in which it is located.
      4.   Except for multifamily , no more than 25% of all on the may be devoted to the . For multifamily , no more than 25% of the may be devoted to the . A detached accessory of not more than 200 square feet in area may be used for such . This provision applies to a : Crop Production greenhouses. Outdoor are exempt.
      5.    other than those residing in the dwelling shall not be employed in the , except that one nonresident of the premises may be employed in the IR, RH, SR, SH, O-2, O-3, NC, C-1, C-2, C-3, OCR-1, and OCR-2 .
      6.   Goods related to the shall not be visible from the . This provision applies to a : Crop Production greenhouses. Outdoor are exempt.
      7.   Goods shall not be sold on the premises.
      8.   Outdoor storage of materials or equipment related to the activity is not permitted on the premises.
      9.   Except for permitted signage and not in an enclosed or , the home occupation use shall not substantially alter the exterior appearance or character of the residence in which it is conducted, either by exterior construction, lighting, graphics, or other means.
      10.   No more than one sign shall be visible from the exterior of the property used as a . The sign shall not exceed one in size. Signs shall also conform to Chapter 3 of the Tucson Code.
      11.   A shall not create any , hazard, or other offensive condition, such as that resulting from noise, smoke, fumes, dust, odors, or other noxious emissions. Electrical or mechanical equipment that causes fluctuations in line voltage, creates any interference in either audio or video reception, or causes any perceivable vibration on properties is not permitted.
      12.   No more than ten clients per day, and only one client at a time, shall be permitted on .
      13.   Except as otherwise required, additional motor vehicle and parking is not required for a . The may involve the use of no more than one commercial vehicle for the transportation of goods or materials to and from the premises. The commercial vehicle is limited to a passenger car, van, or pickup truck. This vehicle cannot be more than 20 feet in overall length and not more than seven feet in overall height and shall be parked on private property in a or or shielded from view from properties by , fencing, or screening material. Motor vehicle and parking necessitated by the conduct of such shall be provided on .
      14.   Automotive - Service and Repair, and Medical Service uses are prohibited as .
      15.   For : Crop Production and General Farming uses, the on-site accessory sale of agricultural products grown on-site is permitted in accordance with Section 6.6.5.F.
   F.    , Day Care: Permitted in Office, Residential, NC and C-1 :
      1.   No more than one full-time equivalent not residing on the premises shall be employed in the day care use.
      2.   During the hours of activity of the day care use, there is no limit on the amount of devoted to this use.
      3.   Outdoor activities and equipment associated with the use is permitted and shall be screened by a five-foot fence, wall, or hedge where R-3 or .
      4.   Hours of operation shall be noted on the application, and those hours of operation shall not create an adverse impact on residences.
      5.   Any vehicle used in conjunction with the day care use is limited to a passenger car, van, or pickup truck.
      6.   The day care use shall be approved and licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS), if required by ADHS, prior to final approval.
   G.    , Group Dwellings
      1.   Room and board shall be provided to not more than two in the Dwelling who are not members of the or in the IR, RH, SR, SH, RX-1, RX-2, MH-1 . Room and board shall be provided to not more than four in the Dwelling who are not members of the or in the R-2 or MH-2 .
      2.    shall be served only to roomers or boarders residing in the Dwelling. Separate in guest rooms are prohibited.
      3.   Parking is required for Group Dwellings in accordance with Section 7.4, Motor Vehicle and Parking.
   H.    , Travelers’ Accommodation, Lodging
      1.   Accommodations are permitted for up to four guests for a maximum stay of 14 . No more than two sleeping rooms shall be used to accommodate guests.
      2.   Accommodations are permitted for up to eight guests for a maximum of 14 . No more than four sleeping rooms can be used to accommodate guests.
      3.   Accommodations are permitted for up to 12 guests for a maximum stay of 14 . No more than six sleeping rooms can be used to accommodate guests.
      4.   Accommodations are permitted for up to 20 guests for a maximum stay of 14 . No more than ten sleeping rooms can be used to accommodate guests.
      5.    can be served only to guests staying in the facility. Separate in guest rooms are prohibited.
      6.   The PDSD shall determine whether the and   are with the surrounding residential area. The Design Review Board (DRB) reviews all applications, except those involving properties within the Historic Preservation (HPZ), for and make recommendations to the PDSD . The DRB reviews architectural style, elevations, materials on exterior facades, color schemes, new mechanical equipment locations, lighting of outdoor areas, window locations and types, screening, , , and other contributing design features. Applications in an HPZ are reviewed for in accordance with Section 5.8.8, Design Review Required.
      7.   No more than one full-time equivalent not residing on the premises may be employed in the use.
      8.   Outdoor activities and equipment associated with the use are permitted and shall be screened by a five foot fence, wall, or hedge when R-3 or .
      9.   Motor vehicle and parking shall be provided in accordance with Sections 7.4.4 and 7.4.8 for the Travelers’ Accommodation, Lodging use and shall be in addition to that required for the residential use. Variances shall not be granted from the number of required parking spaces.
      10.   If , Group Dwelling and , and/or Travelers’ Accommodation, Lodging, occur on the same , the total number of guests, roomers, and boarders shall not exceed the number of guests permitted for that .
      11.   The minimum required is 10,000 square feet.
   I.    in Mobile Home Parks
      1.   Day Care, Child uses are subject to Sections 4.9.4.H.1, .2, .3, .4, and .5;
      2.   Travelers’ Accommodation, Campsite uses are subject to Section 4.9.4.Z;
      3.   The listed secondary uses, except for mobile home unit sales and Travelers' Accommodation, Campsite, are permitted only if all of the following apply:
         a.   The use is located in the social or recreation center of the park;
         b.   The social or recreation center is located 50 feet or more from any of the mobile home park and 100 feet or more from any bounding the mobile home park;
         c.   The does not occupy more than 25% of the of the social or recreation center;
         d.   No merchandise or supplies shall be stored or displayed outside the ;
         e.   Exterior signs or public advertising are prohibited; and,
         f.   Food and Beverage Sales is limited to a delicatessen, snack bar, or food store only. Personal Services is limited to a coin-operated laundry or pick-up station for dry cleaning only.
      4.   Vehicle rental and sales of model units in the mobile home park are permitted as in accordance with the following:
         a.   Section 4.9.7.I.2;
         b.   Each model home shall have the same and spacing requirements as other units;
         c.   The number of spaces allotted for model homes shall be no more than 5% of the total spaces in the mobile home park; and,
         d.   Exterior display or advertising is limited to one sign. The sign may not exceed six square feet at each model, be over six feet in height nor be illuminated.
      5.   Recreational vehicles may occupy no more than 25% of the existing spaces designed for mobile homes provided:
         a.   The mobile home park is in an MH-2 , or the mobile home park was built prior to July 1, 1995.
         b.   The rental lease is for no less than one-month.
   J.   Residential Care Services
      1.   A Rehabilitation Service or Shelter Care use shall not be less than 1,200 feet, in any direction, from another Rehabilitation Service or Shelter Care use. The applicant shall provide documentation demonstrating compliance with this standard prior to the establishment of the use.
      2.   Other Services:
         a.   Accessory treatment, including counseling or other types of meetings, is not permitted for nonresidents of the facility.
         b.   Accessory treatment, including counseling or other types of meetings, is permitted for nonresidents of the facility, if limited to 25% of the of the facility.
      3.   Maximum Number of Residents Permitted.
         a.   Care is permitted for a maximum of ten residents.
         b.   Care is permitted for a maximum of 15 residents.
         c.   Care is permitted for a maximum of 20 residents.
         d.   Care is permitted for an unlimited number of residents.
      4.   If licensing is required by the State of Arizona for the use, proof of such licensure is required.
      5.   Prior to the establishment of a Rehabilitation Service or Shelter Care in an industrial , applicants for the use shall provide to the PDSD a report and environs analysis for the facility indicating that adequate measures are provided to assure the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the facility in respect to any industrial process, use, or storage carried out on the or on properties.
      6.   The shall be located at least 500 feet, measured in a straight line, from the to a line of R-3 or .
      7.   The maximum permitted is 50%. Minimum from all   residential zoning shall be 25 feet. The minimum required is three , except as follows:
         a.   In the RH , there is no minimum ; or,
         b.   In the SR , the minimum required is 144,000 square feet.
      8.   The maximum permitted is 60%. The minimum required from all   residential zoning is 20 feet. The minimum required is one and one-half , with the following exception. Exception: There is no minimum requirement for Residential Care Services uses in the R-3, C-1, C-2, C-3, OCR-1, and OCR-2 .
      9.   The minimum required is 20,000 square feet.
      10.   The shall be located at least 200 feet, measured in a straight line, from the to a line of R-3 or .
(Am. Ord. 11127, 11/6/2013; Am. Ord. 11171, 5/20/2014; Am. Ord. 11201, 9/23/2014; Am. Ord. 11328, 12/8/2015; Am. Ord. 11557, 6/5/2018; Am. Ord. 11860, 8/10/21; Am. Ord. 11996, 3/21/2023)
   A.   Restricted Adult Activities
      1.   The adult establishment shall not be less than 1,000 feet from any church, school, public playground, park, or neighborhood recreation .
      2.   The adult establishment shall not be less than 1,000 feet from any residential use or residential line.
      3.   The adult establishment shall not be less than 1,000 feet from the premises of any other adult entertainment enterprise.
      4.   The adult establishment requires approval in accordance with Section 3.3.3, PDSD Approval Procedure.
      5.   The activity shall occur within an   .
      6.   In the I-1 , all activity, including the display of any retail items, shall occur within a completely   and shall not be visible from the exterior.
   A.   Food and Beverage Sales
      1.   One is permitted.
      2.   The maximum permitted area of the stand is as follows:
         a.   3,000 square feet.
         b.   750 square feet.
         c.   200 square feet.
      3.   Only the sale of farm products grown or produced on the premises is permitted.
      4.   The must be at least 20 feet from any .
      5.   The minimum from any intersection is 150 feet.
      6.   The shall be a minimum of 45 feet from the .
      7.   The minimum required is 800 square feet.
      8.   The maximum width of the entry to the is 30 feet.
      9.   If the stand is open more than six months per calendar year, the must be surfaced in accordance with Section 7.4.6.I, Surfacing Requirements. If open a shorter time, these areas shall be maintained to minimize dust.
      10.   The maximum permitted is 4,000 square feet.
      11.   The following standards apply to retail establishments:
         a.   The maximum permitted is 100,000 square feet of . The 100,000 square feet of includes , outdoor storage areas, and any outside area that provides associated services to the public, such as, but not limited to, outdoor merchandise display, snack bars, etc. The does not include motor vehicle parking or . For the purposes of determining the applicability of the 100,000   maximum, the aggregate square footage of all stores, which share cashiers, management, a controlling ownership interest, and storage areas, shall be considered one establishment, e.g., a plant nursery associated with a general merchandise store, such as a home improvement store.
         b.   Establishments greater than 100,000 square feet of (Large Retail Establishments) are considered for approval in accordance with the special exception procedure in accordance with the applicable .
      12.   Farmers’ Market
         a.   The predominant sales area must be for agriculture-related products.
         b.   Outdoor activity, including the outdoor display of products for sale, is permitted.
         c.   Compliance with the Tucson Code, Section 16-31, Excessive Noise (Neighborhood Preservation Ordinance) is required. Additionally, loudspeakers and amplified music are prohibited outdoors when within 300 feet of a residential use or . Any high noise activity, such as amplified entertainment, shall occur within an enclosed building when within 300 feet of a residential use or zone.
         d.   The retail area shall be dust proofed.
         e.   All litter, tents, stalls, food, merchandise, signs (on-site and off-site), and other evidence of the Farmers’ Market shall be removed from the premises at the end of the permitted operation time.
         f.   A Farmers’ Market shall not be operated more than two days each week.
         g.   A Farmers’ Market shall not be operated more than six hours per day between sunrise and sunset.
   B.   General Merchandise Sales
      1.   Outdoor display or storage of fertilizer, manure, or other odorous material shall be located at least 30 feet from any .
      2.   The maximum is 2,000 square feet.
      3.   The is limited to a maximum of 12 fuel dispensing locations.
      4.   The following standards shall apply to the retail establishment (store):
         a.   The retail establishment (store) is limited to a maximum of 100,000 square feet of . The 100,000 square feet of includes , outdoor storage areas, and any outside area that provides associated services to the public, such as, but not limited to, outdoor merchandise display, snack bars, etc. Motor vehicle parking or are not included in the calculation.
         b.   For the purposes of determining the applicability of the 100,000   maximum, the aggregate square footage of all stores that share checkstands, management, a controlling ownership interest, and storage areas shall be considered one establishment, e.g., a plant nursery associated with a general merchandise store, such as a home improvement store.
         c.   Establishments greater than 100,000 square feet of (Large Retail Establishments) shall be considered through a special exception process as provided in the applicable .
   C.   Heavy Equipment Sales
      1.   Any area used for the display or storage of heavy equipment shall be surfaced with a hard, durable, dustproof material.
      2.   Any lights used to illuminate outdoor activity shall be arranged so as to reflect the light away from residential uses or .
   D.   Large Retail Establishment Design Standards
   Large Retail Establishments shall be subject to the following use specific standards. Variances from the standards shall not be permitted; however, if one or more of the standards cannot be met, the applicant may request approval through the special exception process where there is substantial compliance with this section.
      1.    Design and Relationship to Surrounding Community
         a.   Vehicular Access
         The shall provide safety and protection to residential uses by having motor vehicle access from a major as designated by the adopted . Access can also be provided from a that is not designated by the , provided it can be shown that any negative impacts on residential uses or residentially zoned properties can be mitigated.
         b.   Buffers
         The shall provide visual and noise buffers where the is to a residential use or residentially zoned property. This can be accomplished by providing a minimum of at least 200 feet from a residential use or residentially zoned property that is to the . An eight foot high, or higher, masonry wall and at least a 20-foot wide landscape buffer shall be provided to the   where it adjoins a residential use or residentially zoned property. The landscape buffer shall be placed on the inside of the wall and shall include, in addition to shrubs and groundcover, at 20- to 30-foot intervals depending on the separation needed for the tree canopies to touch at maturity to form a noise, light, and visual above the wall. No other uses, such as, but not limited to, parking or storage, shall be permitted within the landscape buffer area.
         c.   Outdoor Storage Areas
         The shall mitigate visual and noise impacts on residential uses, residentially zoned properties, and that may be to the from outdoor storage areas (when permitted by the   requirements). The can be accomplished by locating these areas on- and at least 200 feet from any residential use or residentially zoned property that is to the . The areas should be screened or so that they are not visible from public , public , internal pedestrian walkways, or residential properties. The shall be at least eight feet high and of masonry construction to assure the highest level of noise abatement and to confine any loose papers, cartons, and other trash. Storage materials shall not be visible above the wall. It is preferred that these outdoor storage areas be placed between in a manner that would allow the to act as .
         d.   Trash Collection Areas
         The shall mitigate visual and noise impacts on residential neighborhoods and from trash collection areas by locating these areas on- and at least 200 feet from any residential use, residentially zoned property, and that is to the . The areas shall be screened or so that they are not visible from public , public , internal pedestrian walkways, or residential properties. Screening and of these areas shall conform to the predominant materials used on the . The shall be at least eight feet high and of masonry construction to assure the highest level of noise abatement and to confine any loose papers, cartons, and other trash. It is preferred that these trash collection areas be placed between to allow the to act as . No trash shall be removed between 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. as part of scheduled trash collection.
         e.   Pedestrian Flow
         The shall provide pedestrian accessibility, safety, and convenience to reduce traffic impacts and enable the to a friendly, inviting image. shall be at least eight feet wide and unobstructed and shall connect the public   , the main entrances to the stores, transit stops on- or off- , and other on the , in addition to providing convenient access to residential neighborhoods. shall be provided along the full length of any where it adjoins a . shall have an associated three foot wide landscape strip for their entire length, except at intersections with ( ). The shall include or other shading devices to shade at least 65 to 75% of the during the major part of the day (shadow pattern needs to be taken into consideration).
         f.   Central Features and Community Spaces
         The shall provide attractive and inviting pedestrian scale features, spaces, and amenities. Entrances and locations shall be functional and inviting with walkways conveniently tied to logical destinations. Bus stops should be considered integral parts of the configuration whether they are located on- or along the . Customer drop-off/pick-up points that may be provided should also be integrated into the design (shall not conflict with traffic lanes or pedestrian paths). Pedestrian ways shall be anchored by special design features, such as towers, arcades, porticos, light fixtures, planter walls, seating areas, and other architectural features that define circulation paths and outdoor spaces. Examples are outdoor plazas, patios, courtyards, and window shopping areas. Each shall have at least two of these features.
         g.   Delivery and Loading Spaces
            (1)   Delivery and loading operations shall be designed and located to mitigate visual and noise impacts to residential neighborhoods. If there is a residential use or residentially zoned property to the , such operations shall not be permitted between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Delivery and loading spaces shall be at least 200 feet from a residential use or residentially zoned property that is to the , unless such operations are located entirely within an   , provided it is no closer than the allowable .
            (2)   Delivery trucks shall not be parked in close proximity to or within a designated delivery or during non-delivery hours with motors and/or refrigeration/generators running, unless the area where the trucks are parked is at least 300 feet from residential property to mitigate the truck noise. The shall not apply if the main is located between the truck parking and the residential use or residentially zoned property to act as the .
            (3)   The delivery and shall be screened or enclosed so that they are not visible from public , public , internal pedestrian walkways, or properties. The shall be of masonry construction and at least ten feet high, measured from the loading dock floor elevation, to the noise and activity at the loading dock. The masonry assures the highest level of noise abatement. It is preferred that the delivery and loading spaces be within a or placed between in a manner that would allow the to act as .
         h.   Traffic Impacts
         The applicant shall have a professional entity perform a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) report for the using the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ Trip Generation publication as the standard for trip generation calculation, as well as a parking generation report proposing the number of required for the , if different from shopping center calculations. The scope and standards for the TIA report shall be approved by the Department of Transportation, prior to submittal of the TIA report. The parking generation report shall be accepted by the Department of Transportation and PDSD, prior to the first public hearing. The TIA report shall identify traffic flow impacts on the public , recommend measures to address those conditions that fall below the standards established by the adopted regional Mobility Management Plan, and show how the applicant will provide the recommended . The Mayor and Council may approve a parking requirement that supersedes the number required by Section 7.4, Motor Vehicle and Parking, as part of their review process. The TIA and parking generation reports are applicable to a specific application. Any change to the specific proposed use of the and requires resubmittal, review, and approval of a revised TIA report and revised parking generation report.
         i.   Outdoor Lighting
         A photometric plan and outdoor lighting report shall be required that provides information on how outdoor lighting is addressed to mitigate negative impacts on residential uses or residentially zoned properties. The report shall also address the negative impacts of outdoor lighting between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on residential properties or and how they will be mitigated. Outdoor lighting between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. shall be limited to low-pressure sodium lighting.
         j.   Outdoor Sales Display/Ancillary Uses
         Measures to mitigate any negative impacts to a residential use or residentially zoned property that is to the from the location of any outdoor activity associated with services to the public, such as, but not limited to, outdoor merchandise display and sales, outdoor storage, and outdoor snack bar and eating areas shall be required. The outside activity shall be at least 250 feet and oriented to face away from any residential use or residentially zoned property that is to the , unless a is located between the activity and the residential property.
         k.   Hazardous Materials
         The shall provide a Hazardous Materials Management Plan and Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement as provided in the Fire Code to assure that the and design will protect public health and safety from accidental exposure to hazardous materials as provided in the Tucson Fire Code.
         l.   Noise Abatement
         The shall provide a noise plan indicating how the noise initiated by the will be mitigated to comply with noise standards in Section 16-31, Excessive Noise, of the Tucson Code. Trucks shall not be left idling between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
         m.   Combination of Retail with Food and Beverage Sales
         General Merchandise Sales and retail sales shall not be combined with Food and Beverage Sales except where one of the Classes consists of less than 10% of the .
      2.   Aesthetic Character of
         a.   Facades and Exterior Walls Including Sides and Back
         The shall be designed in a way that will reduce the massive scale and uniform and impersonal appearance and will provide visual interest consistent with the community’s identity, character, and scale. Long walls shall be broken up with projections or recessions with depths of at least 3% of the facade length along all sides of the . Along any public   , the design should include windows, arcades, or awnings along at least 60% of the length. Architectural treatment, similar to that provided to the front facade, shall be provided to the sides and rear of the to mitigate any negative view from properties and/or .
         b.   Detail Features
         The shall provide architectural features that contribute to visual interest at the pedestrian scale and reduce the massive aesthetic effect by breaking up the wall, front, side, or rear, with color, texture change, wall offsets, reveals, or projecting ribs.
         c.   Roofs
         The roof design shall provide variations in roof lines to add interest to, and reduce the massive scale of, large . Roof features shall complement the architectural and visual character of neighborhoods. Roofs shall include two or more roof planes. Parapet walls shall be architecturally treated to avoid a plain, monotonous look, unless it is in keeping with the architectural style of the , e.g., Santa Fe style with smooth walls.
         d.   Materials and Color
         The shall have exterior materials and colors that are aesthetically pleasing and with materials and colors that are used in neighborhoods. This includes the use of high-quality materials and colors that are low reflective, subtle, neutral, or earth tone. Certain types of colors shall be avoided, e.g., fluorescent or metallic. Construction materials, such as tilt-up concrete, smooth-faced concrete , prefabricated steel panels, and other similar material shall be avoided, unless the exterior surface is covered with an acceptable architectural treatment.
         e.   Entryways
         The design shall provide design elements that give customers orientation on accessibility and that add aesthetically pleasing character to by providing clearly-defined, highly-visible customer entrances.
         f.   Screening of Mechanical Equipment
            (1)   Roof- or ground-mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened to mitigate noise and views in all directions. If roof mounted, the shall be designed to conform architecturally with the design of the , whether it is with varying roof planes or with parapet walls. A wood fence or similar treatment is not acceptable.
            (2)   Ground-mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened. The shall be of masonry construction and be of sufficient to block the view and noise of the equipment.
      3.   Design Review Board (DRB)
      All proposed Large Retail Establishments shall be reviewed by the Design Review Board (DRB) for recommendation to the PDSD , who will make a recommendation on whether the complies with the use specific standards. The DRB will base its recommendation on whether or not the complies with the use specific standards related to , architecture, and design, as provided in Section 4.9.9.D, Large Retail Establishment Design Standards, where specific requirements are not provided. The applicant shall be responsible for providing all documentation and information necessary to show compliance, such as, but not limited to, , elevations, plans, floor plans, and outdoor lighting photometry plan.
   E.   Marijuana Facility
      1.    .
         a.   The total maximum of a shall not exceed 10,000 square feet.
         b.   A medical marijuana dispensary shall be located in a permanent and shall not be located in a trailer, cargo container, mobile or modular unit, mobile home, , or other motor vehicle. “ ” shall have the same meaning provided in Section 11.4.3, Definitions-B.
         c.   The permitted hours of operation of a are from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
         d.   A shall have an interior customer equal to a minimum of 25% of the sales . For purposes of this section, sales is defined as any area open to customers for the sale of products. This does not include waiting areas, areas for production and storing of products, or offices.
         e.   A shall not have outdoor seating areas.
         f.   A may deliver marijuana, once rules permitting and regulating delivery are approved by the AZDHS and become effective, and shall comply with state law and all lawful, applicable health regulations, including those promulgated by the Arizona Department of Health Services and any other authorized regulatory agency.
         g.    A shall be a minimum of 2,000 feet from any other marijuana dispensaries, measured in a straight and direct horizontal line between the two closest exterior or applicable interior suite walls of marijuana dispensaries.
         h.   A shall be a minimum of 500 feet from a K-12 public, private, or charter school or a licensed childcare center, measured in a straight and direct horizontal line from the closest exterior or applicable interior suite wall of the to the closest of a school or childcare center. Exception: For the purposes of this section, the following uses are not considered schools and, therefore, are exempt from the requirement: 1) school administrative offices not located on or contiguous with a school site; and, 2) athletic fields or playgrounds used for school functions that are not contiguous with a school site, except as provided in Section 4.9.9.E.1.k.
         i.   A shall be a minimum of 500 feet from a public park listed in Section 6: Marijuana Dispensary and Dispensary Off-Site Cultivation Uses - Required Setback from Certain Parks, of the Technical Standards Manual, or library and a minimum of 500 feet from a licensed residential substance abuse diagnostic and treatment facility or other licensed residential drug or alcohol rehabilitation facility, measured in a straight and direct horizontal line from the closest exterior or applicable interior suite wall of the to the closest of a library, public park, licensed residential substance abuse diagnostic and treatment facility, or other licensed drug or alcohol rehabilitation facility.
         j.   The expansion of an existing shall be a minimum of 500 feet from a K-12 public, private, or charter school, measured in a straight and direct horizontal line from the closest exterior or applicable interior suite wall of the to the closest of a school.
         k.   A and associated uses such as infusion kitchens, shall comply with all lawful, applicable health regulations, including those promulgated by the Arizona Department of Health Services and any other authorized regulatory agency.
         l.   Odor  
            (1)   Odor devices and techniques shall be incorporated in all marijuana facilities to ensure that odors are mitigated. As such, this may be done through an exhaust air filtration system with odor control that prevents internal odors from being emitted externally or through any other best practices deemed adequate for odor mitigation as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
            (2)    An odor plan shall be submitted demonstrating compliance with odor control requirements. When a modification is made to a marijuana facility, or the facility operation, that has the potential to impact the nature or degree of odor, or affects the control of odor, and requirements for bringing the entire up to code per Sections 7.4.3.E, 7.5.3.E, 7.6.2.B & 9.2.2, the marijuana facility owner must update its odor plan within 30 days of facility modification. Failure to submit an updated odor plan within 30 days of facility modification is a of this section and shall be a civil infraction.
            (3)   Upon receipt of a formal complaint through code enforcement related to a marijuana facility's odor, an inspection for compliance with the odor mitigation plan shall be conducted. If an inspection reveals that the existing odor mitigation plan does not comply with the odor plan for the marijuana facility or marijuana facility's cultivation , code enforcement shall provide the owner or person in charge with a notice of deficiencies and the owner or person in charge will be required to bring facility into compliance with the approved odor mitigation plan.
      2.   Marijuana Dispensary Off-Site Cultivation Location/Manufacturing Location
         a.   In the C-2 and C-3 zones, the total maximum of a medical shall not exceed 10,000 square feet.
         b.   In the P-I, I-1 and I-2 zones, there is no size limit.
         c.   In the C-2 and C-3 zones, a medical shall be located in a permanent and shall not be located in a trailer, cargo container, mobile or modular unit, mobile home, , or other motor vehicle. “ ” shall have the meaning provided in Section 11.4.
         d.   In the I-1 and I-2 zones, a , or a in the P-1, I-1, and I-2 zones, shall be located in a permanent, enclosed, locked facility in accordance with state statutes and Arizona Department of Health Services rules and shall not be located in a trailer, cargo container, mobile or modular unit, mobile home, recreational vehicle, or other motor vehicle.
         e.   In the C-2 and C-3 zones, a shall be a minimum of 2,000 feet from any other marijuana dispensaries or marijuana dispensary off-site cultivation locations measured in a straight and direct horizontal line between the two closest exterior or applicable interior suite walls of marijuana dispensaries' cultivation locations.
         f.   In the C-2 and C-3 zones, a shall be a minimum of 1,000 feet from a K-12 public, private or charter school or a licensed childcare center measured in a straight and direct horizontal line from the closest exterior or applicable interior suite wall of the marijuana off-site cultivation location to the nearest of a school or childcare center. Exception: For the purposes of this section, the following uses are not considered schools, and therefore, exempt from the requirement: 1) school administrative offices not located on or contiguous with a school ; and, 2) except as provided in Section 4.9.9.E.k, athletic fields or playgrounds used for school functions that are not contiguous with a school .
         g.    In the C-2 and C-3 zones, a shall be a minimum of 1,000 feet from a public park listed in Section 6: Marijuana Dispensary and Dispensary Off-Site Cultivation Uses - Required Setback from Certain Parks, of the Technical Standards Manual or library and a minimum of 1,000 feet from a licensed residential substance abuse diagnostic and treatment facility or other licensed residential drug or alcohol rehabilitation facility measured in a straight and direct horizontal line from the closest exterior or applicable interior suite wall of the to the closest of a library, public park, licensed residential substance abuse diagnostic and treatment facility, or other licensed drug or alcohol rehabilitation facility.
         h.   In the I-1 and I-2 zones, a , or a in the P-1, I-1, and I-2 zones, shall be a minimum of 500 feet from a K-12 public, private, or charter school, measured in a straight and direct horizontal line from the closest exterior or applicable interior suite wall of the marijuana off-site cultivation location to the closest of a school.
         i.   A marijuana off-site cultivation location or a and associated uses such as infusion kitchens, shall comply with all lawful, applicable health regulations, including those promulgated by the Arizona Department of Health Services and any other authorized regulatory agency.
         j.   A or shall provide only wholesale products to other marijuana dispensaries, marijuana dispensary off-site manufacturing locations, or marijuana dispensary off-site cultivation locations.
         k.   Odor   
            (1)   Odor devices and techniques shall be incorporated in all marijuana facilities to ensure that odors are mitigated. As such, this may be done through an exhaust air filtration system with odor control that prevents internal odors from being emitted externally or through any other best practices deemed adequate for odor as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
            (2)   An odor plan shall be submitted demonstrating compliance with odor control requirements. When a modification is made to a marijuana facility, or the facility operation, that has the potential to impact the nature or degree of odor, or affects the control of odor, and requirements for bringing the entire site up to code per Sections 7.4.3.E, 7.5.3.E, 7.6.2.B & 9.2.2, the marijuana facility owner must update its odor plan within 30 days of facility modification. Failure to submit an updated odor plan within 30 days of facility modification is a of this section and shall be a civil infraction.
            (3)   Upon receipt of a formal complaint through code enforcement related to a marijuana facility's odor, an inspection for compliance with the odor plan shall be conducted. If an inspection reveals that the existing odor plan does not comply with the odor plan for the marijuana facility or marijuana facility's cultivation , code enforcement shall provide the owner or person in charge with a notice of deficiencies and the owner or person in charge will be required to bring facility into compliance with the approved odor plan.
      3.   Medical Marijuana Designated Caregiver Cultivation Location
         a.   All conditions and restrictions for medical marijuana dispensary off- cultivation locations apply except that the designated caregiver cultivation location cultivation area is limited to a total 250 square feet maximum, including any storage areas.
         b.   A designated caregiver may cultivate at their residence for a single qualifying patient subject to compliance with A.R.S. § 36-2806.01.
         c.   More than one designated caregiver may co-locate cultivation locations as long as the total cultivation area does not exceed 250 square feet maximum, including storage areas.
         d.   A designated caregiver shall comply with all lawful, applicable health regulations, including those promulgated by the Arizona Department of Health Services and any other authorized regulatory agency.
      4.   Medical Marijuana Qualifying Patient Cultivation Location
         a.   A qualifying patient may cultivate at their place of residence subject to compliance with A.R.S. § 36-2806.01.
         b.   A qualifying patient, cultivating marijuana, shall comply with all lawful, applicable health regulations, including those promulgated by the Arizona Department of Health Services and any other authorized regulatory agency.
   F.   Swap Meets and Auctions
      1.   Large shall not be sold.
      2.   Area lighting shall be low-pressure sodium and shielded on top.
      3.   The retail area shall be dust-proofed.
      4.   The following additional requirements apply if the use is located within 400 feet of a residential use or .
         a.   The use shall not operate later than 11:00 p.m.
         b.   Any high-noise activity, such as amplified auctioneering, entertainment, or woodworking, shall occur within an   .
   G.   Vehicle Rental and Sales
      1.   Outdoor lights shall not operate later than 10:00 p.m., except for security lighting provided it does not exceed 10% of all outdoor lighting.
      2.   Any lights used to illuminate outdoor activity shall be arranged so as to reflect the light away from property and comply with Chapter 6, Outdoor Lighting Code, of the Tucson Code.
      3.   Limited to rental only; no retail sales.
      H.   Smoke Shop
         1.   A smoke shop shall be a minimum of 2,640 feet from another smoke shop, measured in a straight and direct horizontal line between the two closest exterior or applicable interior suite walls of smoke shops.
         2.   A smoke shop shall be a minimum of 1,000 feet from a K-12 public, private, or charter school, measured in a straight and direct horizontal line from the closest exterior or applicable interior suite wall of the smoke shop, to the closest property line of a school or childcare center. Exception: For the purposes of this section, school administrative offices not located on or contiguous with a school site are not considered schools, and therefore, are exempt from the requirement.
         3.   A smoke shop shall be setback a minimum of 1,000 feet from a public park.
         4.   The permitted hours of operation of a smoke shop are from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
(Am. Ord. 11199, 9/9/2014; Am. Ord. 11328, 12/8/2015; Am. Ord. 11346, 2/23/2016; Am. Ord. 11612, 1/8/2019; Am. Ord. 11828, 4/6/2021; Am. Ord. 11978, 12/20/2022; Am. Ord. 12057, 11/14/2023)
   A.   Commercial Storage
      1.    to a residential use or , outdoor storage shall comply with the following.
         a.   Storage material shall not be visible from outside the .
         b.   Outdoor lighting shall be directed away from residential uses and .
      2.   Outdoor storage, when permitted, shall not be located in the   .
   B.   Hazardous Material Storage
      1.   Aboveground storage tanks for the storage of hazardous materials, such as, but not limited to, hydrogen, gasoline, diesel fuel, automotive fluids, oil, or waste-oil, are permitted as in conjunction with and for the purpose of a permitted .
         a.   Exceptions.
            (1)   A tank used for storing propane, water, or heating oil for consumptive use on the premises are not regulated by this section.
            (2)   Within the Scenic Corridor (SCZ), aboveground storage tanks must be located within an   .
         b.   The following are required of an accessory aboveground storage tank:
            (1)   The tank shall be used only for the purpose of servicing the vehicles used or serviced in connection with a permitted . The tanks shall not be open for use by the public.
            (2)   Except as specified in this section, the standards of the apply to all accessory storage tanks.
               (a)   If the Fire Chief approves the location of a tank within an   , the minimum shall be determined by the Fire Chief, provided that the shall not be less than those required by the zoning.
               (b)   A tank that is not located within an   shall be approved by the Fire Department and as follows.
                  (i)   A minimum of 50 feet from any   to any area where, in the opinion of the Fire Chief, the tank could present a hazard or danger to or property.
                  (ii)   A minimum of 200 feet from any   to R-3 or , or the tank location shall be processing in accordance with Section 3.4.3, Zoning Examiner Special Exception Procedure.
                  (iii)   For Major Medical Service use only, with unrestricted aboveground storage tank capacity, a minimum of 200 feet from any   to R-3 or , or the tank location shall be processed in accordance with Section 3.10.3, General Board of Adjustment Variance Procedure.
            (3)   The tank shall be by a wall equal to the of the tank. Exception: An unrestricted aboveground storage tank capacity, for Major Medical Service use only, may be by a 6 foot .
            (4)   The maximum permitted diameter of a tank is 95 inches. Exception: A 10,000 gallon storage tank may have a maximum diameter up to ten feet. An unrestricted aboveground storage tank capacity, for Major Medical Service use only, may have an unrestricted diameter.
            (5)   The maximum permitted of a tank, excepting venting, manways, and filler caps, is ten feet above . Exception: A 10,000 gallon storage tank may be a maximum of 12 feet in above . An unrestricted aboveground storage tank capacity, for Major Medical Service use only, may have an unrestricted .
            (6)   An aboveground storage tank shall have a secondary containment tank.
            (7)   A concrete pad shall be provided under all tanks.
            (8)   The construction, installation, and location of the aboveground storage tanks and the types of materials to be stored in the tanks shall be approved by the Fire Chief.
            (9)   Aboveground storage tanks, for Major Medical Service use only, shall be painted a color complimentary to the color of the nearest   and approved by zoning review.
         c.   These standards shall not supersede or replace any other applicable , , , or standards and requirements for aboveground storage tanks.
      2.   The maximum permitted capacity of each aboveground storage tank is as follows.
         a.   A maximum capacity of 1,000 gallons is permitted.
         b.   A maximum capacity of 2,000 gallons is permitted.
         c.   A maximum capacity of 4,000 gallons is permitted.
         d.   A maximum capacity of 10,000 gallons is permitted.
         e.   Aboveground storage tank capacity is unrestricted for Major Medical Service use only.
   C.   Personal Storage
      1.   All storage shall be within   .
      2.   Access shall be from a collector or .
      3.   All walls or doors visible from   and residential properties shall be surfaced with a non-reflective material.
      4.   The maximum permitted individual unit size is 200 square feet of .
      5.   Razor or barbed wire shall not be used.
      6.   The facility’s exterior facade visible from residential properties or   shall be earth tone in color and of masonry, stucco, or similar materials.
      7.   The maximum permitted is three .
(Am. Ord. 11235, 1/21/2015)